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16 tutoriales de photoshop para fotógrafos. Photoshop, ese gran aliado del fotógrafo del siglo XXI. Ya sabéis que en Xataka Foto defendemos el uso, siempre moderado, de esta magnífica herramienta, pero si eres de los que te gusta darle caña al retoque con tus fotos, seguro que te gusta la recopilación que os traemos hoy. Hasta 16 tutoriales de photoshop enfocados a fotógrafos, es la excelente recopilación que han hecho los chicos de Web Designer Core. La única pega que les veo es que están en inglés, por lo que si no dominas el idioma de shakespeare, tendrás que estar atento a las capturas.

Los hay más agresivos y los hay más sutiles, os dejo con los que mas me han gustado (quizás los menos fantásticos), aunque no dejéis de echar un ojo al listado completo: Sepia selectivo Oscureciendo un retrato Efecto reflejo en gafas de sol Atardecer dorado Efectos cromáticos Tatuaje virtual Cambiando el fondo a una foto Podéis ver el resto de tutoriales en la web que os dejo a continuación Via | Twitt de fotografo | Web design core. Adelgazar en Photoshop. Cómo quitarte unos kilitos de más en 3 m. 24 impresionantes acciones para Photoshop | Recursos para diseña. Esta grandiosa colección seguramente servirá a muchos de los que aquí estamos.

Se trata de recursos para utilizar y facilitar el trabajo en tus diseños. Es una colección de impresionantes acciones para Photoshop, listos para descargar y usar. Para hacerlo debe dar clic en la imagen de cada acción, el cual te dirigirá a la página para descargarlo. Más pinceles y recursos: Suavizar la piel en Photoshop. Vídeo Screencast.

Cómo aplicar estilo ‘Dave Hill’ a tus fotos. El paradigma de fotógrafo digital quizás sea David Hill . Sus fotografías son tan características que se habla del “ “. Naturalmente, aplicar ese estilo solo lo puede hacer el propio fotógrafo norteamericano pero si te gusta jugar con la luz, el color, el enfoque, la saturación y otros factores de tus imágenes, en la Red puedes encontrar muchos recursos para conseguir ese efecto sorprendente. nos ofreció, en su día, el enlace a un tutorial para hacerlo con Camera Raw y Lightroom . También existen plugins para pero, sin duda, lo más sencillo es utilizar este programa. Nos lo explican, por ejemplo, perfectamente en un vídeotutorial del canal de Youtube de Dzoom .

También es muy interesante el siguiente foro de discusión en : OT – EUREKA!! A continuación resumimos el proceso. 1. Duplicar capa: Capa -> duplicar capa Paso alto: Filtro -> Otro -> paso alto (radio=8) Modo de fusión: Capa -> estilo de capa -> opciones de fusión (luz intensa) Acoplar capas: Capa -> acoplar imagen 2. 3. 4. 5. Tutoriales y recursos Photoshop. Tutoriales - Buscador de Tutoriales Gratis - Los mejores Tutoria. 100 Best Photoshop Tutorials From 2009. If your anything like me i use Photoshop near enough every day weather I’m cropping images or designing a poster for a client, i’m always on the hunt for new Photoshop tutorials in order to help expand my knowledge and to learn new Photoshop techniques. This is a compilation of 100 best photoshop tutorials from 2009. The collection of tutorials feature text effects, illustration, web designs, photo effects and much more every aspect of Photoshop every designer should look into learning showcased all within one post.

The Creative Nerds team also run another blog called Design Chair which features the best Photoshop tutorials, illustrator tutorials and resources for designers worth checking out if you have some spare all want to search for a specific design tutorial. I hope you enjoy this article and let us know in the comments which is your favourite tutorial featured within this post. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3D Typography in Photoshop 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 300+ Resources to Help You Become a Photoshop Expert | Webdesign. Adobe Photoshop is arguably the most powerful graphics and photo manipulation software on the market. You can do virtually anything with Photoshop, from fantasy image collages to complete website designs, and everything in between.

Although while Photoshop is incredibly powerful, it can also be incredibly complicated, especially when trying to perform advanced functions. Below are over 300 resources to get you on your way to Photoshop mastery. There’s everything from cheat sheets to brushes to tutorials to action scripts, as well as collections of even more resources and tools. pCheat Sheets and Reference Guides Keeping cheat sheets and reference guides at hand can speed up your design process and make you a more efficient designer. Black & White Cheatsheet for Photoshop – This is a great reference guide that shows the results for different methods of converting images to black and white in Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop Cheat Sheet – This is a six-page reference guide. Individual Tutorials.

30 Complete Photoshop Guides for Beginners. Psdtuts+ | Adobe Photoshop tutorials, from beginner to advanced. Free Photoshop Tutorials | PhotoshopStar. Free Photoshop Plug-ins Collection. Home » Design » Free Photoshop Plug-ins Collection Photoshop plug-ins are the add-ons that power a Photoshop user. They make a complicated task much easier & help creating amazing effects, designing faster & better. There are lots of free Photoshop plug-ins which can fire your skills. This post aims to present most of them (150+) in a comprehensive way.

How to install Photoshop plug-ins? Photoshop plug-ins are .8bf files. Here they are: AlphaWorks – Transparency Effects A free Photoshop plugin for easily removing black or white values and making the region transparent. It provides 6 different filters to match any photo type. ColourWorks – Colour Modification It has 20 effects to modify image colour values in several ways. The plug-in can be used for digital-photo color correction or any other transformations.

EdgeWorks – Cool Artistic Styles It has 20 effects to create dramatic edge and colour modifications. ScreenWorks Easily create screen/mesh patterns with 30 options. EmbossWorks B/W Conversion Xpose. Enfocar una imagen al estilo de la vieja escuela | Fotografía Mi. 70 Excellent Photoshop Resources. By Kawsar Ali Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for many designers and artists. Photoshop can be used for almost every little task that involves graphic design. It is one of the finest pieces of software available on the market when it comes to digital image editing. A great attribute of Photoshop is that you can extend it with additional brushes, patterns, shapes, and more. In this massive collection of resources, you’ll find all sorts of resources including: tutorial sites, Photoshop Brushes, patterns, Photoshop Actions, showcases/collections, and much more. Photoshop Tutorial Sites 1.

Psdtuts+ is a weblog and Photoshop site that features high-quality Photoshop tutorials. 2. Tutorial9 is a website that publishes excellent Photoshop tutorials such as “Draw a Classy 3D Poker Chip in Photoshop” and “Render a Realistic CD in Photoshop“. PSDFAN publishes high-quality tutorials, Photoshop freebies, and interviews with designers and artists. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Pushing Photoshop to the Limit: 13 Most Advanced tutorials. Nov 26 2008 Adobe Photoshop is probably one of the most popular graphic editing program used extensively. There is one simple reason for that. Photoshop is easy to learn and offer a variety of advanced tools to optimize and emphasize some impressive results.

That’s why many designers use it to compliment other programs like Flash, Illustrator, Cinema 4D and After Effects. But wait it doesn’t stop here, there is more! This article provides 13 Advanced Adobe Photoshop tutorials which can enrich your design skills and improve the quality of your works whether you are using Flash, Illustrator, After Effects or Web design.

Photoshop wih Cinema 4D 1. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice ghost using Photoshop mixing an image created in Cinema 4D with some photos. 2. “In this tutorial I will walk through the steps I used to create this illustration to bring alive the word “collide.” Photoshop wih Flash 3. 4. 5. “Some Flash effects never seem to go out of style. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 2008 Most Useful Photoshop Tutorials | Abduzeedo - design inspir. In this year, 2008, that is about to end, I had the opportunity to write quite a few Photoshop tutorials for PSDTUTS, Digital Arts, and of course here on Abduzeedo. I also read lots of tutorials during the year. They've helped me create the effects I want, and most importantly, showed me different ways to use Adobe Photoshop; from Vintage Posters to really crazy photo manipulations. I have to say, 2008 was a year full of great tutorials.

That's why I want to share some of the most useful Photoshop tutorials with you. Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography This tutorial is simply amazing, Alex Beltechi shows us how to create a really cool 3D type using illustrator then in Photoshop add textures and other elements. Enhance Your Ad Designs with 3D Splashes What I like in this tutorial was the way Alessandro Giglio creates the splashes. Create cool neon effects This was one of the best effects I've seen ever. Create amazing photomontages Seriously Cool Photoshop Explosion Effect HDR Tutorial. Vunky Search. Professional Photograph Restoration Workflow. AdobeTV. Elite By Design » How To Master Photoshop In Just One Week. 30 Ultra High-end Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTUTS. 35 Photoshop Tutorials Inspired by Apple | Vandelay Website Desi. Apple and its innovative products and marketing are the focus of some excellent design tutorials for Photoshop.

Since I kept seeing tutorials inspired by the iPhone and iPod, I decided to compile the best tutorials of this kind that I could uncover. Here are 35 for those of you who can’t get enough of Apple. Looking for hosting? WPEngine offers secure managed WordPress hosting. You’ll get expert WordPress support, automatic backups, and caching for fast page loads. Visit WPEngine. Look de Cine en Photoshop. En este tutorial vamos a darle un toque cinematográfico a nuestras fotos, usando Photoshop haremos que nuestras imágenes parezcan “Made in Hollywood”. Para empezar lo adecuado es escoger una fotografía que se adapte al efecto que queremos conseguir, en este caso he seleccionado una fotografía que tomé al finalizar una sesión de moda en exteriores, y que reúne las condiciones pretendidas para este tutorial.

Este tutorial está realizado en PC con sistema operativo Windows XP y Adobe Photoshop CS3, con otros sistemas operativos y versiones de Photoshop puede haber alguna variación, pero se puede llegar al mismo resultado de varias maneras. Al final del tutorial está un enlace a un archivo de acción de Photoshop que podeis descargar y cargar en vuestra paleta de acciones de Photoshop para realizar los pasos del tutorial de forma automática, con las correspondientes paradas en la acción para regular los ajustes al gusto particular de cada uno. Ajustes de color01. 02. 04. 05. 06. 08. 09. 10. 30 Beautiful Photoshop Illustration Tutorials - Six Revisions. Six Revisions Skip site navigation 30 Beautiful Photoshop Illustration Tutorials Oct 12 2008 by Jacob Gube | 25 Comments Illustration is usually done in vector graphics applications like Adobe Illustrator or CORELDraw.

In this collection, you’ll find 30 brilliant illustration/drawing tutorials using Adobe Photoshop from top-notch Photoshop tutorial sites. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Want to see more tutorials? If you enjoyed this collection, be sure to check out the first collection of this series of Photoshop tutorials. Related Posts 25 Comments liam October 12th, 2008 Holy shit, that “Veilside Fortune RX7″ tutorial just made my day, and it looks amazing. Stevedave October 12th, 2008 Why wouldn’t you just use Illustrator and just do these the easy way? Jacob Gube October 13th, 2008 @Stevedave: I personally use both. NaldzGraphics October 13th, 2008 Ronald freakingcupcake October 13th, 2008 Exactly… Illustrator… why not?

35+ Nature Tutorials for Photoshop | Vandelay Website Design. Thank you for visiting the Vandelay Design Blog! We regularly publish collections of Photoshop tutorials like this one. If you would like to improve your Photoshop skills, please consider subscribing to our feed by RSS or by email so you don’t miss these posts. There are plenty of great Photoshop tutorials for working with different aspects and elements of nature.

This is a collection of tutorials for working with the sky, clouds, grass, water, rain, and much more. Looking for hosting? 23 Most Incredible Photoshop Tutorials :: Elite By Design. Paired with yesterday’s 24 Perfect Vectors , I wanted to list off some incredible Photoshop tutorials I’ve found on the web that will help you utilize those resources. I’ve done my best to select a wide variety of tutorials from web graphics, to photo enhancement, to just plain incredible. Remember, its not about the destination, instead its all about the journey. Don’t neglect a tutorial because you aren’t interested in the final product. Instead, follow each one, step by step.

I can personally attest that the knowledge you will gain about the various tools and functions that are available for you to use in Photoshop will be much more beneficial than the final image. Further Reading: 25 More Most Incredible Photoshop Tutorials How To Master Photoshop In Just One Week 75 Insane Hi-Res Photoshop Brushes You Know You’re Addicted To Photoshop If… 21 Best Photoshop Text Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D Tentacles . . . . . . .

35 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Your Own Posters | Vandelay. 20 Insane Comic-book Style Photoshop Effects - PSDTUTS. Screencast: Simular una foto Tilt&Shift con Photoshop. 70 Beauty-Retouching Photoshop Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing. Advertisement Beauty retouching is probably one of the most popular application areas in which Adobe Photoshop is used extensively. There are two simple reasons for that. First, Photoshop offers a variety of advanced tools to smooth out skin and hair, optimize body proportions and emphasize some beautiful details.

And second, if you have some experience with Photoshop it is easy to learn the basics and quickly produce very impressive and beautiful results. Of course, beauty-retouching is a quite deceptive art. Still, it is not the reason to avoid learning advanced Photoshop techniques for beauty-retouching and study examples of how it is done in practice. You may want to take a look at the further Photoshop tutorials selections we’ve presented earlier: Skin Beautiful Skin Not everyone has beautiful skin but you can make it better – at least in your photographs. Hair Changing Hair Color How to change hair color. Body (breasts, bum, figure, etc.) Eyes, mouth and teeth Galleries Video-Tutorials. 41 Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects [Photoshop Tutorials] 27 Best Photoshop Web Layout Design Tutorials to Design Decent W.

40 Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting and Abstract Effects | Vande. Photoshop Lady. 53 Killer Photoshop Illustrator Effects and Tutorials. High Quality Photoshop Brushes, Resources and Tutorials. Screencast: Añade un viñeteado a tus fotografías. You Suck at Photoshop. » 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes.