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Power Tumbl’ng: Why Tumblr Is a Great Way to Reach Teen Patrons. Illustration by Regan Dunnick In his video “Tumblr: The Musical,” Youtube celebrity Hank Green mocks how Tumblr aficionados get lost in a loop of scrolling, liking, and reblogging to the point of neglecting everything else in their lives, including sleep.

Power Tumbl’ng: Why Tumblr Is a Great Way to Reach Teen Patrons

The addictive Tumblr scroll has indeed become the preferred Internet rabbit hole, as Green, brother of the author John Green, hilariously shows. Should libraries and librarians use Tumblr? Is it wise to wade into this alluring sea of wacky photos, pop-culture commentary, and gifs—snippets of moving images—in order to virtually chat about best book lists, library events, title recommendations, and our favorite quotes?

Yes, and here’s why. Why Tumblr works In my job as a teen librarian, I’ve been running social networks since 2006. In the past year, though, it became clear that my teens were no longer on Facebook—or if they were, they weren’t using it to connect with the library. Enter Tumblr. Eight tips for successful tumbling 1. 2. 3. 4. Dewey Pictograms. Reproducible images portraying collections within the Dewey Decimal Classification System, enabling people with disabilities, low literacy skills, etc., to better locate materials in the library's collection; these can be mounted on bookstacks or special mounts in the collection.

Dewey Pictograms

Many thanks to OCLC (all copyright rights in the Dewey Decimal Classification System are owned by OCLC; Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC, OCLC and WebDewey are registered trademarks of OCLC) and to Oakland (CA) Public Library for making these images freely available. The resource is a result of a collaboration between the Oakland Public Library and the East Bay Learning Disabilities Association (EastBayl, supported by the California State Library. The 88 images were created by Shelby Designs & Illustrates (Oakland, CA) and the work was supported in part by the U.S. Introduction Pictograms for the Dewey Decimal System People with learning disabilities make up 17 to 20% of the general population. School Library Impact Studies. Library Research Service School Libraries & Student Achievement (2013) This 1-page infographic presents highlights from all of LRS’s school library impact studies.

School Library Impact Studies

Two versions of the infographic are available: – One is optimized for online viewing – And, the second is optimized for printing If you view the infographic PDF file in Firefox PDF viewer, it may not render properly. For best viewing and printing, click on the “open in different viewer” button in the top right corner of your browser, and select the option to open the file with Adobe Reader. The PDF file is optimized for printing on legal size paper. Ignoring the Evidence: Another Decade of Decline for School Libraries.

Why doesn’t the research on school libraries resonate with educational policymakers and funding allocators? Four decades of research from Canada, the U.S., and Australia indicates that well-staffed, well-stocked, and well-used school libraries are correlated with increases in student achievement on the order of 4 percent to 20 percent, as measured on student performance on standardized tests, overall school performance, and student performance in reading comprehension and in academic subjects. [1] Other studies have shown improvements in students’ attitudes towards reading and in the collaborative nature of school culture. [2] Is the research on school libraries like the research on healthy living? Is it that we are more likely to pay attention to research that suggests we drink a glass of red wine every day than to research that suggests we exercise every day?

Well-staffed, Well-stocked, Well-used Sustaining the Vision Portugal Sweden Norway Finland Croatia [2] See, for example: D. 50 inspiring quotes about libraries and librarians. You’ll find below a selection of quotes devoted to places and people deserving most attention: libraries and librarians.

50 inspiring quotes about libraries and librarians

Libraries are essential in a process of giving citizens access to knowledge. In digital times they are needed more than ever before. Get your library card, and you’ll be able to borrow a print or electronic book, use free internet, or attend a course improving your digital skills. Most importantly, however, libraries are the places where you can expect smart and clear answers to even most difficult questions. As Neil Gaiman says: “Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.” In times of the internet, everyone can visit a library without leaving home. I’ve visualised some of the quotes to let you easier share them in social networks – and promote libraries to a growing community of online addicts. Please share in the comments the library quotes that are missing in the list. Library Decoration Ideas. Library Decoration Ideas. PIP_Library_Services_Parents_PDF.pdf (application/pdf Object)

School_library_impact.jpg (JPEG Image, 2508 × 4029 pixels) - Scaled (18%) Buffy Hamilton's presentation at Iowa's spring conference embraces adopting transliteracy as a means to develop a culture of participartory learning in your library and school. Rda_bookmark_mw12.pdf (application/pdf Object)