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20 of the Best Travel Experiences in Europe. Watch the sun set over the Eiffel Tower Nothing could be quite as magical as watching the sun set over the Eiffel Tower, hence the dubbing off this Europe experience as our absolutely unquestionable top pick.

20 of the Best Travel Experiences in Europe

For an ultra-romantic experience, grab a bottle of French wine and some cheese from a local store and set yourself up with a little picnic in front of the tower to pass the hours as day turns in night. Cliche as it is, there’s no denying that this is one of the best travel experiences to have in Europe. Catch a scenic train Yes, that’s the Hogwarts Express and yes, it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done (okay okay, I have a few o those). Taste the culinary delights of Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Germany No one does pasta like the Italians, that’s for sure. Retrace modern world history in France, Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany If you have even the slightest interest in modern world history, you’ve picked the right continent. Climb to the top of the Alps. Young and Restless: The Modern Day 20-something. So you’ve just finished your education.

Young and Restless: The Modern Day 20-something

Imagine if you entered a job interview in a year’s time and your employer’s first question was “what is your biggest achievement?” You begin reeling off your greatest achievements, all of which exist on a sheet of paper. Whether you’ve graduate with honors or barely scraped by, you’ve got something to refer to that involves a certificate of some kind, a glorified piece of tree, there’s some ink thrown on it, and essentially it means something after all that hard work, right?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that your years of blood, sweat and tears poured into that two-week exam block don’t mean anything, they do. But your answer might be a little underwhelming compared to the next guy that walks in and tells your potential employer they have been working as a conservationist in East Africa or stepped foot on 6 of the 7 continents.

Sure, on the contrary you could argue that travel makes one restless, careless, and even eternally incomplete. Hacks to Save Money on Europe Travel. After travelling to 21 of the 28 countries within the EU, plus also visiting Russia, Ukraine and Turkey, I can finally say I think I’ve got it down when it comes to booking travel throughout Europe.

Hacks to Save Money on Europe Travel

But what good would this information be stuck inside my head just bursting to get out in the next dinner conversation I find myself in trailing off for hours about “that time I was in Spain” or “OH! Did I ever tell you I fed a reindeer?” (understandably I am one of the worst dinner guests but one of your best bets at a trivia night – feel free to invite me any time). So here we go, the best 29 travel hacks to save money on Europe travel, to help you travel more frequently, for longer, and to more places… lets go! 1. If you’re travelling to Europe you’re likely to be visiting more than one country. 2. It should come at no surprise that summer is in fact the worst time of the year to visit Europe. So, when should you travel to Europe?

3. 4. European Highlights Staying Central Visiting the North. 10 places in Europe you need to visit but haven't heard about. There have been 10 photos I have uploaded to instagram that have been so incredibly popular that I am led to believe these are some of the most incredible places in Europe and most of them you probably haven’t even heard about.

10 places in Europe you need to visit but haven't heard about

With each upload the comments begin flowing… “added to the bucketlist!” Being a common theme. So where are they? Lynette: 30 Days, 1 Continent, 10 Countries, 33 Cities with less than £2,500. (Travelling on a Budget in Europe) Top 20 Spots to See in Europe. Europe is a great place to visit: from historic monuments, to hip cities, to wonderful nature – here you can find it all.

Top 20 Spots to See in Europe

We share 20 spots you might want to visit once in Europe. 20. The Swallow’s Nest, Crimea Peninsula, Ukraine Photo by Sergey Fradkov 19. Photo by Unknown 18. Photo by Berthold Steinhilber 17. 16. 15. Photo by Mario Laporta 14. 13. Photo by Jon Hicks 12. 11. Photo by Karolos Trivizas 10. 9. Photo by Alessio Mesiano 8. Photo by Juan Romero 7. 6. Photo by Jim Egan 5. Photo by Mitch Russo.