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Educational Tools 3

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Programmi per creare mappe concettuali e mentali. Se siete bravi a ripetere, anche a pappagallo, ma comunque riuscite e memorizzare frasi e discorsi molto lunghi potreste anche fare a meno di una mappa concettuale.

Programmi per creare mappe concettuali e mentali

Piktochart: Infographic and Graphic Design for Non-Designers. Crea Flyers Online totalmente gratis. Game-based digital learning platform. FlyerForFree, diseño de Flyers gratis. Haz un Cómic. Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo. Animoto - Make & Share Beautiful Videos Online. PhotoPeach - Fresh slideshows to go! RecursosparaProfes - Crear cuestionarios, test, controles online. Aprende a crear un formulario en línea que nos devuelva las respuestas efectuadas por nuestros alumnos...

RecursosparaProfes - Crear cuestionarios, test, controles online

En este artículo vamos a aprender a crear un formulario en línea que nos devuelva las respuestas efectuadas por nuestros alumnos. Posteriormente, insertaremos fórmulas en una hoja de cálculo de Google Docs con el fin de calcular el resultado de una evaluación.En primer lugar deberemos acceder a nuestro sitio de Google Docs. Como ya sabes, debes disponer de una cuenta de Gmail para poder acceder. A continuación, seleccionas la opción Formulario dentro del menú Nuevo. Accedemos a un Nuevo documento, tipo formulario, con dos cuestiones preparadas para introducir los datos. RubiStar Home. Khan Academy. Home. Khan Academy. Art Projects for Kids. Montessori. 09ClockTaskCardsBlackRed.pdf.


Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites for Education. The Epic BYOD Toolchest (51 Tools You Can Use Now) PowerSchool Learning: (Previously Haiku Learning.) This is a full learning management system (LMS) that I’m trying to get our school to adopt. It’s multiplatform and robust, which makes it a great fit for our BYOD environment. It also works on top of Google Classroom, so I have all those features too, plus my grade book. Google Classroom: Teachers are moving in droves to Google Classroom. While it doesn’t have all the features of a full-scale LMS, teachers are giving students assignments and so much more with this awesome tool.

There are many other content-sharing platforms, like Moodle, Canvas, and CourseSites. Screencasting and Capturing What Happens in Class If you’re going to share and interact with your students in the electronic and physical spaces (as you should), you must learn how to screencast. In some exciting news, Apple has announced that iOS 11 (out later this year) will include screen recording capabilities and new screenshot features. 40+ Resources for Teaching Using Animation and Comics. January 27, 2014 Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it’s just a matter of sharing it with students.

40+ Resources for Teaching Using Animation and Comics

Educators need to decide which tool is best for them. If you want to create your own animation from scratch, then you want to go to sites such as Animwork. The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You. The Wordle of this list! (Click image to enlarge) One of the most popular posts on Edudemic in 2010 was The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You and I felt it might be time for an update to that list for 2011. In order to put together a list of the best Web 2.0 classroom tools, I polled my Twitter followers, Facebook fans (are they still called fans? Likes?) And ran a contest to try and get as many submissions as possible. The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You.

If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world.

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You

Cooltoolsforschools - home. Web 2.0 Resources. Web 2 Tools by Task. Avators: Build your Wild Self - create a self portrait and learn about the animal parts incorporated into your avatar.

Web 2 Tools by Task

Mikons - where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars to tell a story. Create interactive flash tools / games for education. TEACHING TIPS. eReader interactive infographic. Cómo hacer una infografía. ¿Compartes habitualmente infografías?

Cómo hacer una infografía

En caso afirmativo te habrás dado cuenta de que tus contenidos se comparten mucho más cuando van acompañados de una infografía. Esto es debido a que nuestro cerebro capta antes el mensaje visual que el escrito. Todos tenemos millones de cosas que hacer y disponemos de poco tiempo para leer, si tenemos a nuestro alcance un resumen visual, vamos a entender más rápido y con más claridad el contenido. En una infografía puedes combinar imágenes, estadísticas, diagramas y texto. Además llaman la atención, invitan a la participación y son muy populares en las redes sociales. Good sites.

Listening. Lesson plans. Search lessons by keyword. Lessons and Tests Reading, Listening, Speaking (All Levels) 50,000+ Teacher Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Web Quests, and Teacher Resources- Teacher Lesson Plans, Printables & Worksheets by Grade or Subject - Teachers. 41 Websites for Teachers to Integrate Tech into Your Classroom. School Supplies and Teacher Store - Educational Materials for Preschools, Elementary Classrooms & More. Short Short Stories - Very Short Stories. Story Pages, read short stories. Wacky Web Tales. Inspired Picture Writing. The Poetry Kit.

Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. 250 Journal Topics.