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Bodybuilding Nutrition

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The Definitive Guide to the "If It Fits Your Macros" Diet. If you lurk in any of the Internet bodybuilding communities, you’ve surely heard of people talking about “If It Fits Your Macros.”

The Definitive Guide to the "If It Fits Your Macros" Diet

And chances are many of the conversations were about eating junk food while dieting or pounding post-workout Pop Tarts or some such thing. But is that all If It Fits Your Macros really is? An excuse to eat fast food and ice cream every day? Is it just another fad that will come and go? Well, let’s find out… What the Hell is a “Macro?” “Macro” is a contraction of “macronutrient,” which is defined as follows: A macronutrient is any of the nutritional components of the diet that are required in relatively large amounts: protein, carbohydrate, fat, and minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Simple enough. What is the “If It Fits Your Macros” Diet? IIFYM, or flexible dieting, is a method of dieting that revolves around meeting daily macronutritional intake targets, and not on what you eat to get there. 200 grams of protein per day Furthermore… 48 Protein Shake Recipes - Huge Selection Of Great Tasting Mixes. Whether you're eating to bulk up, slim down, or just maintain your fantastic body, your nutrition regimen probably includes a protein shake or two...or ten.

48 Protein Shake Recipes - Huge Selection Of Great Tasting Mixes

That's because protein is an essential macronutrient for building and maintaining lean muscle mass! Despite the good protein shakes do for our bodies, they can sometimes be a little hard to swallow-literally. Stop choking down the same plain-Jane shakes! Add some flavor and texture to your daily dose of protein powder. Here are 48 tasty shake recipes that will revolutionize your meal plan. For each recipe, put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until your shake reaches the desired consistency. Shake it up! Breakfast Time Eat a cinnamon roll in the middle of the day? Shop for your favorite protein flavors and they'll be delivered right to your door.Buy Now! Banana Almond Cream Shake. Eat for Muscle: Get Stronger with Food. GUIDE: Getting Ripped With Carb Back Loading. Sitting here tonight writing this article eating ice cream is a little out of the normal routine for a fitness professional and competitor like myself.

GUIDE: Getting Ripped With Carb Back Loading

As we all know eating things like ice cream and pizza are reserved for only extreme cheat days, or at least I thought that was the case. However, over the past few months I have amerced myself deep into the world of Carb Back loading. Eating things like ice cream, cookies, and various “cheat foods” post workout all while keeping my body fat in single digits during that span. Now many of you are wondering what the heck is carb back loading? Well to get started quickly Carb back loading in a nutshell is when you back load your carbs so you are eating no carbohydrates before you workout, only proteins and fats throughout the day and saving all your carb consumption for post workout. Before I get into that, let’s start from the main idea, when you sleep you are fasting essentially and when you wake up your body is a fat burning monster. Diet and Nutrition Tips to Keep You Looking and Feeling Good!

BodyBuilding Nutrition Tips For Developing Lean Muscle and Losing Fat. Protein Type/Protein Timing The goal for anyone wishing to optimize muscle building and minimize the storage of excess calories as body fat is to eat as perfectly as possible so that the body is provided a steady stream of nutrients, and so that blood sugar levels also remain steady.

BodyBuilding Nutrition Tips For Developing Lean Muscle and Losing Fat

One of the most important ways to accomplish this goal besides eating high quality, low fat foods is to eat small multiple meals (every 2 to 3 hours). Successful bodybuilders know that by eating at least six evenly spaced meals throughout the day, they provide their muscles with a steady stream of nutrients, keeping their body in an anabolic environment (as indicated by a positive nitrogen balance). Most importantly eating smaller more frequent meals is very important when it comes to protein consumption because proteins cannot be stored in the body like carbohydrates can (carbohydrates can be stored in the liver as glycogen and used up to days later when needed).

Protein Consumption during the Day.