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EXPERIENCES - MIAM. FLOSS Manuals (en) Jim Bumgardner / IM Applications / IM Bot Platform / IM Application Hosting. The iGuides. Reporting on beta tests: first impressions | EdgeRyders. La Suisse veut soutenir financièrement les processus démocratiques en Afrique du Nord. Le Secrétariat général du Gouvernement. Freebox Free/Libre and Open Source Software. IM Applications / IM Bot Platform / IM ...

Infographie : spectaculaire taux de participation aux élections Tunisienne 2011. Encore. Bookmarks for davanac. Programming. Thematic reports - Doing Business - World Bank Group. Doing Business thematic reports provide a detailed look at a topic, such as paying taxes. The latest thematic reports are listed below. Paying Taxes 2014: The Global Picture This report, the eighth in a series from the World Bank Group and PwC, measures tax systems for a domestic company complying with tax laws and regulations in each economy.

The case-study company is a small to medium-size manufacturer and retailer, chosen to ensure that its business can be identified with and compared worldwide. Download full report » Does Doing Business matter for foreign direct investment? This report, the seventh in a series from the World Bank Group and PwC, measures tax systems for a domestic company complying with tax laws and regulations in each economy. Read more » How transparent is business regulation around the world? Read more » Making Security Interests Public Read more » Getting Electricity. Sentiment Analysis API. Sentiment Analysis API Methods Viralheat is a social media measurement platform that allows you to track topics, brands, television shows, and movies across many different mediums all in one place using the best technology.

The users of Viralheat choose to share a subset of their profiles with the world. Sentiment Analysis API is freely available to everyone with a developer account. Available Methods Method 1: Get Sentiment URL (JSON): URL (XML): Format: XML, JSON HTTP Method: GET Requires Authentication: Yes Parameters: Return Values: Sample response (XML): <? Method 2: Train the Sentiment Analysis Engine URL (JSON): URL (XML): Sample Response (XML): <? Method 3: Check Sentiment API usage quota URL (JSON): <? New Developer Contest: Power Up Conferencing with Twilio | | Twilio Developer ContestsTwilio Developer Contests. It’s easy to create simple conference calls using Twilio’s . For this week’s developer contest, we’d like to see how you could take conferencing to the next level. For example, used Twilio to create “impossibly simple conference calling”—just add a meeting in your Google Calendar and all the participants get called automatically when it’s time for the conference, no need to remember conference PIN numbers.

Lucid Meetings is another example of conferencing taken to the next level. They used Twilio’s conferencing features to create a service that helps people hold effective meetings using parliamentary procedures. This week, be creative and show us how you’d power up conferencing. Learn more and submit your contest entry... It’s easy to create simple conference calls using Twilio’s . Lucid Meetings is another example of conferencing taken to the next level. This week, be creative and show us how you’d power up conferencing.

Learn more and submit your contest entry... Vendredi c’est Graphism! S02E38. Au programme cette semaine, du HTML5, de la typographie, de la visualisation de données, une interface tactile, une autre musicale, un visualiseur de skin Minecraft, la sortie du dernier Ubuntu et un wtf html très étrange ! Hello à vous les curieux ! J’espère que vous avez passé une bonne semaine, que vous vous êtes bien remis du numéro un peu triste de vendredi dernier, bref aujourd’hui on tourne la page avec ce numéro de “Vendredi c’est Graphism” spécial… html et notamment html5 ! En effet, l’actualité est riche cette semaine et vous le savez peut-être, j’ai pas mal travaillé avec Mozilla, fervent défenseur des technologies web, libres et ouvertes… Hier, je me suis dis qu’il était donc temps de faire un numéro spécial HTML5 !

:-) Alors j’arrête tout de suite les puristes, je ne parlerai pas uniquement de créations réalisées avec HTML5, mais également de projets utilisant les technologies html modernes (par là pour savoir de quoi je parle). Bon vendredi…et bon “Graphism” ! Geoffrey source. Open Data Center Alliance and Distributed Management Task Force to Collaborate on Interoperable Cloud Management | DMTF. NEW YORK, Nov. 3, 2011 – Today, the Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)announced a collaboration that will hasten the development of industry standards for managing cloud computing environments. Focusing on interoperability and ease of use, this relationship is expected to address one of the most pressing issues facing widespread computing today - the need for simplified cloud management through a single view of all cloud resources. Initial collaboration engagement will focus on one of today’s most pressing IT challenges, interoperable management of virtual machines regardless of data center location.

Adoption of efficient cloud solutions is estimated to saveglobal IT operations budgets $25B, according to ODCA forecasts, and simplified cloud management is a critical aspect of achieving increased efficiencies. The collaboration brings together the leading customer voice on cloud computing and the leading IT management standards organization. Future Journalism Project. Five Google tools journalists don't use but should. Google logo via You may think you know Google, but here are lesser-known tools that can help journalists with everything from reporting on natural disasters to hunting for new sources.

Google featured these tools in a recent digital media training session for Pakistani journalists hosted by the International Center for Journalists. The session was led by Sean Carlson, global communications manager, and Robert Boorstin, the director of public policy for the global search company. IJNet found these five tools that can simplify reporting and give stories a dynamic approach: Google Moderator – It’s the perfect tool for crowdsourcing story ideas. Public Data Explorer – After browsing through available stats found online, use this data visualization tool to find a story in the numbers. Fusion Tables – When you’re dealing with intense heaps of data that took months to independently gather, you can use this tool to visualize and publish your data to find clear patterns. Healthymagination.

The Open Graph Protocol. Natural Earth. Webgl-globe - Geographic Data Visualization Platform meant for the web. Data Formats. Home | DMTF. Xavijam | Because environment and technology can live together. Blog. On February 19th, I amicably parted ways with IBM Research, where I had spent over 6 years fiercely manning a very small tiller on a very large ship. For the 4 weeks following, I joyfully hacked on Ben Fry’s and Casey Reas’s Processing project. I spent a couple of those weeks trying to stabilize the tooling around their nascent support for the Android mobile platform, and then dove into some of the guts of the language itself, adding support for most of Java 5’s new features. Finally, I fixed all open bugs around the “auto formatter”, which is supposed to neaten up your rat’s nest of code, but had been mangling and eating it under certain circumstances.

It was an exhilarating month, which tells you exactly how much of a geek I am. I spent a lot of time with my family, and a lot of time at various public libraries. This past Monday, March 29th, I showed up at 5 Cambridge Center for my first day as a Noogler, which is what new Google employees are officially called. Outils et services web de qualités pour journalistes, blogueurs - NewsRessources | Outils et services web de qualités pour journalistes, blogueurs – NewsRessources. News Resources est un projet collaboratif à destination des journalistes et blogueurs. Il est la conséquence d’un modeste Google Doc mis en ligne à l’automne 2010. L’idée était de lister les outils web utiles pour un journaliste. Ils partirent dix, et revinrent 100… Le “succès” de ce document m’épate toujours, avec régulièrement plusieurs dizaines de personnes qui viennent le consulter et, parfois, l’annoter.

Du coup, pour aller plus loin, après mûres réflexions et multes discussions, News Resources est apparu comme un projet intéressant. Son principe reprend celui du Google doc : proposer des sites, des outils et des bonnes pratiques pour aider les journalistes, les blogueurs, et peut être à terme toutes les professions qui publient sur internet, à trouver l’outil qui va bien. Celui qui vous fait gagner du temps – ou en tout cas moins en perdre. Vous êtes les bienvenus pour y participer, tout comme dans le Google Doc qui reste bien sûr ouvert. Paul Bourke - Personal Pages. POV-Ray - The Persistence of Vision Raytracer. Game Development Tool. Internet of Things Award 2011. RDF::RDFa::Parser. RDF::RDFa::Parser - flexible RDFa parser If you're wanting to work with an RDF::Trine::Model that can be queried with SPARQL, etc: use RDF::RDFa::Parser; my $url = ' my $options = RDF::RDFa::Parser::Config->new('xhtml', '1.1'); my $rdfa = RDF::RDFa::Parser->new_from_url($url, $options); my $model = $rdfa->graph; For dealing with local data: use RDF::RDFa::Parser; my $base_url = ' my $options = RDF::RDFa::Parser::Config->new('xhtml', '1.1'); my $rdfa = RDF::RDFa::Parser->new($markup, $base_url, $options); my $model = $rdfa->graph; A simple set of operations for working with Open Graph Protocol data: use RDF::RDFa::Parser; my $url = ' my $options = RDF::RDFa::Parser::Config->tagsoup; my $rdfa = RDF::RDFa::Parser->new_from_url($url, $options); print $rdfa->opengraph('title') .

RDF::TrineX::Parser::RDFa provides a saner interface for this module. Forthcoming API Changes Constructors $p->graph. Reference Library - A. Healthymagination Breast Cancer Conversation Project Launch. We’ve partnered with Healthymagination to develop a tool that aggregates Tweets about a long-standing public health issue: breast cancer. Twitter is a remarkable tool for enhancing social consciousness. However, Tweets are often limited to Tweeters’ network, just a sliver of the social media community. Through the aggregation of tweets, this project expands the scope of public awareness exponentially. We’ve made it possible for visitors to insert themselves in an international conversation. Analyzing top words focuses the visitor’s attention on the specific topics that are dominating the discussion.

Visitors can also explore the most commonly Tweeted news stories and track the Tweeters who contribute most often to the breast cancer discussion. We’ve also included a direct Twitter login, so that visitors can jump into the conversation. Explore the Breast Cancer Conversation. Software - Lifehacker. How to Properly Research on the Internet. Warning: if you are going to argue a point about politics, medicine, animal care, or gun control, then you better take the time to make your argument legit. Spending 10 seconds with Google and copy-pasting wikipedia links doesn't cut it. The standard for an intelligent argument is Legitimate research is called RE-search for a reason: patient repetition and careful filtering is what will win the day. There are over 86 billion web pages published, and most of those pages are not worth quoting.

To successfully sift it all, you must use consistent and reliable filtering methods. You will need patience to see the full breadth of writing on any single topic. And you will need your critical thinking skills to disbelieve anything until it is intelligently validated. If you are a student, or if you are seeking serious medical, professional, or historical information, definitely heed these 8 suggested steps to researching online: eHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. Noosquest. 5W. Transforming Text Into Knowledge. Learn. Blueprint: A CSS Framework | Spend your time innovating, not replicating. SoundCloud - Share Your Sounds. Christian Heilmann. WebAPI. The Mozilla WebAPI team is pushing the envelope of the web to include --- and in places exceed --- the capabilities of competing stacks.

Contributing WebAPI work is being tracked by Mozilla bug 673923. Find an dependent bug that interests you (and is unassigned), and assign it to yourself. Documentation This wiki page's purpose is mostly to be able to track the advancement of the work on the different APIs covered by the WebAPI team and help working on those. If you are interested in documentation for these Web APIs, you should look at the following MDN documentation page: APIs Here's a list of the APIs that we're working on.

Planned for initial release of B2G (aka Basecamp) Unless otherwise noted, APIs listed in the table below were available in Firefox OS v1.0.1 or will be available in v1.1. Planned for the future Legend Process The goal is to standardize all APIs. Design Principles Security This is an area where we're still doing a lot of research. Plans. Main Page. CubeTwister. The Datagraph Blog. Techmeme. Image & Narrative. - "Photographic Text(ure): Grain, Dots, Lines", guest editors Laurence Petit ( , Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3 and Pascale Tollance (, Université Lyon 2, (15.2) -"Early Photography in Europeana: Collections, Themes, Techniques and their Interrelation" (guest editors): Fred Truyen ( & Bruno Vandermeulen ( (15.3). - "Worth a Thousand Words: At the Intersections of Literture and the Visual Arts", guest editors Astrid Bracke ( and Dennis Kersten (, University of Utrecht (15.4) - "Photofilmic Art: Negotiating Fraught Images in a Contemporary Public Sphere, part 1", ed.

Alex Streitberger, UCL/Lieven Gevaert Centre [] (16.1) - "The Narrative Functions of Photography in Comics" Guest-editor, prof. Nancy Pedri, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL (Canada) [] (16.2) Google Images. SEO & Search Engine News : SEJ. Visual Thesaurus : make up. YOUrban. Interactive Art & Computational Design / Spring 2011 » Flash Embedding. Special Topics in Interactive Art & Computational Design » Final Project- Colorshift. Final Project- Colorshift For my project tracking color changes in different things over time, I was able to do eight color experiments, with the ability to add more. The web interface can be found here: I would like to add more color experiments in the future because there were several that I just ran out of time to be able to do.

I would also like to make some sort of physical output with these gradients, such as printing them on a coffee cup or having the colors stitched onto a tee shirt. If I can do this, I’ll update this page. Overall this project was very challenging to me, just in organization and getting all the technical aspects working, but I had a lot of fun with it. Below are some screen shots of the site. Comments Off. Dynamic Diagrams' take on the world of visual explanation, information architecture, design, and technology. Smashing Coding - Client-Side and Server-Side Programming Articles. To Five Smashing Years… And A Free Anniversary eBook Treat! - Smashing Magazine. When we started Smashing Magazine, we didn’t expect anything.

We didn’t have a grand master plan for a successful online magazine for designers and developers. We created something that we found useful and that we thought others would find useful, too. We did not lose focus, we relied on instinct more than once, we stayed patient, and we pulled the occasional night shift.

That was 2006. And then you came along. You have passed the word along, left comments, dropped us emails. Five years have passed, and the magazine has changed. We all do our best to bring you the trusted advice, techniques, tutorials, resources and opinions that Smashing Magazine is known for nowadays and that the Web design community around the world has come to rely on. Smashing Magazine is a quality-obsessed, passionate team, but it is also you: you and every single reader who has been reading Smashing Magazine for all these years.

A Smashing Magazine Anniversary Treat Today, Smashing Magazine turns five. It's done. A Visual Guide to the Ampersand (Infographic) AI and Social Science – Brendan O'Connor | cognition, language, social systems; statistics, visualization, computation. Prints, Posters, Canvas & Framed Wall Art from Independent Artists at Imagekind. Sunlight Foundation. The Making of Arduino.


AWStats - Free log file analyzer for advanced statistics (GNU GPL). AWStats - Outil d'analyse des logs de site Web. RP en ligne Portail | Social Media Nouvelles | Réseau d'expertise pour les auteurs. Disagnal. The Python Tutorial — Python v2.7.2 documentation. Share your adventures with your friends realtime. Creativepotato. Mongoose - Mongoose - easy to use web server. COUPERIN. Developer Guide. An Overview of the Euro Crisis - Interactive Graphic. Les data en forme. La Quadrature du Net. Ideas & Insights. Social Media - Connect with Us. SeenThis. Open311. Vizzuality/cartoset - GitHub. IVR Platforms / IVR Hosting / IVR Development. Journalisme graphique. Concours de dataviz Google : élection 2012. BANK AL-MAGHRIB.