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Design Inspiration | Abduzeedo. Website Archives - Mindsparkle Mag. Prosthetic knowledge. This story is already doing the rounds but is still very interesting - Machine Learning research from Georgia Tech manages to clone game design from a video recording. The top GIF is the reconstructed clone, the bottom gif is from the video recording: Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new approach using an artificial intelligence to learn a complete game engine, the basic software of a game that governs everything from character movement to rendering graphics.Their AI system watches less than two minutes of gameplay video and then builds its own model of how the game operates by studying the frames and making predictions of future events, such as what path a character will choose or how enemies might react.To get their AI agent to create an accurate predictive model that could account for all the physics of a 2D platform-style game, the team trained the AI on a single “speedrunner” video, where a player heads straight for the goal.

CONTEMPORIST | Contemporary Modern Architecture Furniture Lighting Interior Design. It's Nice That : Home. Humans in Design. A classic nudge - a tiny behavioural intervention that leads people to a particular behaviour but doesn’t force it - is the placement of graphs on power bills. Specifically graphs that compare your current rate of use to your neighbours and, sometimes, yourself. But can a tiny graph really work? Yes it can. This little intervention has been proven to lead to a decrease in power use that is at least somewhat sustained over time. The best data on this comes from US energy provider Opower. The intervention was randomised and encompasses 11 different utility service areas and more than ¾ of a million households.

All areas experienced a drop in power with an average of 1.8% and a peak of 2.9%. The psychological reason that this works is multifaceted, but the main explanations I saw was the impact of social heuristics; specifically the imitate-the-majority (follow the herd) and imitate-the-successful heuristic (follow the leader). Well to me it boils down classical economics and incentives.

Selectism | Online News Source for Fashion, Footwear, Design, and Lifestyle Culture. Highsnobiety. NOTCOT.ORG. Gizmodo - The Gadget Guide. Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / home.

Mon, 06/18/2012. iGNANT. Artists & Algorists. DIS Magazine. Cool Hunting. Fill the Silence. Fill the Silence True facts for when you find yourself in the middle of an awkward pause. (2014 Webby Awards Nominee!) About 22 Apr (via)I’m nominated for a Webby Award! Vote for me? Vote for me in the Webbys? Next >>> Random, Interesting, Amazing Facts - Fun Quizzes and Trivia | Mental Floss. Amusing Planet.

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