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Matt Crissup

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Your smarter address book is waiting. 2708kil2.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 400 pixels) Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. The Creators Project. The Creators Project: So, James, how do you define your job?

The Creators Project

It seems to defy categorization. James Powderly: I guess I’m a designer, somewhere between an artist and an engineer. I’ve had a bunch of jobs over the last ten years but they’ve always been focused on technology in some way. Over the last four years or so I’ve primarily worked on two projects; both of them are engineering projects involving technologies with creative applications. It sounds like you have a dream gig, but where do you get the funds to realize these types of projects? Evan Roth [another member of the EyeWriter team] and I began working together because we secured an art residency in New York City at a place called Eyebeam. Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology.

It is possible to understand Engineers - Where there's a will, there's a way. Understanding Engineers #1 Two engineering students were biking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?

It is possible to understand Engineers - Where there's a will, there's a way.

" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want. " The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice, The clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway.

" Understanding Engineers #2 To the optimist, the glass is half-full. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. Understanding Engineers #3. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius (35 Pics) TED: Ideas worth spreading. Epic Homemade Porsche Win. Epic Homemade Porsche Win372 By jason in Win on April 17, 2011 Browsing: Epic Homemade Porsche Win Share: FACEBOOK twitter Comment: FACEBOOK trollzone Cosplay Fail FAIL 4094 39 Comments Cake Fail FAIL 1875 54 Comments Share on Facebook epic epic win homemade porsche homemade porsche win Epic Girlfriend WIN FAILS: 25 WINS: 652 Guy Wants A Job Done But Doesn’t Pay For It.

Epic Homemade Porsche Win

I Am Unreasonably Excited About This Thermostat. I consider myself a computer geek -- I'm comfortable with that.

I Am Unreasonably Excited About This Thermostat

Play the Rings of a Tree Trunk Like a Record. Untitled. When I began as a film critic, Jean-Luc Godard was widely thought to have reinvented the cinema with "Breathless" (1960).


Git Merge and Rebase Demo.

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Purchase Windows 7 Upgrades and Featured Accessories. CortanaCortana5 is your truly personal digital assistant, designed to help you get things done.

Purchase Windows 7 Upgrades and Featured Accessories

Count on Cortana to set reminders, work across more of your devices, and become more useful every day.MEET CORTANAWindows InkNaturally capture notes with no need to be logged in.8 Quickly turn thoughts into action with the magic of Windows Ink.7 Powerfully pair inking with Office9 to effortlessly make edits, create content and drive ideas forward.MEET WINDOWS INKWindows HelloWindows Hello10 is your password-free sign-in that gives you the most secure way to unlock your Windows devices.11 Using your face, fingerprint or companion device, it recognizes you apart from all others.MEET WINDOWS HELLO SecurityAs the most secure Windows ever built, Windows 10 delivers comprehensive protection – including anti-virus, firewall, and anti-phishing technologies – all delivered built-in at no extra cost to you.12LEARN ABOUT WINDOWS SECURITYMicrosoft EdgeThe faster, safer browser designed for Windows 10. #3038363. SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown


Matts perl

Blogs. Your Blogging Home. Matt's space. Matts Technologies « Matt's space. Posting from email « Matt's space. Ted « Matt's space. Home of Matts Tech Blog « Matt's space. Thcfinder. Glass Marijuana Blog. Wow « Matt's Technologies Blog. Matt crissup is Microsoft Platform Ready for Windows Phone. 'Smart Fingertips' Pave Way for Virtual Sensations. Electronic fingertips could one day allow us to feel virtual sensations.

'Smart Fingertips' Pave Way for Virtual Sensations

Image: John Rogers/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign By Krystnell A. Storr, ScienceNOW Imagine feeling like you’re lifting a 50-kilogram weight just by pulling at thin air. That’s just one of the possible applications of new “smart fingertips” created by a team of nanoengineers. Scientists have already developed circuits that stimulate our sense of touch. Hoping to create circuits with the flexibility of skin, materials scientist John Rogers of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and colleagues cut up nanometer-sized strips of silicon; implanted thin, wavy strips of gold to conduct electricity; and mounted the entire circuit in a stretchable, spider web-type mesh of polymer as a support.

To test the electronic fingers, the researchers put them on and pressed flat objects, such as the top of their desks. This story provided by ScienceNOW, the daily online news service of the journal Science.

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