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Build a business, not an audience – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Entrepreneurship and Learning. If you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you’ve seen the following pattern over and over again: Creative nonfiction pioneer John McPhee distilled decades of experience and first-hand learnings in a series of essays.

Build a business, not an audience – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Entrepreneurship and Learning

(The best of them are now available in a book called “Draft No. 4”.) A savvy entrepreneur repackages the advice in a $1000+ cohort-based course. Someone takes the course and summarizes what he learned. People on Twitter start creating threads summarizing the student’s summaries. I wish I was kidding. This is a picture-perfect example of what Sean Blanda calls the Creative World’s Bullshit Industrial Complex.

The Bullshit Complex is just a symptom. First, let me clarify one thing. With that out of the way, let’s talk about entrepreneurship. In recent years one of the most common pieces of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs has become that you should focus on building an audience. This Word Does Not Exist. Marketing and the Human Brain: Behavior and Decision-Making. The human brain, and what we can do with it, is amazing.

Marketing and the Human Brain: Behavior and Decision-Making

But more amazing is why we do the things we do. Helping marketers unlock that secret is what Nancy Harhut eats, breathes, and sleeps. On this episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast, we get down and dirty trying to figure out why humans do what they do and how marketers can use behavioral science to get results. Behavioral science is a fascinating topic for marketers. As it turns out, just about everything we do, from lobbying for a new tool or technology, to presenting data to our boss, to trying to decide where to get takeout, is rooted in behavioral science.

In today's episode, Nancy Harhut joins us to talk about how we can use behavioral science not only to help improve our marketing results but also to help. The reality is, we're so overstimulated that we can't possibly interact with every single stimuli in the environment; if we did, we'd fry our neural pathways. Écriture inclusive : son impact sur le référencement SEO - Sémantisseo. How to Create Recurring Tasks (Repeat Due Dates) in Notion. L'art du vieillissement des rhums. Le rhum qui sort de l’alambic ou de la colonne à distiller peut suivre différents chemins.

L'art du vieillissement des rhums

On peut embouteiller le rhum blanc tel quel ou presque, le faire vieillir quelques mois, quelques années, ou pour une très longue durée. La MAIF : l'attention sincère. The joy of steps: 20 ways to give purpose to your daily walk. The weather is rubbish, there is nowhere to go and, bereft of the joys of spring, the daily lockdown walk can feel pointless.

The joy of steps: 20 ways to give purpose to your daily walk

But, of course, it is not: the mental and physical health perks of exercise are immune to seasonal changes. We need to gallivant around outside in daylight so that our circadian rhythms can regulate sleep and alertness. (Yes, even when the sky is resolutely leaden, it is still technically daylight.) Walking warms you up, too; when you get back indoors, it will feel positively tropical. Matt Mullenweg : La collaboration est la clé. Dans cette discussion avec Shane Parrish, Matt parle de sa philosophie sur les logiciels libres, l’organisation de l’entreprise, la prise de décision collective, et bien plus encore.

Matt Mullenweg : La collaboration est la clé

GALION IMPACT. Accélérer le changement.


Une gamme bien construite pour augmenter naturellement vos ventes ! Want to Grow Your Podcast or Video Show? Start With This Overlooked, Transformative Tactic. Want to look smart in a meeting?

Want to Grow Your Podcast or Video Show? Start With This Overlooked, Transformative Tactic

Be sure to ask, “But will it scale?” (Man, I wish comedian Sarah Cooper was practicing her comedy back when I worked for Google.) How To Improve Your Writing In Six Steps. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good, great, or self-loathing writer.

How To Improve Your Writing In Six Steps

You can become a better writer. I’ve written all kinds of stuff over the years — from blog posts to business proposals, screenplays to wedding vows, and even a newsletter For The Interested. What I’ve learned from these varied writing experiences is that following a few simple steps will ALWAYS improve the quality of whatever you write.

Here they are… “The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” — Henry Miller Writing begins way before you write. L'entreprise à mission. Le cas de la MAIF. How to write digital products with personality. We got on a Zoom call early the next morning.

How to write digital products with personality

I asked her what she thought was wrong about the writing. “That’s the thing,” she said. Réviser son texte : 8 éléments à vérifier. Comment écrire un article de blog percutant et bien structuré ? En tant que blogueur, vous avez parfois plein de choses à raconter mais soudain, vous vous retrouvez devant votre écran et là, c’est le vide intersidéral ! Building the Middle Class of the Creator Economy - Li's Newsletter. [Hi readers, This essay was published today in Harvard Business Review.

Building the Middle Class of the Creator Economy - Li's Newsletter

Hope you enjoy it, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below! -Li] In 1788, George Washington predicted that America would be “the most favorable country of any in the world for persons of industry and frugality,” ideal for even those in the lowest social classes to immigrate to, given “the equal distribution of property, the great plenty of unoccupied lands, and the facility of procuring the means of subsistence.” Opportunity, he argued, was inherent in its vast lands and religious tolerance. In 2016, 228 years later, Alex Zhu, the co-CEO of and later VP of product at Bytedance, echoed these sentiments in the context of starting a new social network. On most content platforms today, the ethos of the American Dream is alive and well—a recent study of kids ages eight to 12 found that nearly 30% aspire to become YouTubers.

17 Non-Negotiable Things Your Email Newsletter Needs Right Now - Ann Handley. A global pandemic is a great time to launch an email newsletter. Why? Because a crisis is not a time for Marketing to be clever or snarky. It’s a time to be helpful and sincere. 8 Ways To Develop Your Unique Writing Voice. How to know what you're really worth - The Professional Freelancer. I had a conversation recently with a friend about how much to charge for a Zoom event. The question came up about whether to charge less because the event wasn’t held in person. The logic being that ticket prices were lower and there was no travel time involved.

The line of thinking seemed sound enough – if the event is making less money, surely as a speaker, I should charge less, too. Except, that’s not the best way to measure your value. Whether an event is held virtually or in-person doesn’t have any bearing on the price you, as the speaker, can charge. The Attention Diet. In the time it took me to outline this article I checked Twitter three times and my email twice. I responded to four emails. I checked Slack once and sent text messages to two people. I went down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos once, costing me about 30 minutes of productivity, and I probably checked my books’ ranks on Amazon roughly 3,172 times. In what should have been 20 minutes of work, I compulsively interrupted myself at least nine times. What’s more, the cost of these interruptions goes way beyond the added amount of time to finish this damn thing. Elizabeth Gilbert: Succès, échec et le chemin pour continuer à créer.

Walking Creativity: Morgan Housel & David Perell. Voilà comment le cerveau multiplie les problèmes - Nos Pensées. Beaucoup de gens se plaignent que “les problèmes ne viennent pas d’eux-mêmes” ou que “une fois que les problèmes commencent, ils n’en finissent plus”. D’une certaine manière, ils ont raison, mais cela n’est probablement pas dû à la fatalité, mais à un biais cognitif qui fait que le cerveau multiplie les problèmes. Marques Direct-to-consumer : quelles sont les tendances chaudes du moment ?  - In Bed With Tech. In-depth LinkedIn organic marketing guide. This playbook explains how to acquire customers through LinkedIn.

This material comes from conversations with LinkedIn employees and top audience builders who know how the underlying algorithm works. Specifically, we'll learn to acquire customers by posting to your personal LinkedIn account—not a brand account. That's because people follow people, not brands. We'll build an organic audience that we'll later convert into customers. How to take notes while reading a book - Ness Labs. It’s easier to take notes when we’re listening to content. That’s because our hands are free and we can focus on writing down whatever seems important to remember. However, when reading a book, taking notes interrupts our reading flow. It means there is a fine balance between taking too many notes—and reading extremely slowly—and taking too few notes, which leaves much of the knowledge from the book on the table. La magie des 100 répétitions : pourquoi l'originalité est surcotée ? Wes Kao — Use the minimum effective dose.

There’s a concept in medicine called the minimum effective dose. It means don’t take 800 mg of ibuprofen if 250 mg will work. It’s the same with validating your assumptions: Do the smallest, minimum amount of work to get the insight you’re looking for. How to Decline a Project While Helping The Client Succeed. As a freelancer, your entire business hinges on finding paying clients. So, declining paid work seems very counterintuitive, especially when you have an open calendar. But working with the wrong client can be much worse. Maybe their budget is too low or the timeline is too short. Accompagnement stratégique. The Real System Is Consistent Content. Progressive Summarization: A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes - Forte Labs. Skip to content Progressive Summarization: A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes Modern digital tools make it easy to “capture” information from a wide variety of sources.

We know how to snap a picture, type out some notes, record a video, or scan a document. Getting this content from the outside world into the digital world is trivial. It’s even easier to get content that is already digital from one app to another. What is difficult is not transferring content from place to place, but transferring it through time. You know what I mean: you read a book, investing hours of mental labor in understanding the ideas it presents. Masterclass Gratuite - On se voit bientôt!

Masterclass Gratuite - 3 stratégies pour lancer une formation qui vend. Everybody Writes : 5 Leçons Fondamentales Sur La Création de Contenu. Early Work. Steal Like An Artist: Austin Kleon at TEDxKC. Carol Dweck: Le pouvoir de croire que vous pouvez vous améliorer. After watching this, your brain will not be the same. Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey. The Art of Email Marketing: Earn Customers & Make Superfans. How to write an essay well. The Ethical Guide To Building An Email List Without Sleazy Tactics.

5 jours pour écrire de meilleurs articles de blog. How to Build a Network of Content That Hooks Your Readers for Hours. Science Of Persuasion. Focus on your own shit. 50 mesures pour une transition numérique au service de l’écologie. How To Prove Your Value (And Eliminate Client Doubts) The Seth Godin Encyclopedia — Brendan Cahill. 17 Non-Negotiable Things Your Email Newsletter Needs Right Now - Ann Handley. #11 Sophie Ianiro - Doctolib - L'importance de l'UX Writing dans le Product Design.

What makes Paul Graham a great writer? Marjolaine Revel – accompagnements éditoriaux. Pourquoi créer de l'émotion dans son film d'entreprise ? - UNIK Production. Brené Brown: Brené Brown : Ecouter la honte. Brené Brown: Brene Brown : le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité. Start Here. Content Manager freelance. Les mots pour vendre.

Editorial - Oxygen. Atlanta-based WordPress web designer & developer. COMMENT J'AI DES IDÉES // Des TIPS pour FAIRE des TRUCS #1 - Le facteur chance? I Philippe Gabilliet. Nectar Secret - Vintador. How To Write Newsletters That People Want To Read. Construire sa charte éditoriale (augmentée) en 5 sections absolument incontournables – BenditlikeSocrate. How To Write by Elizabeth Gilbert. Wes Kao — Simplify first, not last. Most Paid Newsletters Fail Because They Offer More Instead Of Different. CRM Airtable : Comment utiliser Airtable en tant que CRM ? Wes Kao — Imagine you’re on stage with 3 of your heroes.

Plus Minus Next journaling - Ness Labs. How To Be Your Own Business Coach. Usbek & Rica - Et si le futur appartenait aux lents ? The most important page on your portfolio - DESK Magazine. Calm also has a coefficient. #W2C11 – Le storytelling pour booster votre business – Christian Godefroy. Briefing en Rédaction Web : La solution pour éviter les désillusions - La Rédac du Web. Écriture persuasive : 4 règles simples pour rédiger des titres percutants. ‎L'Empreinte sur Apple Podcasts. Comment ne pas s'éparpiller entre plusieurs idées de projets ? Dépasse ta peur : incarne ta marque sur les réseaux sociaux. Créer des Contenus Exceptionnels : explications d'Ann Handley. Quels sont les plus grands désastres marketing de l'histoire ? - 1min30. Cet arbre devrait être mort mais il est maintenu en vie par les autres de la forêt.

Les espions dans l'ombre des réseaux : Israël. Content Marketing : 6 façons originales de réutiliser votre contenu. Comment persuader avec les émotions ? “Urgences” : l'imaginaire du malade ! Society Magazine.


Tom Wolfe : “Plein de gens sont de bien meilleurs écrivains quand ils écrivent une lettre à un ami” Réseaux sociaux. Grandir et s'élever avec Internet. Un projet de loi US veut bannir l'autoplay et le scroll infini pour rendre les médias sociaux moins addictifs. Replay 13h15, le samedi... - La voie d’Axelle.