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DropSend - Email large files and send large files - StumbleUpon. 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. DIY Scratch-Off Valentines. How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever - StumbleUpon. My Favorite Smallware.

A Website Dedicated to Computer Professionals - StumbleUpon. Rain makes everything better. Tips and downloads for getting things done. The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers :: Meetings. This is a repository of the most up-to-date versions of Deviant's lock diagrams and animations. Seen in all of the TOOOL educational materials and slide decks, these files are all released under the Creative Commons license.

You are free to use any of them for non-commercial purposes, as long as they are properly attributed and the same freedom for others is maintained in all derivative works. Please note that these diagrams have evolved and developed over time. While Deviant is still proud of the older versions of his images, if you still have copies of legacy material they should all be replaced with the latest versions available here. Each image shown below in thumbnail form can be accessed in high resolution individually, or you can obtain the full set from the zip archive at the bottom of this page.

Lock Basics and Mechanical Operation How pin tumblers are arranged and how locks operate (or fail to) with conventional keys Introduction to Lockpicking Manipulation-Resistant Locks. How You Can Make Good Use Of Your Old Machines. Almost everyone reading the articles on this site will have spare computers languishing about. The rapid growth and improvements in hardware means that we cycle through a whole machine in only a few years. If you have spare machines and parts languishing about, you can put them to good use!

In this article I have outlined some of the purposes your old hardware can serve. Like the article? Local File Server Everyone secretly wants one, and if you have the resources kicking around then why not have one? There are so many reasons to have a personal server. If you set up a Windows Share correctly, then you needn’t use FTP programs like FileZilla to conduct transfers. I am connected to my local server, and streaming music to my Windows box. Web Server This uses pretty much the same software and simple tech as the Local File Server. In order to achieve this properly, you do need to own a domain name or at least have a static-IP address. BOINC Node Here is Rosetta@Home running away. Torrent Box. Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2011 - StumbleUpon.

25 Dangerous Situations And How To Escape Them.