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Step-by-step: perfect hollandaise sauce - Jamie Oliver. I absolutely relish everything about brunch.

Step-by-step: perfect hollandaise sauce - Jamie Oliver

Making and eating a late, lazy Sunday meal of poached eggs, French toast and coffee is a highlight of the week for me. The whole experience is elevated when someone else makes brunch for you! The gesture of getting out of bed early to make a loved one food is lovely and the perfect way to say ‘hey, I love and appreciate you’ – especially for events like Mother’s or Valentine’s Day. If you like your brunch to be savoury, then it’s likely to feature eggs Benedict (or Florentine). These classic dishes consist of a poached egg atop a bed of ham or spinach, respectively, on a halved English muffin. Start by separating the eggs – you’ll need two eggs. Melt 100g of unsalted butter in a small pan – preferably one with a spout. Put the bowl of egg yolks over a pan of gently simmering water.

Gradually add small splashes of butter to the bowl with the yolks, whisking well between each addition. Tip: Keep an ice cube readily available at this stage. Super Eggs Benedict. I do love eggs Benedict.

Super Eggs Benedict

Hot fluffy muffins are important, but really good wafer-thin smoked ham is essential. For fun, I've given you a simple method for creating a doubleyolker egg, which also helps you achieve the perfect shape. There's more hollandaise here than you need, but the reality is it's really hard to make a smaller batch because you're emulsifying the butter. However, you can refrigerate what you don't need and use it almost like a mayonnaise over the next few days. Feel free to swap out the ham for beautiful smoked salmon, or even a slow-roasted portobello mushroom, if you prefer. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. To make the hollandaise, melt the butter in a small pan. Warm the muffins in the oven. Poach the parcels in a pan of gently simmering water for 8½ minutes. Halve the warm muffins, then divide over the spinach and waves of delicate ham. Breakfast Chorizo Quesadilla Topped with a Fried Egg. I am a big fan of quesadillas!

Breakfast Chorizo Quesadilla Topped with a Fried Egg

I mean what's not to like? They are essentially grilled cheese sandwiches, which I am totally obsessed with, that use tortillas instead of bread. Baked Avocado Bacon and Eggs. I have been seeing these baked avocado bacon and eggs on pinterest for a while now and I cannot believe that it has taken me so long to make them!

Baked Avocado Bacon and Eggs

Both avocados and bacon are two of my favourite foods and eggs are not far behind so combining them together in one simple dish can only be loads of goodness! The basic idea is to cut an avocado in half, scoop out enough to fit an egg, fill it with the egg and then bake it until the egg is set the way you like. In total it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes and in that time you can cook some bacon up to sprinkle on top. Once baked you can eat it by the spoonful right out of the avocado shell or you can spread it on toast. Huevos Rancheros. For some reason I always seem to have leftover tortillas which is ok because there are lots of ways to use them up.

Huevos Rancheros

Whenever I have leftover tortillas I toss them into the freezer and although they won't be pliable enough for use as tacos shells coming out, a bit of frying breaths new life into them. One of my favorite ways to use those leftover tortillas is in huevos rancheros or ranch style eggs. Huevos rancheros consist of the lightly fried corn tortillas, the eggs and a tomato chili sauce. The eggs can be done any way that you like and I prefer either fried or poached but scrambled also works. Mexican Baked Eggs. For the last little while I have had some pretty big cravings for Mexican flavours and over the weekend I certainly did indulge them.

Mexican Baked Eggs

Although the salmon tacos with blueberry salsa were really good, they did not completely satisfy my cravings and I was looking for more. With dinners and lunches already planned for the week that left breakfasts and I knew just the dish to make! Steak and Eggs Benedict with Asparagus in Bearnaise Sauce. Father's Day is this weekend and what better way to show him how much you care than to cook something special for him.

Steak and Eggs Benedict with Asparagus in Bearnaise Sauce

Dads might not be all that big on breakfast in bed but you cannot go wrong making him a nice breakfast or brunch. Shakshuka. Next up in the Taste of Israel tour of the old city of Yafo was a stop at Dr Shakshuka for some Shakshuka.


Shakshouka is a dish where eggs are poached in a tomato and pepper sauce and served along with bread making for a pretty tasty meal. I had actually made shakshuka before but this was the perfect opportunity to update the photos for my recipe. Poached Egg on Toast with Chipotle Mayonnaise, Bacon and Avocado. Not too long ago I came across some poached eggs on toast with chipotle mayonnaise, bacon and avocado on Cookin Canuck which was great because it reminded me that it had been far too long since I had last made these tasty little breakfast sandwiches.

Poached Egg on Toast with Chipotle Mayonnaise, Bacon and Avocado