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Google Voice. Educreations - Teach what you know. Learn what you don't. 5 Design Tools to Create Pinnable Images. If there is one thing this writer enjoys more than researching blog articles and finding good Pinterest tips for all you loyal blog readers out there, it’s designing the accompanying images for our blog posts.

5 Design Tools to Create Pinnable Images

Creating pinnable images to go with entries, regardless if it is for your blog or social media posts, is vital for optimizing your pinning opportunities. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so it makes perfect sense to emphasize your image design, ensuring that it captures a viewer’s attention and compels them to want to Pin your image. This can simply be called a pinnable image. According to MJR Creative Group, a good pinnable image should be an awesome, impactful picture that’s 736 pixels wide and at least twice as long. With so many design tools and apps popping up like daisies, it’s now a lot easier to create your own well designed image without having to resort to hiring professionals or spending time and money on learning professional design software. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Turn your picture into Cartoon Using Choggers. Chogger is an awesome comic strip building platform.

Turn your picture into Cartoon Using Choggers

It looks like Pixton and Make Beliefs but offers extra services. Choggers has a good editing tool that allows users to create their own cartoons out of imported photos. Users can even hook on their camera and snap images to edit on Chogger. There are also tools to help users start drawing their own images from scratch. It is indeed so much fun working on Chogger and students will definitely feel at ease using it. Create Digital Learning Content Combine Video Images Text Audio. What Is Metta?

Create Digital Learning Content Combine Video Images Text Audio

Metta ( is a digital storytelling tool that allows you to create lessons using audio, videos, and images from your computer or from the web. It is a great online app for creating short flipped or blended lessons for students to help them learn outside of the classroom. The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom. July 25, 2014 Following the posting of "Managing iPad Videos in Schools" somebody emailed me asking about some suggestions for tools and apps to create instructional videos to use in a flipped learning setting.

The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom

In fact, over the last couple of years I have reviewed several web tools and iPad apps that can be used in flipped classroom but the ones I am featuring below are among the best out there. 1- Educlipper Educlipper is a wonderful tool for creating video tutorials and guides to share with students. As a teacher you can create an Educlipper board for your class and share the link with them. Now that you have a shared space with your students, you can go about creating instructional videos using the iPap app of Educlipper. Pixiclip is another wonderful tool to create step by step instructional videos to use in your flipped classroom. 3- Explain Everything Knowmia Teach is a new free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers and their students.

MONTAGE VIDEO. Create, Engage, Assess through Mobile Devices. Teaching and Learning. Mindmapping libre, gratuit et éthique. Google Tips. Explain Everything ™ Nearpod: Create, Engage, Assess through Mobile Devices. Imágenes de archivo, fotos libres de derechos, banco de imágenes.

Documenta. Tutoriales de herramientas TIC para educación. Vídeo : tutorial Pearltrees. Piktochart aprenda a usarlo. Crear diagramas online Colaboración en tiempo real. SlideCaptain - Crear presentaciones en línea bien estructuradas. Create Interactive Online Presentations, infographics, animations & banners in HTML5 - Visme by Easy WebContent. Make Presentations Different. Educreations. - Visual Collaboration for Creative People. TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook.

64 Things Every Geek Should Know. If you consider yourself a geek, or aspire to the honor of geekhood, here’s an essential checklist of must-have geek skills. The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. 2.

If you rolled your eyes here, that is a good thing. This tip is only really good for older machines running 9x based OS’s. 1. 3. . , 4. 5. 6. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. TagCrowd: make your own tag cloud from any text. Slides – Create and share presentations online. LiveBinders. TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook. Educação Aberta. Open Educational Resources. Sugata Mitra: Construa uma Escola na Nuvem.

EASEL.LY: Create Infographics online. Líneas del tiempo sí, pero... ¿cuál elegir? Hace poco más de un año nuestro compañero Francisco Muñoz escribió una completísima entrada sobre las líneas del tiempo centrada, sobre todo, en una de las herramientas de creación de las mismas "Dipity".

Líneas del tiempo sí, pero... ¿cuál elegir?

Durante el presente año, esta entrada se ha convertido en una de las más vistas de este portal lo que demuestra que las aplicaciones para elaborar líneas del tiempo digitales son herramientas que suscitan un gran interés en el mundo educativo. Diez herramientas para realizar infografías en clase. Como colofón a la serie de publicaciones que hemos venido haciendo en torno a las infografías, hoy trabajaremos diferentes herramientas online que nos facilitan su creación.

Diez herramientas para realizar infografías en clase

Hay algunas gratuitas, otras de pago, y otras que incluyen compras integradas, de todos modos, todas nos son igual de útiles. Story Time Us, crea y comparte tus historias de forma sencilla. Muros colaborativos con Padlet. Padlet es quizás una de las herramientas 2.0 más sencilla de utilizar en el aula y que a su vez más usos pueden aportar.

Muros colaborativos con Padlet

Todos recordamos los corchos de aula en los que cuando éramos niños poníamos nuestros trabajos, o el maestro colgaba notas informativas, el horario de clase, los deberes .... Estos corchos o tablones siguen usándose en todas las aulas del mundo y para los que nos dedicamos a la docencia podríamos decir que es un elemento tan valioso como puedan ser las pizarras, las mesas y las sillas. No obstante, las tecnologías dentro del aula nos aporta la posibilidad de ampliar el potencial de estos tablones de aula y poder hacer uso de él de manera interactiva y colaborativa a través de una herramienta llamada Padlet. Este programa tiene enormes ventajas, como es: su sencillez, su capacidad de ser compartido, la posibilidad de incluir diferentes elementos, es gratis, tiene una interfaz agradable...

Padlet from Mayte Pelegrin Salas.