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Architect Ricardo Bofill Buys Abandoned Cement Factory and Transforms It. No, this isn’t just an old factory, crumbling to pieces.

Architect Ricardo Bofill Buys Abandoned Cement Factory and Transforms It

It used to be a cement factory, sure, but now this sprawling structure is the incredible home of architect Ricardo Bofill. He discovered The Cement Factory in 1973 and it was completely abandoned (and partially in ruins). It couldn’t have looked like much, but Ricardo saw its true potential. He bought it and began renovating. He turned it into something you can barely recognize as the factory it used to be. When Ricardo purchased the factory in 1973, it looked like this. 29GPS Architecture: A geo located guide to architecture in your pocket. In my opinion, the iPhone has opened a complete new world of interaction in our hands and for me has been a very valuable tool in terms of productivity.

29GPS Architecture: A geo located guide to architecture in your pocket

Thanks to its mobile broadband capabilities, it allows you to be connected almost everywhere and download content very fast. But one of the most amazing features is the built-in GPS, that allows you to get content related to your immediate surroundings. But it´s not just maps or directions. Schweizerischer ingenieur- und architektenverein. The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) is Switzerland’s leading professional association for construction, technology and environment specialists.

schweizerischer ingenieur- und architektenverein

With around 15,000 members from the fields of engineering and architecture, the SIA is a highly professional and interdisciplinary network whose central aim is to promote sustainable and high-quality design of the built environment in Switzerland. Core professional instruments The SIA and its members stand for quality and expertise in architecture and construction. The SIA is well known for its important work on standards. It develops, updates and publishes numerous standards, regulations, guidelines, recommendations and documentation, which are of vital importance for the Swiss construction industry. Some 200 committees are responsible for further developing these standards.

Xavier Delory. The Architect and the Accessible City: The Prize-Winning Essay. Each year, the Department of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley bestows the Berkeley Prize(s) in order to promote the investigation of architecture as a social art.

The Architect and the Accessible City: The Prize-Winning Essay

This year’s theme was “The Architect and the Accessible City.” The following essay, “A day in the life of a wheelchair user: navigating Lincoln,” written by Sophia Bannert of the University of Lincoln, took first prize. Architectural discourse has gradually become incoherent with the social and ethical needs of the contemporary city. With the relationship between theory and practice strained, lack of social relevance in design is ubiquitous. Practising architects frequently regard theory as esoteric and non-transferable, whilst many theorists do not manifest their ideas into reality and build. As Albert Einstein said: “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts”. Read more of Sophia Bannert’s prize-winning story, after the break… Alone and small in the street, my self-awareness heightens. Final Preservation: What Cinema Has That Architecture Doesn’t.

Ghost Cities Around the World. This post is by Cian O’ Driscoll, the writer of a lifestyle blog called Raconteur Living that explores architecture and popular culture.

Ghost Cities Around the World

Cian is currently undergoing a Master of Science in Architecture at Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland. Abandoned cities are an unfortunate consequence of life and growth on our planet. The reasons for abandoning a city are as varied as the people who once inhabited their buildings and walked their streets. Allhitecture. A Refugee Camp Is a City / World Refugee Day 2013. Written by Ana Asensio Rodríguez.

A Refugee Camp Is a City / World Refugee Day 2013

June 20th. World Refugee Day. When we think of emergency architecture, what usually comes to mind are villages razed by flooding, by a hurricane or tornado. Families who have lost everything. From catastrophe emerges a new home for a new life, a new future to rebuild from the debris. Political and armed conflicts displace tens of millions of people every year. But a refugee camp is also a city.

The Craft of Architecture. It didn’t start out this way for me.

The Craft of Architecture

When I was younger, I had an idea of what “Architecture” is – Architecture with a capital A. I held that idea in front of me throughout my career to serve as a guide, as I worked on my craft. To me, Great Architects were those that refined their concepts and details and forms with each new project. Tiger. Tiger's Nest Monastery Perched on the side of a cliff 3000 feet from the floor of the Paro valley, Tiger's Nest is the most famous of Bhutan's monasteries.


A place of pilgrimage for Buddhists. (Back) Home About Articles Gallery Contact Prints Links. David Stephenson. This new body of color work, completed over the past three years by David Stephenson, records Gothic architecture in Northern European churches and cathedrals.

David Stephenson

In this series, images of naves, crossings, apses and choirs are combined into diptychs and triptychs to create anthropomorphic designs.


David Leventi artwork presented by Bau-Xi Gallery Contemporary Fine Art. Photographer Víctor Enrich Turns Real Building in Munich Into Impossible Architecture. For his latest project called NHDK, Barcelona-based artist and photographer Victor Enrich ( previously ) has transformed an ordinary-looking building in Munich into a surreal and impossible architecture… Victor Enrich.

Photographer Víctor Enrich Turns Real Building in Munich Into Impossible Architecture