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Why Graphic Novels Belong in All of Our Libraries. Our oldest daughter, Thea, has been in intense reading intervention since she was in Kindergarten. This creative, vivacious, book-loving child just could not seem to find the right words when she looked at the letters. And yet she persisted through it all, continually going back to books even if the words proved to be elusive.

Like many parents whose children do not come naturally to reading, we have seemingly tried it all. More read aloud, more quiet reading, more strategies, more conversation, more intervention, more of anything we could think of and yet, I will never forget that day in 2nd grade when Thea came home and declared, “Mom, I don’t think I am a reader because reading is just too hard….” I think you could have heard my heart break a mile away. Because here was a child who had grown up surrounded by books. So we did the only thing we knew how; we handed her more books, more reading for pleasure, less pressure, more time. You think graphic novels are easy? Ted Talk: Jarret J.