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The Best Collaboration Tools for Small Groups and Teams. Work Smart. Selling Usability to Your Manager. You're enthusiastic about usability and want to make it happen within your organisation. But your manager doesn't share your enthusiasm. Perhaps your manager sees usability as a diversion from the business of product or software development, or thinks it's too fluffy to truly inform design, or sees it as a threat to his or her expertise. How do you go about changing your manager's mind? Most people will tell you to assemble a cost-benefit argument for usability. There are many resources on the Web to help you do this, and Randolph Bias and Deborah Mayhew have written an excellent book on the topic. But often, this just isn't enough. Step 1: Assemble the Benefits of Usability The first step is to review the key benefits of focusing on usability. Higher Revenues Loyal Customers Improved Brand Value Process Improvement Step 2: “Type” Your manager The next step is to tailor these benefits to the needs and interests of your manager.

How Does Your manager Prefer to Get Information? Be practical. Collaborative method. Group Setup[edit] Deliberate setup of a team—before beginning work—increases the potential for high performance.

Collaborative method

[citation needed] To do so, the following components of collaboration should be an initial focus: Group models[edit] Four group models are common in collaboration:[1] Chance Collaboration by chance is the most basic model and underlies all four. Acuity Collaboration by acuity establishes a team with balanced skill sets. Interest Collaboration by interest forms a team of persons with similar hobbies, curiosities or careers. Leader Collaboration by leader is a team model where the members are chosen by a leader. Spence's basic rules[edit] Spence identifies[1] seven rules for all collaboration: Look for common ground: find shared values, consider shared personal experiences, pay attention to and give feedback, be yourself and expect the same of others, be willing to accept differences in perception and opinions Katzenbach and Smith's "team basics"[edit] Complementary skills in team members. Managers : le guide du bon sens (ou comment motiver ses employés sans augmenter leurs salaires)

Ce n’est un secret pour personne, le manque de bon sens est source de bien des problèmes dans le monde.

Managers : le guide du bon sens (ou comment motiver ses employés sans augmenter leurs salaires)

Et ceci est particulièrement vrai dans le monde de l’entreprise. Pertes de temps en réunions interminables, licenciements alors que l’entreprise réalise des bénéfices, dépense d’immenses ressources humaines pour élaborer des définitions de mission vaseuses, immédiatement archivées dans des cartons poussiéreux, ou pour restructurer, réorganiser ou réengineerer tout et n’importe quoi. Dans le monde du travail, les contradictions ne se comptent plus.

Pour améliorer la productivité des employés, on leur colle un contrôle qualité tous les deux jours, et on organise des réunions de quatre heures pour découvrir pourquoi la démotivation gagne les troupes. Si quelqu’un a su témoigner de cet état de fait, c’est bien Scott Adams, le génial créateur de Dilbert, une BD dénonçant de façon hautement cynique, caustique et satirique la vie d’un employé de bureau moyen dans une grande multinationale. Carrière. Questions from 'My experience as a Recruiter on Hacker News' Off the back of my recent successful post on Hacker News, a number of people, job seekers & employers alike, had questions on how to improve their experience dealing with recruiters.

Questions from 'My experience as a Recruiter on Hacker News'

This post is designed to address the most common questions I was asked. I hope you find it useful. How do I stop the constant calls from recruiters? This applies mainly to employers but the advice is the same to candidates who experience the same issue. I have spoken to so many employers who say they receive an average of a dozen calls every single day touting the latest 'Rockstar Developer', god I hate that phrase. Start making notes. How do I make my CV/resume stand out above the rest? If you are a designer or front-end dev then a portfolio seems obvious but so many portfolios are incredibly basic, some are down-right ugly and a lot are difficult to navigate and comprehend.

What common mistakes should I avoid on my CV/Resume? If you want to highlight your creativity, keep that to your portfolio/website. Comment (bien) exploiter un stagiaire ? Oulah ! La question qui va faire polémique Quel créateur d’entreprise ne s’est pas entouré, à ses début, de stagiaires pour abattre du boulot à moindre frais ? C’est vrai quoi, embaucher, ça coûte trop cher et en plus il faudrait y passer des heures et des heures… alors qu’un stagiaire, bien docile, gratuit si possible, c’est la solution miracle ! Enfin, pas forcément… bien utiliser des stagiaires dans les premiers mois d’une entreprise est un art en soi. Voici quelques règles pour vous permettre de rendre l’expérience intéressante Pour commencer, petit tour par le dictionnaire, qui nous dit très simplement qu’il y a deux sens à « exploiter » : Mettre à profit.