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Google Art Project

Google Art Project
One of the things I love about working at Google is that you can come up with an idea one day and the next day start getting to work to make it a reality. That's what happened with the Art Project—a new tool we're announcing today which puts more than 1,000 works of art at your fingertips, in extraordinary detail. It started when a small group of us who were passionate about art got together to think about how we might use our technology to help museums make their art more accessible—not just to regular museum-goers or those fortunate to have great galleries on their doorsteps, but to a whole new set of people who might otherwise never get to see the real thing up close. We're also lucky here to have access to technology like Picasa and App Engine and to have colleagues who love a challenge—like building brand-new technology to enable Street View to go indoors!

Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice | Just another weblog Google Art Project : un musée pas si ouvert Quand Google offre aux 2 milliards d'internautes terriens une visite gratuite des plus grands musées du monde et l'accès à 1061 célèbres tableaux photographiés en très haute résolution, comment peut-on l'accuser d'œuvrer contre l'intérêt général ? De restreindre l'accès du grand public au patrimoine culturel ? Une telle position paraît pour le moins absurde en regard du Google Art Project sorte de Google Street View intra-musées mis en ligne la semaine dernière. Et pourtant, ces arguments sont défendus par de nombreux militants libristes, dont les contributeurs des projets Wikimédia, qui ont une tout autre idée de la notion de partage de la culture. Ils déplorent notamment que les reproductions ne soient pas téléchargeables, et que Google évoque une protection de ces images par le droit d'auteur, alors que nombre des œuvres concernées sont tombées dans le domaine public depuis belle lurette. Le projet est impressionnant. Détail de “La Nuit étoilée” de Van Gogh -- DR Google ?

Classroom of the future? A response This article from the New York Times on the use of technology in classrooms and test scores merited a response: Dear Mr. Richtel– I enjoyed your article “In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores” — but I have a key concern. The entire “debate” around the use of technology in classrooms is focused around using new technologies to teach the same, old stuff. You cite a few studies, and there have been more globally (i.e., OECD) that agree with the finding that simply injecting technologies into the classroom will not make any difference. Instead of using these tools to teach centuries-old subject matter, perhaps we should instead use them to help us develop meaningful skills and personal knowledge — and to enhance our capacities to imagine, create, and innovate. Any furtherance of using such devices for “teaching” ancient information hinders the potentials these technologies provide, and puts our children at risk by excluding them from the co-creation of opportunities in the 21st century.

Google Art Project : vision critique - Compteurdedit Depuis deux jours, le web (et notamment le web « culturel », mais pas seulement) s'enthousiasme pour le dernier-né des projets développés par Google, Google Art Project. Le principe est compréhensible facilement : Google Art Project, sur le modèle de Google Street View, permet de visiter virtuellement des musées en offrant aux visiteurs une vue à 360°, un déplacement dans les salles. On peut aussi zoomer sur quelques œuvres photographiées avec une très haute résolution et pouvoir en apprécier tous les détails, certainement mieux que ce qu'on pourrait faire en visitant réellement le musée. Et donc, tout le monde s'extasie devant ce nouveau projet, qui permet de se promener au musée Van Gogh d'Amsterdam, au château de Versailles, à l'Hermitage, à la National Gallery de Londres, etc. En effet c'est surprenant, intéressant, on peut s'amuser à se promener dans les musées. 1- d'une part, la qualité n'est pas toujours là. Are the images on the Art Project site copyright protected? Yes.

Mr. Foxhole's Classroom: Standards Based Assessment w/ Bloom's Taxonomy I just started to teach an alternative to Algebra II, called Applied Math III, this year. The students I have are those that do not enjoy math and thus do not enjoy math homework. Each one of them has also failed Washington State's standardized math test, the HSPE, required for graduation. My school also has a high population of English Language Learners (mostly Hispanic) and our current Free/Reduced Lunch level sits at 60%. Not that students who fall into these two catagories are doomed to failure in math, but they are an indicator of a population of students who may struggle with math.As you can imagine, they use their class time to do some work, but as soon as the bell rings, they put their assignments in their bag and don't touch it again till you ask them to pass their assignments forward. Three weeks into the semester, I had the highest amount of missing assignments per student than I have ever had in all the years I have been teaching. Here is how it works.

The Google Art Project Makes Masterpieces Accessible to All - Eliza Murphy - Technology Gone are the days of jet-setting to galleries in Manhattan, Florence, London, or Madrid. As of yesterday, all you need to become a museum maven is an Internet connection. Google Art Project, the brainchild of a small group of art-happy Google employees, brings the Street View technology of Google Earth and Google Maps inside 17 museums around the world. The roster includes The Uffizi, the Tate Britain, The Met, MoMA, and the Van Gogh Museum. The Google Art Project collection, as a whole, consists of 1,000 works of art by more than 400 artists, and this is only the beginning. As I explored the project I couldn't help but recall my first college art history class, "A Survey of Art History." Thank you, Google Art Project, for saving us all from pretentious museum buffs worldwide. Now, I can stroll through the aisles of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, and study the renowned use of light and shadow in Rembrandt's Night Watch on my lunch break. See for yourself.

Technology in Education Group News Some of the best minds in neuroscience and education gathered in Boston earlier this month to explore how to prepare students for life in the 21st Century -- what they will need to be able to do, how they will need to be able to think, and what brain research is telling us about how to improve cognition. For some time, groups like the Partnership for 21st Century Skills have been talking about the new paradigm of college- and career-readiness, emphasizing the fact that both higher education and employers bemoan the lack of skills such as collaboration, creativity and critical thinking among applicants. A number of presentations at the Learning and the Brain Conference probed the neurological underpinnings of collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, which some called "minds," some called "brainsets" and others referred to simply as "survival skills." More information on upcoming Learning and the Brain conferences. Top Athletic Performance Requires Strong Cognitive Skills

Avec Google Art Project, l'art s'expose à 360 degrés oogle fait entrer sa technologie Street View au musée. Street View ? C'est le nom du procédé imaginé par la compagnie de Mountain View dès 2004 pour nous repérer dans la rue. « Une intimité avec les œuvres »On déambule au sein de grandes galeries : le MoMa de New York, la National Gallery de Londres... « Avec un accès facile à des œuvres d'art importantes [un millier], vues d'une manière nouvelle », explique Carlo d'Asaro Bion­do, président Europe du Sud et de l'Est, Moyen-Orient et Afrique de Google. Christophe séfrin Des voitures, des tricycles et des trolleys Après les Google Cars, les voitures de Google surmontées d'appareils photo shootant leur environnement à 360°, et les tricycles Google pour les petites artères (ruelles, rues piétonnes...), Google a développé des « trolleys » pour photographier l'intérieur des musées avec sa technologie Street View.

Glad you found it helpful . If your an artist I have a massive selection of art related pearls here . I also have an art community recently started on Google Plus social network . 614 members and growing .Its called Art Hub . by mirlen101 Jan 7

This is awesome. I ave spent hours finding works of art on line. Wow. THANK YOU for the work you spent on creating this, and for letting us know about it. INCREDIBLE! by spinnymommy Jan 7
