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PERMACULTURE / Production intensive en espace restreint / 1ère partie : la butte ! Vermiponics roundup: The beauty of worms in hydroponic gardens (Video) We know the benefits of hydroponic gardening, aquaponics and vermicomposting, and how practices like these can help the home gardener grow more food efficiently.

Vermiponics roundup: The beauty of worms in hydroponic gardens (Video)

Vermiponics combines the best of the three in a self-sustaining mini-ecosystem, using the castings of red wriggler worms as fertilizer. The idea is that the cultivated plants and worms mutually benefit each other, much like the fish would in an aquaponic system. Compared to an aquaponic system though, worms in a vermiponic set-up requires less water and maintenance than fish would, making it an advantageous operation. Hydroponic Growth Journal.

Plant Growth and Progress Warning: This part is really dorky and should only be read by those who are seriously considering starting a hydroponic system!

Hydroponic Growth Journal

This bean plant ended up dying along with everything else on the bottom shelf. Not enough light! 6/17/09: Everything going well, except for lettuce. Funny that my solution is designed for lettuce, but it has shown zero growth. Lost a watermelon to damping off. 6/28/09: I have been adding 10mL of acid every couple of days, but pH has been pretty steady. Year 2 Hydro - Alex's Hobby Site. After the winter I decided to get some lettuce and herbs going.

Year 2 Hydro - Alex's Hobby Site

The first step was to remove the top shelf. One shelf should increase production, I am almost sure of that. The next step was to make repairs to the plumbing: Over winter, the seals between liner and tubing had separated due to freezing and shrinking. First I removed all the aggregate and placed into a bucket for sanitizing, and I emptied the reservoir of last fall's nutrient solution. Hydroponic system - Alex's Hobby Site. Hydroponic irrigation can definitely benefit from a PV-powered circulation pump and/or a solar thermal system for keeping nutrients and plants warm in the winter.

Hydroponic system - Alex's Hobby Site

I could not justify the cost of these for my small greenhouse and system in eastern Pennsylvania, but for a larger system I would definitely consider it! When I started building the greenhouse, I did not intend to experiment with hydroponics. I knew that I wanted an efficient irrigation system that would recycle the drained water and save my water bill and waste runoff, so I set out to design a system of troughs, one flowing into the next, all water being collected at the end. Each shelf is slightly angled to direct the water down and to a specific corner. I made the slope approximately 1/4" for every 2 feet of run. The starting point for water drainage is top right in the picture below, and the finish point will be bottom right. Below, finished trough channels water down to reservoir. 3 Easy DIY Greenhouses for Under $300. © Angela Davis It’s seed-starting season and spring is just around the corner.

3 Easy DIY Greenhouses for Under $300

If you’re looking to start seeds indoors and realize that you don’t have enough windows space to sprout seeds indoors, or don’t want to raise your electrical bill by installing grow lights, building a greenhouse from recycled and salvaged items might be the solution you need. 1. The Window Frame Greenhouse Probably the most popular examples of DIY greenhouses you’ll find on the Internet. The best time to salvage windows for this garden project is during construction and remodeling season where you live. . © Michael Taeuber Here's another window frame greenhouse, this one by Michael Taeuber, who created an Instructable to demonstrate how to build a greenhouse from old windows for his plants. 2.

. © Alex Campbell Alex Campbell built this lean-to greenhouse, also using old windows, for his food growing operation. He graciously documented his project so others could follow along and do the same. 3. . © Wolfie and the Sneak. Simple Greenhouse Plans - Fiddlehead Farm. How to Build a GeoDome Greenhouse - Northern Homestead. When it comes to gardening in colder climates, a greenhouse is almost a must have.

How to Build a GeoDome Greenhouse - Northern Homestead

It extends the growing season and gives the plants a lot more heat. With a greenhouse, we can actually pick ripe tomatoes here and grow some plants that we would not be able to without one. A greenhouse can also be a great place to hang out on those cool spring days and summer nights. When we started to look out for one to build, our expectations were very high. In a northern garden we have to deal with frost, nasty winds and hail, and also loads of snow in the winter. Very unique, lightweight structure Stable in wind and under snow Optimal light absorption Has the most growing ground space A unique hang-out place An eye catcher The GeoDome greenhouse seemed to be just what we were looking for. What materials to use? Tout simplement : démarrer l'aquaponie. Publié le mars 1, 2014 r Greg 35 Comments Avec l'arrivée de nouveaux lecteurs venant du monde de la permaculture, je reçois de nouvelles questions sur l'aquaponie.

Tout simplement : démarrer l'aquaponie

Jusqu'ici, j'ai essayé d'expliquer les principes à l'oeuvre avec des articles assez théoriques. Certains sont plutôt pratiques et auront une bien meilleure compréhension en agissant et en touchant plutôt qu'en restant sur le plan de principes. Aquaponie et Permaculture - Le Jardin ComestibleLe Jardin Comestible. Qu’est-ce que l’aquaponie ?

Aquaponie et Permaculture - Le Jardin ComestibleLe Jardin Comestible

L’aquaponie est un système permettant de combiner la culture de végétaux en hydroponie (culture hors-sol) avec l’élevage de poissons. En transformant les déchets azotés et phosphorés des poissons en nutriments pour les plantes, on crée un écosystème autonome. Le Jardin ComestibleLe Jardin Comestible. Permaculture Urbaine. Dans cet article nous traitons d’autonomie en ville qui est une des composante de la permaculture urbaine ou agriculture urbaine.

Permaculture Urbaine

Nous aurions pu choisir de traiter le sujet à l’échelle de la ville entière, qui peut aussi tendre vers l’autonomie, mais ces changements nécessitent des implications politiques ou de groupements de citoyens. Nous avons donc choisi de parler de ce qu’il est possible de faire à l’échelle du foyer, de l’individu, ou de la petite communauté d’individus, ce qui permet un passage à l’action rapide et efficace. Retrouvez le dessinateur Stéphane Bouzon sur. Un système d'aquaponie: comment ca marche? Les légumes qui poussent en indoor - Comment ça pousse. Fossey nous demande : Bonjour, Je vie en appartement et j’aimerais avoir un petit potager lol J’aimerais cultiver des tomates, courgettes, radis, fraisier etc…Je me demande si en hydroponie je peux cultiver ces légumes et ci oui, dans quel materiels je dois investir chambre de culture, angrais, lampe et autre accessoire, etc ?

Les légumes qui poussent en indoor - Comment ça pousse

GUIDE_web_Todd_26avr07.pdf. Culture en intérieur, windows farm. Microsoft Word - WalipiniConstruction.rtf - Walipini.pdf.