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Classroom Anxiety. Although anxiety does not necessarily impact a child’s academic abilities, it can affect their ability to learn.

Classroom Anxiety

Parents and teachers can work together to help a child succeed in the classroom. There are a number of ways teachers can make the school day easier and less stressful for a child with anxiety: Create a “safe” place for the child to go when anxiety symptoms are high or during stressful times. This may be the nurse’s office or a staff member’s office.

Establish rules for the use of the “safe” place. Be aware of physical symptoms of anxiety and provide activities to distract the child. Allow a few minutes at the beginning of the day for the child to transition into the school day. Teach Special Education. • Directly teach anxiety management/stress reduction strategies. • Teach labeling of feelings. • Use literature and multi-media examples to teach anxiety management. • Determine what the triggers for the student’s anxiety are, and reduce these as much as possible. • Coach the student to demonstrate positive strategies. • Use modeling. • Use role play. • Develop a positive rapport with the student. • Implement a time to talk privately. • Positively reinforce improvements and efforts. • Develop and maintain frequent home communication.

Teach Special Education

Sample Accommodations for Anxious Kids. While each child is different, the following compilation includes commonly implemented interventions for anxious children.

Sample Accommodations for Anxious Kids

These items may serve as a starting point for families who are looking for specific suggestions for problem areas, or for parents who are just learning of the types of issues that their anxious child may be contending with. Anxious children perform best in a calm, supportive, but organized classroom. Tips%20for%20Teachers %20Anxious%20Students. Anxiety lng newsletter. AnxietyBC. Mental Health Awareness Quiz. Me, With My Head in the Clouds: A Few Things. Today's post is going to serve as a few things all rolled up into one blog post.

Me, With My Head in the Clouds: A Few Things

How's that for multitasking! First, I finally decided to participate in the September 30 Days of Lists. I've hesitated because I have a tendency to involve myself in too many things. But I was looking through my previous 30 Days of Lists journals the other day, looking for a particular page, and that stirred up a desire to join in again. And let's face it, I just love making lists! We were challenged to go back to the March 2011 list and select a prompt, make a list, share it on our blog and then link up with other bloggers doing the same thing. I actually just finished this page last night and loved how it fit with the list prompt. Meditation Jar on the App Store. What Emotions Look Like - Feelings Visualized Study. Photo: Courtesy of

What Emotions Look Like - Feelings Visualized Study

We all know that emotions don't live only in our heads. The hair on our arms tends to stand on end when we feel fear, and our stomachs flutter when we're excited or nervous. But, now, a team of Finnish researchers has mapped a whole range of physical reactions caused by emotions. In a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, more than 700 participants were shown two blank silhouettes alongside words, movies, stories, and facial expressions. They were then asked to rate how they felt and where on their body they felt it, corresponding to the silhouettes. 20+ Counseling Themes in Inside Out - The Helpful Counselor. Counselors near and far have been excited for the arrival of Disney Pixar’s movie Inside Out.

20+ Counseling Themes in Inside Out - The Helpful Counselor

Disney’s movie, about a girl who is forced to leave her friends and life as she knows it behind to move across the country for her dad’s new job is a gold mine for helping kids develop social and emotional skills! While reading through the posts over at the Elementary School Counselor Exchange on Facebook, I noticed that someone asked for a list of counseling themes in Inside Out. This got me thinking…so I pulled out a pad of paper and came up with 20 themes that are worth exploring in the counseling or even classroom setting.

(My title is 20+ since I’m sure I’ll come up with more after I watch it a second time!) The counseling themes listed below vary in degrees in which it they can be found throughout the movie. While I include examples of where the theme can be found in the movie, my list is no way the end all and does not include every example of that theme. Loss Sacrifice Personal Growth. Destigmatising mental health difficulties. Research indicates the stigmatisation of mental illness as one of the key reasons that many people do not seek professional help when they are experiencing mental health difficulties.

Destigmatising mental health difficulties

Here we explore the issue of destigmatisation and how teachers can address stigma through classroom activities. This page includes information on: destigmatising mental health classroom activities to address destigmatisation How to destigmatise mental health difficulties through education In the average Year 12 classroom: 7 will have experienced a mental health disorder at least 1 young person will have attempted suicide only 2 of those 7 will have sought professional help those who do seek help it can take at least 5 - 15 years to access it.

Why do so few young people access professional help? The key to reducing the stigma attached to mental illness is education. Practical Lesson Ideas Mental Health Continuum Activity Busting the Myths. Mental health continuum cards. Mental Health as a Continuum Activity Description.