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Inteligencia Artificial

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A.I. Is Making It Easier to Kill (You). Here’s How. - Video - Search. Search engine for bots. Find the best Bots for Facebook Messenger, Discord, Kik, Slack, Skype and more. Hi Alexa, is the monetisation conversation moot? – Global Editors Network. But voice AI technologies are on their way to massively changing access to content.

Hi Alexa, is the monetisation conversation moot? – Global Editors Network

Watch: Time-lapse video of every Seattle sunset, created by engineer’s Twitter bot. From the 19th floor of the Smith Tower, Alan Hussey's Twitter bot is capturing Seattle sunsets.

Watch: Time-lapse video of every Seattle sunset, created by engineer’s Twitter bot

Now you'll never miss another sunset again. If you’ve ever been stuck inside and missed what you suspected was a spectacular sunset, you can rest easy now. Alan Hussey, a front-end software engineer who works for software company EnergySavvy on the 19th floor of Smith Tower, has created a Twitter bot that posts a time-lapse video of the sunset every evening.

Building on software created by some of his coworkers, Hussey added the finishing touches to get it set up and running as well as adding the weather software for the bot. The software is run on a Raspberry Pi model 3 computer, a small computer that’s still powerful enough to generate the videos Hussey posts on his Twitter account, Golden Hour Seattle. Daily UX conversations with your friendly UX Bear - UX Chat. Your browser isn't supported. Conceptos básicos para entender qué es la inteligencia artificial. MADRID, 1 Jul.

Conceptos básicos para entender qué es la inteligencia artificial

(Portaltic/EP) - La visión negativa que tiene la sociedad sobre la inteligencia artificial (IA) está marcada por la ciencia ficción, pero no se corresponde con la realidad, como ha señalado la compañía Microsoft, que se ha propuesto explicar los conceptos básicos de esta tecnología. La ciencia ficción, a través de la literatura, el cine o los videojuegos, entre otros, ha generado una inquietud sobre la inteligencia artificial, sobre la pérdida de puestos de trabajo o el daño que pueda llegar a hacernos. En este contexto, la compañía, busca "fomentar un debate público positivo" para poder "comprender y anticipar el gran impacto que tendrá la IA con el paso del tiempo". Y para ello, ha iniciado una serie de artículos con los que espera explicar qué es la inteligencia artificial y progresivamente ahondar en los planteamiento éticos y los aspectos que "más preocupan a la gente".

El aprendizaje se realiza de distintas formas. Zoopa Agencia Creativa Digital. ‘Robots Will Not Replace Journalists’: In Conversation With Bertrand Pecquerie, CEO of the Global… Post originally published on Interview by Sarah Wilson, Communications Assistant at Sourcefabric It’s funny how anachronisms can stick.

‘Robots Will Not Replace Journalists’: In Conversation With Bertrand Pecquerie, CEO of the Global…

Microsoft Word’s ‘save’ button still uses a floppy disk icon, vinyl has made a triumphant comeback, and if you Google the word ‘journalist’, your results will still be dominated by images of men in trilby hats with a little piece of paper tucked into the band. The news industry has, however, come a long way since the days of rushing into a telephone box to call an editor. Rapid technological advancements and the increasing popularity of AI have affected newsrooms enormously over the past 10 years, bringing both challenges and rewards to those journalists learning to adapt.

Nobody knows this better than Bertrand Pecquerie, CEO of the GEN, (Global Editors Network) with whom we launched Live Desk in 2012: the precursor to our open-source platform Live Blog. A new disruption is on the horizon with AI. 9 Great Examples of How Brands are Using Chatbots. Automated Journalism - AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants - Artificial intelligence in news media is being used in new ways from speeding up research to accumulating and cross-referencing data and beyond.

Automated Journalism - AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants -

In this article we discuss several examples in which AI is being integrated into the newsroom, and we’ll aim to tackle the following three questions for our business and media industry readers: What new journalism tasks are made possible by AI? Which AI applications are playing a role in augmenting the journalistic process, and which are actually replacing journalists? How are newsrooms using these applications to improve the quality of news media, and how will they affect the future of journalism?

The following examples help to flesh out the directions that AI is taking in journalism, and the opportunities made available by it’s application. Artificial intelligence is going to completely change your life. Just as electricity transformed the way industries functioned in the past century, artificial intelligence — the science of programming cognitive abilities into machines — has the power to substantially change society in the next 100 years.

Artificial intelligence is going to completely change your life

AI is being harnessed to enable such things as home robots, robo-taxis and mental health chatbots to make you feel better. A startup is developing robots with AI that brings them closer to human level intelligence. Already, AI has been embedding itself in daily life — such as powering the brains of digital assistants Siri and Alexa. De la Inteligencia Artificial al Deep Learning. Vloggers animados, ¿los influencers del futuro? En 2016 “post-truth” fue la palabra del año según Oxford, pero estoy seguro que en el ranking estaba también el término que engloba mi familia: “bot”.

Vloggers animados, ¿los influencers del futuro?

Los robots ya no solo son brazos mecánicos en fábricas, ni tan solo coches autónomos, ahora tienen personalidad propia y pueden incluso llegar a ser los influencers del futuro, empezando por conquistar Youtube. Como explican en este artículo de The Verge, el canal de Youtube japonés A. I. Kizuna tiene alrededor de 200.000 suscriptores y cuenta con más de 60 vídeos en tan solo 3 meses de actividad. The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence And How It Affects Economists. To really understand the impact of artificial intelligence in the modern world, it’s best to think beyond the mega-research projects like those that helped Google recognize cats in photos.

The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence And How It Affects Economists

According to professor Ajay Agrawal of the University of Toronto, humanity should be pondering how the ability of cutting edge A.I. techniques like deep learning—which has boosted the ability for computers to recognize patterns in enormous loads of data—could reshape the global economy. Making his comments at the Machine Learning and the Market for Intelligence conference this week by the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Agrawal likened the current boom of A.I. to 1995, when the Internet went mainstream. Gaining enough mainstream traction, the Internet ceased to be seen as a new technology.