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Do You Need Page Likes to Sell on Facebook? So your business has a Facebook page… What’s next, exactly? Facebook is one of the best platforms for promoting yourself to your prospective customers. With its large user base and helpful additions, like Analytics (more on that later), your business has a large set of tools and options at its disposal. Providers of Facebook marketing services in Davao City are quick to tell you that there’s a variety of ways for you to optimize your promotions and lead generation when using this platform. Aldevinco: Thriving In The New Normal. Local businesses are one of the most affected sectors during this historical pandemic, even iconic landmarks in Davao City that stood the test of time can attest to that. With the challenging situations, local entrepreneurs, big and small, have been in constant contact with social media experts in Davao, just like me, to conceptualize digital marketing campaigns to thrive in a world where face-to-face transactions are frowned on.

One of the most digital marketing moves that I’ve witnessed in social media that other local businesses can emulate is the one from the illustrious Aldevinco Shopping Center. How Online Learning Can Help the Filipino Children. The education sector is one of the hardest hit segments of society as COVID-19 continues to spread.

How Online Learning Can Help the Filipino Children

To address this, the Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education have pushed for blended learning so that students may continue their studies amid the pandemic. Despite how promising this mode of education is, blended learning, which is a combination of modular instruction and online education, has faced criticism from parents, students, and other concerned groups in the country. Facebook Marketing Training for Real Estate Agents - Arezzo Place Davao. Before we entered the quarantine period in Davao City and the rest of the country, I conducted a social media marketing training for Arezzo Place Davao’s in-house agents.

Facebook Marketing Training for Real Estate Agents - Arezzo Place Davao

In general, the goal of the Facebook marketing training for Davao City real estate brokers and agents was to maximize the use of Facebook to increase sales. Later on, the skills and techniques discussed in this training proved to be “an extra armor” as the entire country went into full battle against COVID-19. The Benefits of Online/Modular Learning. Many businesses and companies have started improving their digital marketing in Davao City in response to this pandemic, because of the internet’s accessibility in a time when we can’t go out often without risk.

The Benefits of Online/Modular Learning

With the implementation of social distancing measures in our everyday lives, it makes sense for us to start using the online world to get us back on track with our daily needs. We’ve already seen the rise of home-delivered groceries, Zoom meetings for businesses, and other digital methods to get our tasks done. Indeed, digital marketing training in Davao City has changed and become more widespread since the start of the pandemic.

With all that said, it would make sense for the sector of education to start using digital means to continue teaching. Social Media Trends That Captured Davao City. As a digital marketing expert here in Davao City, you come to observe how people in your area behave online. With such a concentrated space and such highly active social media users, you eventually come to observe one thing – that it’s not enough to know the technicalities of Facebook ads or master the use of Photoshop. If you’ve been an active internet user in the last decade or so, you’d know that nothing gets people talking and brands selling like going on social media. It’s worth noting that ‘virality’ covers a whole entire spectrum of social media trends, and these definitely vary from city to city.

Here in Davao, we can pinpoint 3 major local social media trends that have captured us so far. Things to Learn From Digital Marketing Experts in Davao City. Setting up an online presence for your company is a must these days.

Things to Learn From Digital Marketing Experts in Davao City

As the Philippines continues to adjust to the safety measures implemented to prevent more coronavirus infections, more and more Filipinos are devoted their time indoors online. Because of this, digital marketing has become an ideal way to keep businesses up and running. However, digital marketing is more than just maintaining a profile page, setting up Facebook ads and sending the occasional email. Here are a few tips used by digital marketing experts in Davao City that can help your business out.

What are Some of the Ways You Can Optimize your Facebook Marketing? Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms out there, and it’s one that has thrived and innovated throughout the years.

What are Some of the Ways You Can Optimize your Facebook Marketing?

The online world is a big part of our lives, and Facebook is an ever-present factor in how we use the internet to communicate and present ourselves. Because of the platform’s great impact, it only makes sense for it to be used for marketing. Providers of digital marketing services in Davao City understand this, which is why they use Facebook extensively in their online marketing campaigns. If your company or business wants to promote themselves well, they should use Facebook in an optimal way. Creating an FB page for your brand and posting every once in a while isn’t enough. Arezzo Place Davao Holds Facebook Marketing Training For Real Estate Agents. To educate real estate agents on the power of social media in their industry, I conducted a social media marketing training for Arezzo Place Davao’s in-house agents last March 15, 2020.

Arezzo Place Davao Holds Facebook Marketing Training For Real Estate Agents

Davao City is one of the fastest growing areas in terms of real estate investments and properties that’s why real estate marketers need to be equipped with the right and timely skills to win in this highly competitive industry. Thus, during the training I focused on various topics where Arezzo Place Davao’s in-house agents can develop valuable social media marketing skills. The topics covered during the two-day social media marketing session includes: Introduction To Social Media Marketing where the participants were able to know about the basics of marketing and social media and how these two can synergize in the era of digitalization.Determining Your Ideal Customer By Creating A Buyer’s Persona.

The in-house agents learned about the fun and interactive process of making a buyer’s persona. The Most Enduring Social Media Trends in Davao City during the Quarantine. The social media scene in Davao City is constantly changing.

The Most Enduring Social Media Trends in Davao City during the Quarantine

Some trends blow up fast and become viral within a matter of days, only to lose steam and disappear. Other trends start slow, but become long-lasting and impactful outside of their digital platform. What is Facebook Marketplace and How Can It Help Your Small Business Now. While Shopee and Lazada are dominating the online shopping experience in the new normal, Facebook’s very own Marketplace has also risen in popularity, especially among local shops and those who ventured into home-based businesses.

What is Facebook Marketplace and How Can It Help Your Small Business Now

These people utilize the marketplace to pursue their hobbies during the quarantine or to make ends meet during these challenging times. Fully released in May 2017, Facebook Marketplace is a free feature designated for buying and selling various products and services through the social media platform itself. Since then, social media experts in Davao city have lauded its advantages and gained some positive feedback from users.

Recently, the Marketplace gained momentum as physical stores have closed to observe protocols related to COVID-19. With its advantages and the right Facebook marketing training in Davao City, here’s how it can help your small business. A Few Good Tips for your Digital Marketing Plans in 2020. COVID-19 has virtually frozen the global economy, with the measures taken to slow its spread forcing businesses big and small to adapt and overcome this new challenge.

A Few Good Tips for your Digital Marketing Plans in 2020

In this time of physical distancing, it’s important for businesses to expand their digital marketing plans. For example, many businesses have already begun optimizing their online presence, such as companies who utilize social media in Davao City. Because of the measures that they took, their reach and relevance continued to remain high or at least consistently good in these challenging times. You, too, can improve your online reach. Here are a few tips on how to move forward with your digital marketing plans in 2020. What’s trending?: Changes in Social Media during COVID-19. Over three months have passed since Davao City was placed under different levels of quarantine.

What’s trending?: Changes in Social Media during COVID-19

As people turned to the internet while staying at home, social media in Davao City and the rest of the country has been the center of our daily activities. Let’s take a look at what has been trending across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 1. Barter Communities Who knew that the trade system, which existed even before the country was colonized, would rise in popularity once again in the modern times?

What Makes a Successful Social Media Page For Your Business? Ah, social media, one of the primary means of communication in the 21st Century. From the mutability of Facebook to the concise nature of Twitter, social media as a whole has been great at connecting people together, which is something that digital marketing services in Davao City are most familiar with. Connecting with your audience is essential for a successful business, and in this time of the pandemic, doing it remotely lets you promote your brand in this challenging time for businesses.

A social media page is a great way to get known online. Here are a few simple steps on how to achieve that. 1: Make Good and Consistent Content. How You Can Maximize Your Online Presence Through Facebook. With most of the Philippines’ urban population under community quarantine at the moment, social media has become the primary source of interaction among Filipinos. Of course, Filipinos have always been very active in the digital world, but as the pandemic continues to persist in the world at large, the suspension of outdoor activities have significantly increased our social media activity. This is a good time to get your social media marketing campaigns going. Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms in the world, and as experts in Facebook marketing services from Davao City would know, it has plenty of useful functions that you can use to your full potential. Here are a few tips on how to maximize your social media presence on Facebook.

Create Engaging and Relevant Posts. Why Facebook Shops Is The Next Big Thing. Digital Marketing and Social Media Articles To Read This 2020. Combining Real Estate Marketing and Social Media. Why Hire A Facebook Marketing Services Provider. Using Social Media Effectively for your Business’s Online Marketing Campaigns.