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Funding for Scientific Research | Sustainable Sciences Institute. Switzerland General information. Science in Switzerland. Programs. Switzerland cern´s collider. The Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way. Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. The beams travel in opposite directions in separate beam pipes – two tubes kept at ultrahigh vacuum. They are guided around the accelerator ring by a strong magnetic field maintained by superconducting electromagnets.

Thousands of magnets of different varieties and sizes are used to direct the beams around the accelerator. All the controls for the accelerator, its services and technical infrastructure are housed under one roof at the CERN Control Centre. How many kilometres of cables are there on the LHC? Confederation’s bilateral programmes. Two additional Swiss bilateral programms. Korea-Swiss_Call_for_proposals_final. Global.ethz. International cooperation. About EDCTP - EDCTP. Eligible countries | Human Frontier Science Program. Scientists from all countries may participate in the Research Grant and Fellowship programs.

There are, however, some restrictions that affect applicants from non-member countries. The restrictions on participation are: 1. The Principal Applicant of a research grant must be from one of the member countries (see list below), but other team members may be from anywhere in the world as long as the teams fulfill the basic international requirements described in the guidelines. 2. Young scientists from anywhere in the world may apply for a Fellowship to work in a laboratory in one of the supporting countries (see list below). A scientist from one of the member countries can apply to work anywhere in the world. SERI - Promotion of education, research and innovation for 2013-2016. Knowledge in all of its forms is one of the most important factors for individual fulfilment and success in society.

Education and research play a decisive role in the creation, dissemination and use of knowledge. They form an important foundation for innovation at all levels, which in turn drives the economic, social and cultural development of a country. Because of these linkages, the Federal Council considers education, research and innovation (ERI) to be a priority policy sector. ERI funding policy is based on an awareness of the fact that Switzerland can only maintain and further consolidate its very competitive and world-class position if it remains a knowledge-based society. ERI policy guidelines and objectives for 2013-2016 In the current Legislative Plan, the Federal Council has devoted one of its objectives to the ERI sector: “Switzerland considers education, research and innovation to be a top priority.” ERI budget for 2013-2016 * Will be requested at a later time. International Foundation for Science - About IFS.

The Organisation One of the principal recommendations of the Pugwash Conference in Venice1 in 1965 was to establish the International Foundation for Science ‘in order to address the stultifying conditions under which younger faculty members in the universities of developing countries were attempting to do research’. IFS was founded as a Research Council and registered as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Sweden in 1972. IFS receives funding from a portfolio of donors and funders including development organisations and science academies.

The annual budget is approximately USD 5 million. Our mission We live today in a world that faces many interlinked crises. In order to contribute to this goal, IFS provides opportunities for young scientists to propose research into biological and water resources in low income countries. » IFS Mission statement The Granting Programme » IFS Programme Awards to Grantees » Awards 1. Back to top. Switzerland – A research nation - Switzerland - Information. Basic research is primarily carried out by universities and the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL). Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) concentrate on applied research and development, with a view to forging closer links between industry and the world of academe. Swiss researchers are involved in many programmes both in Europe and the rest of the world.

Switzerland is also an active player in a large number of research programmes. Working on behalf of the federal government, both the State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) and the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) facilitate the smooth transfer of knowledge within international research networks. International and private institutions are also heavily involved in research. For example, there is the European laboratory of the American high-tech company IBM in Rüschlikon, near Zurich. SERI - Continuing successful participation in EU Framework Programmes. Education, research and innovation (ERI) are essential to the competitiveness and stability of Switzerland. International cooperation is vital if Switzerland is to continue to be one of the world's most innovative countries.

Maintaining its well established place in European programmes is a key element in the Federal Council's international ERI strategy. ‘Horizon 2020' opens up prospects for research and innovation Switzerland first started taking part in the EU's Framework Programmes on a project basis in 1987, and has been an associated state since 2004. In order to continue this successful association in the 8th programme generation from 2014 to 2020, the Federal Council is requesting a budget of CHF 4.4 billion Swiss francs over seven years.

The EU Framework Programmes, which run for several years, are the EU's main instrument for promoting research and innovation. Erasmus for all Switzerland has fully participated in the EU's education and youth programmes since 2011. Publisher: Government "helps" Universities and research bodies step up pressure to increase public spending. Paginas no he leido porque estan en otro idioma. Scientific projects switzerland. Swiss Academy of Sciences - SCNAT - Home. Economics. Why is not part of the EU? The EU and Switzerland Do Not Match. DEA - Swiss policy on the European Union.