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Ubercart is the most popular Drupal E-Commerce platform for your website. It implements everything you need to start selling products online. Web Developers from all skill ranges can use it to support a variety of E-Commerce industries-- including physical goods, digital downloads, or even subscription based billing services. Ubercart can do it all! For more details, be sure to visit the What is Ubercart? Current Features: Ubercart is PayPal certified and integrates PayPal Website Payments Standard, Website Payments Pro, and Express Checkout. Support & Issue Tracking Ubercart maintains a customized support forum at the community site. (Please note: the issue tracker enabled here at is for specific bug reporting and documentation deficiencies only. In addition to the forums, community members regularly hang out in #drupal-ubercart on Module Dependencies For full functionality, Ubercart depends a few other contributed Drupal modules. Recommended Modules:

Ubercart Auction This module allows you to auction off products in your Ubercart store. When a product is put up for auction, users can no longer add the item to their cart, but they may place bids on it until the auction expires. The user that placed the highest bid on the product will then be able to add it to their cart and purchase it at the price they bid. This module requires Ubercart 2. The auctions are working like eBay auctions, if you're using the Ubercart Auction Automated Bidding submodule, which is part of the stable Dev-Version. Ubercart Auction is actively developed and maintained by Features: *: Theoretically… please test if you can. Dependencies: - Date (= - CCK (= - Ubercart (= - Please notice: In the past there has been the auction checkout via the cart of ubercart.

LoginToboggan The LoginToboggan module offers several modifications of the Drupal login system in an external module by offering the following features and usability improvements: Allow users to login using either their username OR their e-mail address.Allow users to login immediately.Provide a login form on Access Denied pages for non-logged-in (anonymous) users.The module provides two login block options: One uses JavaScript to display the form within the block immediately upon clicking "log in". Maintainer commitment Following is important information about how this module is maintained Support requests will only be responded to if they deal with the development of the module, or possibly its use with another module. End users should consult the forums or IRC chat rooms or hire a consultant for support.I'm committed to fixing bugs that I can reproduce on my local installation, using only a clean Drupal core install and the module. Sponsors & Developers

Where do credit card fees come from? It is known by some, but not all, that businesses pay fees in order to accept credit cards as a form of payment. In fact, over 7 million merchants in the U.S. accept credit cards. During 2006 they collectively paid over 30 billion in credit card acceptance fees. Despite the size of the industry, it’s a mystery to most who is pocketing all this money and how prices are determined and reported. I had a CPA tell me the other day, “I’m a smart guy. I understand numbers, pricing and reconciliation, but for whatever reason I just cannot get my head around credit card processing fees and the unbelievably complicated way companies report them.” Issuing Financial Institutions make roughly 85% of all credit and debit card processing fees The financial institutions that issue credit and debit cards are the biggest benefactors. These issuing financial institutions make money every time a card they issued is used to purchase something. How do financial institutions justify their fees?

Commerce Kickstart Commerce Kickstart is the quickest way to get up and running with Drupal Commerce. It includes the latest versions of Drupal core, Drupal Commerce, and the other modules it depends on. It also gives you a set of options to create a fully-featured demo store out of the box complete with an attractive theme, catalog and search configuration, and a custom back office interface. Who should use Commerce Kickstart? Anyone who wants to skip weeks of configuration to build a commerce site on the Drupal Commerce framework. Sponsored by Commerce Guys. Watch the Webinar Commerce Kickstart 2.x Important: WAMP has a bug causing Kickstart to be non-installable. See the installation and upgrading guide before attempting install. Please note that the "demo store" has been built to demonstrate the capabilities of Kickstart and shouldn't be used when starting new sites. Development Development now takes place in a public Github repository. Commerce Guys Marketplace

Auction Provides auction functionality. Commerce integration is an option. Structure: Auctions are entities with start / end date, starting price, minimum price and instant buy price. Flow: Auctions are automatically activated / deactivated. Commerce integration: Provides 2 new order types: auction_bill and auction_monthly_bill. Maintainer: jepSter Dependencies: DateEntityEntity referenceInline Entity FormJquery CountdownRulesViews

GMap Module Module maintainer @podarok We are in CodeFreeze stage for 7.x-2.x as preparing and refactoring for #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version Only bug and security fixes can be commited All feature requests should be filled against latest 7.x-2.x branch The GMap module provides an interface to the Google Maps API within Drupal. It integrates with the Location module to provide users a clickable map for entering latitude and longitude, as well as to display maps of Drupal nodes and users. GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbles, taking advantage of Drupal's other content management features. Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap versionSupported by Druler Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version The GMap package consists of the following modules: In order to use 7.x and earlier versions of this module, you need a (free) Google Maps API Browser key. 1. Supported by Druler

Commerce Drupal Commerce is used to build eCommerce websites and applications of all sizes. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development standards and leveraging the greatest features of Drupal 7 and major modules like Views and Rules for maximum flexibility. Whereas eCommerce solutions are often developed with an application mindset, highlighting what you can do with it out of the box, Drupal Commerce was developed with a framework mindset, focusing on what you can build with it. The core Commerce systems make no hard-coded assumptions about your business model, privileging developers and site builders at the core level to build custom eCommerce solutions to suit. Sponsored and maintained by Commerce Guys Core Features Additional functionality is provided through contributed modules, such as Shipping, Stock, Coupons, File downloads, PayPal, and many more... Just getting started? If so, we strongly recommend you use the Commerce Kickstart installation profile. Documentation

Commerce Auction Overview This module lets you create auction/reverse auction websites using drupal commerce. It uses eck to create a new entity for commerce auction bids. The module consists of 4 sub-modules: commerce_auction: provides core auction and bidding systemcommerce_auction_field_helper: provides a field formatter for entityreference fields which shows the count of referenced entities and a read-only widget for commerce_price fields. Features Allows creating auctions and reverse auctions using drupal commerceAutomatic auction timeout extensionAutomatically adds auctioned product to the winner's shopping cartBy default disables remove and edit quantity fields of auctioned products in shopping cartGlobal and per-auction bid limits (like uc_auction)Lists bids using views Requirements and Dependencies The module depends on eck, Entity Reference, Commerce Price field, Commerce Cart, Views, Date and jstimer modules. Configuration You should configure field display options yourself.

User Badges The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badges' which can be displayed as a series of iconic images. A popular use is to display the badges along with the user's information within forums, comments, or node postings. These badges can be assigned individually by the administrator or attached to a role so that, for example, all users in the 'admin' role will show the 'Administrator' badge which could display as a graphic letter 'A'. Any badge can optionally be associated to a URL that links the image to a description page. If a user has more than one badge, there is also a mechanism that allows administrators to only show the highest-level badge. User Badges can be used as a way to establish trust (in the same way as eBay's star graphics), or as an incentive for users. Drupal 6 This module also works with the ecommerce package, allowing product purchases to trigger badge assignment. The 6.x-1.x-dev now has rules integration. Drupal 7 Credits
