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DSLR Photographie & Vidéographie

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Photography Tips and Tutorials from Canon. 6 Tips for Still Photographers Learning to Shoot Video. How-to: Controlling Depth of Field with DSLR Cameras (Video) The DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera has increasingly become the weapon of choice for many human rights activists.

How-to: Controlling Depth of Field with DSLR Cameras (Video)

These cameras, once used exclusively for photography, have been replacing the traditional video camcorder in popularity ever since the first video DSLR was released in 2008. As the video producer at WITNESS, I have seen the challenges activists face using DSLRs in very fast paced shooting situations (See an example of our Cambodian partners, LICAHDO tackling this challenge while covering an evolving story). How to Shoot Video with a DSLR Camera - Wistia Blog. How does video quality differ across three different budgets of $1,000, $10,000, and $100,000?

How to Shoot Video with a DSLR Camera - Wistia Blog

Watch our original series One, Ten, One Hundred to find out! No DSLRs were harmed in the making of this film. In this video, Chris covers the basic fundamental principles of shooting with a Digital SLR camera. Specifically, he covers how to use the Wistia camera of choice, the Canon 5D Mark III. 50 Photography Terms Beginners Need to Know. Astuces Photos. Photographier pour raconter une histoire. Lorsque j’ai ouvert ce blog, je prenais des images un peu instinctivement de mon quotidien, de mes voyages et au gré de mes balades dans Paris, sans savoir pourquoi je le faisais réellement.

Photographier pour raconter une histoire

J’aimais surtout montrer un lieu ou un événement, sous différents angles et à différentes heures de la journée … Et assez vite, j’ai compris que ce qui m’intéressait vraiment, c’était surtout de créer des séries photographiques, des suites d’images cohérentes, pour montrer différents aspects d’un lieu, d’un d’événement (et plus tard d’une personne, en photographie de portrait), parce qu’ils témoignent d’une époque, d’une culture ou d’un moment de vie. J’ai toujours beaucoup aimé l’histoire avec un grand H, regarder des photos en noir et blanc d’une époque passée et imaginer la vie de ces gens… Et ce n’est que très récemment que j’ai fait le lien avec ma passion pour la photographie. Le photographe, tout comme l’écrivain qui utilise les mots, va s’exprimer grâce à ses images. Photography Composition Tips for Beginners - Video School Online. Tonton Photo : apprendre la photo grâce à des conseils simples et créatifs !

20 Best Photography Cheat Sheets & Infographics » ExpertPhotography. We all need help from time to time with our photography.

20 Best Photography Cheat Sheets & Infographics » ExpertPhotography

Whether it is trying to understand a specific process, or how to obtain a specific shot. Luckily, we are here to help. One of the ways we can do this is with photography cheat sheets. They are great as you can come back to them when you need to. Or just print them off and take them with you. 20. Knowing your rights as a photographer is very important. 19. 10 Tips for Travel Photography. 68 Photography Mistakes You Should Avoid. 147 photography techniques, tips and tricks for taking pictures of anything. Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, it's always possible to learn the best photography tips – new photography techniques that will improve your skills.

147 photography techniques, tips and tricks for taking pictures of anything

From camera craft to photo-editing and pro photography tips, this huge guide compiles some of the best expert tips and advice that's guaranteed to help you improve your photography. So if you're after ways of mastering landscape photography, taking better portraits, improving your wildlife and macro shots, or just after quick photo-editing tips for Adobe Photoshop CC, Lightroom or Elements, this is the essential guide for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a Canon, a Nikon or any other brand of camera. From SLR to Sony, mirrorless to Mamiya and film to Photoshop, this resource will enable you to unlock and understand everything that your equipment can do.

But we have much more on offer, too, through this list of video tutorials and step-by-step guides: Histoire de la photographie. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Histoire de la photographie

Cet article retrace les étapes qui jalonnent l'histoire de la photographie, principalement vue sous son aspect technique. La photographie peut être considérée comme une technique propre à supplanter le dessin ou la peinture pour représenter le monde qui nous entoure.

Accessoires - DSLR

A photographer's intro to the world of video: Digital Photography Review. It took me a long time to recognize the appeal of video shooting.

A photographer's intro to the world of video: Digital Photography Review

Even in a job where I have to use a camera’s video features, it was only fairly recently that I moved beyond just taking short clips (essentially stills with a little bit of movement in them) and started to think in terms of using video and editing to tell stories. Given that most modern cameras offer at least rudimentary video tools, I wanted to share my experiences and perhaps encourage others to start thinking about shooting at 24 or more frames per second.

The good news is that a lot of the things you learn as a photographer are immediately useful as you take your first steps in video shooting. But, as I discovered, at almost every stage I encountered differences and additional factors to consider. Basic Settings for DSLR Video. Beginner’s Guide to Doing DSLR Video Clips. The video function on your camera is probably one that you don’t play with very often.

Beginner’s Guide to Doing DSLR Video Clips

It’s often disregarded – after all, DSLR cameras are not exclusively video cameras are they? But did you know that some big budget films, including The Avengers, have scenes shot on DSLR cameras? In fact, The Avengers used the Canon EOS 5D Mark II and 7D cameras on the set! By Dave Dugdale. Beginner's guide to DSLR video recording. By Vincent Oliver Video recording on DSLRs has given photographers another skill to master, but left many confused in the process.

Beginner's guide to DSLR video recording

Professional photographer Vincent Oliver explains all in his beginner’s guide to DSLR video recording. Digital cameras are becoming more sophisticated, and it’s now possible to produce technically perfect photographs time after time. Beginner’s Guide to Doing DSLR Video Clips.

Canon 80D et plus

Cinematic look at night Tips for DSLR filmmaking in low light – Fenchel & Janisch. Comment créer vos propres vidéos en ligne (en 30 minutes ou moins) Lorsqu’il s’agit de créer des vidéos pour promouvoir votre entreprise, engager votre audience et présenter vos produits, il faut généralement payer le prix fort pour bénéficier d’une qualité professionnelle.

Comment créer vos propres vidéos en ligne (en 30 minutes ou moins)

Comment réaliser un film: 25 étapes. WikiHow est un wiki, ce qui veut dire que de nombreux articles sont rédigés par plusieurs auteur.e.s. Pour créer cet article, 277 personnes, certaines anonymes, ont participé à son édition et à son amélioration au fil du temps. Demystifying HD Video With DSLR. <div class="wpthemeMessage" role="alert" wairole="alert"><img class="wpthemeMsgIcon wpthemeMsgIconError" src="" alt="Error" /><span class="wpthemeAltText">Error:</span><div class="wpthemeMessageBody">Javascript is disabled in this browser.

This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. </div></div> Filmez comme au cinéma avec vos réflex. How to shoot amazing videos with your camera. Getting started Back in the day, shooting video used to require a camcorder, mini DV tapes and other bits of specialized gear. Today, filming has trickled down to cameras in all shapes and sizes including DSLRs, small cameras and of course all the smartphones in your pocket today. While shooting video today is just as easy as switching to video mode and/or hitting the record button, there's always room to improve and perfect your home movies. How to Use a DSLR to Shoot High Quality Videos. If you are like many professional photographers, you may be finding that more and more clients are asking if you can also do video for them when you’re on-site doing a photo shoot.

Video can be a “strange new world” and you may be passing up some good opportunities. Most modern DSLRs are quite competent in shooting video, and you can use them to create industrial and commercial productions that are ideally suited for use at corporate functions, in sales presentations, as training aids, and as promotional spots on YouTube…so there is a great opportunity to expand your service offering by including video. Without a doubt, shooting video with a DSLR can be more complicated than shooting stills, but you can achieve beautiful, creative results by following a few, simple guidelines.

And, while you may add more video-related gear over time, you can make some initial, fairly modest investments and get into video production without having to break the bank. How to Use a DSLR to Shoot High Quality Videos. How to Use a Phone or Tablet as a Monitor for DSLR Video. THE VIDEO: How to Use a Phone or Tablet as a Monitor for DSLR Video Learn how to use an Android smartphone or tablet you can control and monitor the video of your camera using DSLR Controller. Also covers related accesories such as the Joby GripTight GorillaPod Stand for Smaller Tablets found here: How to Use a DSLR For Facebook Live. How to shoot video with a DSLR camera. DSLR cheat sheet Full disclosure: the Canon 5D Mark III is not a video camera.

It's actually a still camera that just happens to also capture video. But there are some incredible advantages to using this camera over a traditional video camera: It's small and really light.Its interchangeable lenses increase versatility and inspire artistic and creative shots.It's easy to produce a shot with a shallow depth of field (background out of focus).It's incredible in low light and variable lighting conditions. How to Set Up Your DSLR for the First Time (VIDEO) La production Vidéo - Les étapes. La production vidéo peut parfois sembler plus complexe qu’elle ne l’est vraiment. Tout au long du processus de production, l’objectif demeure cependant toujours le même: créer la meilleure vidéo possible, la mieux adaptée aux besoins du client. Les vidéos de nuit. Debutant, Truc et Astuce Les DSLR cameras sont très efficaces pour filmer les scènes nocturnes parce qu’elles ont un capteur trés sensible à la lumière. Avec votre boitier reflex, vous pouvez filmer les scènes nocturnes où toutes les choses qui peuvent être vues.

Mais il est trés important de connaître les réglages de votre camera pour filmer des scènes nocturnes. Master Video with your DSLR. New Theories of the Short Film: A Conversation with Dr. Richard Raskin. What makes a short film a short film? If you asked us a month ago, we might have told you that a short film’s defining characteristic is, well, its shortness. But not anymore. For the past few weeks, we’ve been trading emails with Dr. Richard Raskin, a professor at Aarhus University in Denmark, and one of the most brilliant and active short-film theorists in the world. Not only does Dr. After spending so much time with the form, Dr. We asked Dr. Here’s Dr. Nikon - Photography Videos & Tutorials. Osez la vidéo avec votre appareil photo, guide vidéo reflex.

Outils pour créer des capsules vidéo. Pourquoi utiliser la visée optique de son appareil photo. Pourquoi utiliser la visée optique ? Nous avons vu ensemble dans un précédent article que beaucoup d’entre vous utilisaient l’écran de leurs appareils photo réflex, à tort ou à raison, nous avons vu quels avantages on pouvait tirer de la visée réflex, dans ce nouvel article nous allons voir ensemble d’autres raisons qui vous pousseront à adopter cette pratique photographique. Réaliser une vidéo - Canon France. Nous avons assemblé une série de petits clips pour créer une vidéo simple de 60 secondes.

Vous pourriez en faire autant, en filmant un membre de votre famille en train de monter une tente, de réaliser un gâteau ou de préparer un repas, par exemple. Shooting and Editing DSLR Video using Adobe Tools. Stop Motion - 9 Conseils et astuces pour réaliser un court-métrage en stop motion (animation image par image)

Mots-clés: animation, image, par, image, réaliser, stop, motion, tutoriel, conseil, astuce, réalisation, tournage, brick, lego. The Filmmaker's Mental Checklist: 9 Things to Nail Down Before You Hit Record. The Keys to Composition in Filmmaking. The Video Mode - Film making and video editing advice. Vocabulaire cinématographique : 57 termes expliqués. Video Marketing: The Ultimate Guide. What is 4K resolution? Every question answered. 5 astuces pour avoir l'air d'un pro en vidéo ( même avec une webcam ) Les 7 erreurs à éviter pour réaliser une vidéo professionnelle. 8 Tips for Shooting HD Video on a DSLR Camera. 9 Conseils et astuces pour réaliser un court-métrage en stop motion (animation image par image) 9 Tutorials Every Videographer Should Watch. 18 YouTube channels for photography tutorials. 20 Amazing Must Know Video Tips. 25 techniques pour mieux utiliser son trépied (Cours Photo Gratuit 7.14)

10 conseils simples pour créer des vidéos percutantes pour vos réseaux sociaux. 10 conseils pour bien filmer avec son reflex – 1ère partie. 10 conseils pour bien filmer avec son reflex – 2e partie. 12 Tips For Photographers Curious About DSLR Video. SAC — Service des activités culturelles. Le tournage pas à pas. Écriture - Tournage - Montage - Encodage - Diffusion. Cadrer – Prof de Photo. DSLR Video Fundamentals.

Montage vidéo

Quels dimensions faut-il lors de la production d’une vidéo ? Le storyboard : coder pour mieux se coordonner. Agence Web 1min30, Inbound Marketing Et Communication Digitale 360° Library. Vidéo d’entreprise et vidéo de formation. Comment choisir le bon micro pour son réflex. How to Use a Portable Audio Recorder on a Video Shoot. Prise de son avec un appareil photo, l’essentiel de ce qu’il faut savoir. Recording audio with your video DSLR, Part I. Recording Multi-track with Ipad and Zoom H6. The Top 10 Best Microphones for DSLR Video Cameras.

RODE Microphone

Sennheiser Handmic Digital Review and Sound Tests. ZOOM H6. Where Should Your Levels Be When Recording Audio?s. 3 ESSENTIAL TIPS for recording ON Location Audio  11 things filmmakers need to consider about audio.