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39 Steps for Writing Plain English by William Lutz. William D.

39 Steps for Writing Plain English by William Lutz

Lutz, author of Doublespeak Defined and The New Doublspeak Scheduled speaker at our international conference, Nov. 3-6, 2005, in Washington, D.C. The Writing Process Know your reader, and write with your reader's viewpoint in mind. Organize your text: in a logical sequence, with informative headings, and with a table of contents for long documents Use short sentences Say only what you have to say, avoiding too many messages in a single sentence, and omitting surplus words. Plain English writing tips.

These tips come from the specialists who run our Business Writing workshop.Come on our Business Writing workshop to learn more Consider structure, language, and layout Think about your reader and your purpose for writing.

Plain English writing tips

Then structure the document by: deciding on your main messages choosing a structure that is clear and logical to the reader using informative headings that clearly signpost the main messages writing paragraphs that focus on one main theme. Think about the language you'll use. Choose precise, familiar words (eliminate jargon and explain technical terms where necessary). Plain English Campaign free guides.