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Blinding You With Science: Hypercolor Explained. Readers of a certain age might remember Hypercolor or Hypergrafix clothing, the color-changing T-shirts produced by Generra that were all the rage in the early '90s.

Blinding You With Science: Hypercolor Explained

Now that the '90s are back, it's a good time to finally figure out the science behind the clothes. Blinding You With Science The secret to Hypercolor shirts and products like them is thermochromism, the ability of a substance to change color due to a change in temperature. The shirts are manufactured with two dyes: one regular dye that provides the constant "true" color of the fabric, and a thermochromic dye enclosed in microcapsules bound to the fabric's fibers. The thermochromic dye is usually a mixture of a leuco dye (a dye whose molecules can take on two forms, one colorless; Hypercolor shirts often used crystal violet lactone), a weak acid, and a dissociable salt dissolved in the fatty alcohol 1-dodecanol. At low temperatures, the dodecanol is solid and the dye exists in its colorless leuco form. How to make custom oval necklaces.

I was strolling through the pages of one of my favorite "Buy Handmade" sites a few months ago and came across these beautiful oval cabochon necklaces.

How to make custom oval necklaces

I saw prices ranging from $8.00 up to $30.00. Thirty dollars!?! No, I'm not paying that when I am sure I can make them myself for less. These necklaces are customizeable with pretty much any image you can imagine and I am excited to be able to give you this tutorial complete with where to find all of the supplies to make them at home in an afternoon! While the tutorial highlights one particular shape and size, you will find that size and shape can also be chosen to suit your own taste. Gathering your supplies From Left to Right: Saran Wrap to protect your surface, JudiKins Diamond Glaze, E6000 adhesive, Sharp scissors, Finished necklaces, Glass Cabochons, Images printed on cardstock, Silver and Copper Metal Trays Step One: Cut your image so that it fits inside the metal tray.

String Art for a Beachy Room. Dear Chicago House, Mission accomplished, I have completed the Pinterest Winter Challenge(read about the progress here) and I have succeed!

String Art for a Beachy Room

Here is my SEA & SAND stringtabulous creation I used crochet and regular sewing thread in blues and greens and purples and wrapped in a very random fashion but created a color gradient going from green/blue to purple /blue. The wrapping took about 3 hours. Although I have decided that the art work is destined for the beachy living room in the St Louis town house I couldn't resist putting up in your sunny entrance way...but lets face it it is a pretty weird message to greet people when they come in ... so it is destined not to stay there. DIY Houses by Night. Ready for a bit of DIY love?

DIY Houses by Night

:) Constellation Jar. I asked Amy of This Heart of Mine for a project that would be fun for kids or adults.

Constellation Jar

I love that she thought of star-gazing! We’re so far into the countryside, that the stars here are outrageously bright. Recaptured Charm: Mason Jar Tea Lights. Today the weather was suppose to be nice and I had planned to be outside doing a little gardening.

Recaptured Charm: Mason Jar Tea Lights

But the past two weeks, the weather has been poop, so I opted for an indoor project. Time to make use of the mason jars I had sitting in the garage. Just the usual mason jars, and a couple of small preserve jars. This is the poor mans way of doing things. Glowing Outdoor Orbs. O.K.

Glowing Outdoor Orbs

Get ready for it … this one’s a doozy. Doozie? Doosey. It’s a humdinger. Instagram Art. Editors Note: This post was corrupted during a blog update.

Instagram Art

Until we get the pictures back, here are the instructions. 52 Reasons. This is one of the first crafts I'd ever posted online.

52 Reasons

I used to belong to a community called (waaaay back in the day). It's still around but I rarely remember to visit. However, it pops up on my radar about this time of year. One of my crafts was featured in their Valentine's Day collection on the forum. And now that Pinterest is here, my old post keeps resurfacing. Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments. I recently saw a marbleized nail technique on Pinterest and was so inspired to try it.

Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments

After several attempts I finally got the nail technique down and decided to do something more unique with it. Taking the glass ornaments that I purchased from Michaels, I created a water marble ornament. You can check out my video tutorials on how to marbleize an ornament and how to water marble nails. I also created a monogrammed marbleized image by cutting out the letter A from a sticker (you could user painters tape, I just had this sticker on hand) with an Exacto knife. I used the negative part of the sticker (negative part meaning outline) and stuck it onto the ornament. The Hipster Home » Blog Archive » How to Make a Tiny Terrarium in a Light Bulb.

Ahoy there Hipster Homers! I’m Julie and I’m the very first guest blogger on this fine site. Today’s project involves breaking stuff, plants, found objects, and miniatures. Fun, right? Tile Coaster Tutorial. DIY Roundup - Lace and Doilies. Hi everyone! Today I'd like to share a round up of DIY projects that are all about lace and doilies. 1. DIY Lace Paper Enveloppe - Tutorial here 2. DIY $5 Flower Vase! So, I finally just changed all the burnt out light bulbs in my house. So now my left with old light bulbs and being the environmentalist I am, I do not want to throw them out. I want to make art with them! So I was looking at different crafts and I came across this vase. I was ready to make it on the spot but sadly I do not have all the materials, so I decided to share it with all of you!

Tutorial after the break! What You Will Need: Always Chrysti - Always Chrysti - 100+ Ways to Creatively Reuse Old Magazines. Beyond Beyond ™ – UK Wedding Blog // International Wedding Blog // Well, we are dusting off our obligatory black armband over in Beyond Beyond land for one of our most favourite shops ever – Early Bright (mega sad face) they have been the purveyors of some delicious and inspirational bling that is more art than jewellery. And we just want to share one of the most beautiful pieces every a wish in a jar. We used to shake dandelion bushes when we were little in the vain belief that we would get a Barbie dream house, Michael Jackson tickets, the ability to breakdance overnight (although we never progressed beyond being able to do backspins), millionaire moolah, or our favourite wish was that we had been dropped off at the wrong house (sorry parental units) and we were really the offspring of some family with the financial clout of Daddy Warbucks and the Rothschild’s combined.

About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Amma = Idiot + Savant. Happy Hippity Hop! We're taking a long weekend off here for the Easter break (we're working on a new website with hopes of getting a bit more done with the extra day tucked in there). So we're bidding you farewell early with a few links and this cute little picture tutorial (see more below) sent to our e-mail from the folks at Present&Correct. Happy wishes for your Easter and Passover break. Button Monogram. Melted Crayon Art. Mini DIY Round-up. Audible gasp.


Craft Meet-Up: Homemade Chalkboards « Fellow Creatives. Craft Meet-Up, Craftivity The ladies of the craft club met up recently to get our craft on and make homemade chalkboards. Here are the basic steps to accomplishing this fairly easy project. Repurposed Wine Bottle Tutorial. Craft Meet-Up « Fellow Creatives. Craft Meet-Up, Craftivity. Supplies. What you’ll need: Project 4 of 33 : crayon art. Screen Printing your own T shirts with Freezer Paper. You've probably seen this sprinkled around the web on various blogs and how-to sites. How to Make Rainbow Melted Crayon Art. Repurpose: Cupfuls of Potential... Neither paper nor plastic cups are actually "disposable" but we dispose of a lot of them!

So much so, that they've become icons of our throwaway culture. The last time I got on a soapbox about the nastiness of some of the things we throw away (balloons), an anonymous industry person threw the book at me in a comment. Well, go ahead manufacturers of disposable cups! Wrapped Loops Tutorial - Basic Wire Working Technique Series. I taught myself basic wire working skills by surfing the net, watching videos, and studying tutorials and with lots and lots of practice! Holiday DIY: Simple Filled and Painted Ornaments Tutorial. Medical Supplies, Lab Supplies. Glass Marble Magnet Tutorial {Craft Project} How To Drill Holes Through Rocks. What you’ll need. The Robin's Nest: Chalkboard Clay Pots... Washer Panache. Guest Post: Resin Bottle Cap Pins Tutorial and Printable with Heidi of Digknity. Mason Jar Snow Globe Tutorial. Super Fun Photo Transfer Projects. Feather Christmas Ornaments!

Photo Tips and Techniques for Beginners. DIY Glitter Ornaments. Christmas Ornament Round Up. Papirstjerne -slik lagar du den. Guest Post: Inspired by Valerie Boy. DIY Vinyl Record Bowls. Cable & Cotton. Fourth of July Star Jars.