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News. The newsletter includes news from the Future Classroom Lab and related projects. Subscribe here >> Previous newsletters View All Results: 34 Call for teacher participation in a school science research project We are looking for 10 innovative secondary school science teachers to participate in an exciting research project commissioned by Texas Instruments (TI) DLP® Products on the impact of full, high definition 1080p DLP® projectors in supporting future teaching and learning of Science Subjects in secondary schools.

A new publication available: Bring Your Own Device - A guide for school leaders "BYOD Bring Your Own Device - A guide for school leaders" is a new publication by the European Schoolnet's Interactive Classroom Working Group (ICWG). Computing our future 2015 updated report ALL YOU NEED IS CODE high-level event is just around the corner The European Coding Initiative is organising a high-level event in Brussels on Monday 12 October. Go-lab project open call for schools 1 2 3 4 Next. TheBookofTrendsInEducation2. 12 Buzzing EdTech Concepts Teachers Should Know about. 1- What is Educational Technology ?

2- What is Asynchronous Learning ? 3- What is Mobile Learning ? 4- What is quest-based learning ? 5- What is a MOOC ? 6- What is Project based learning ? 7- What is Inquiry-based learning ? 8- What is Authentic-learning ? 9- What is Blended Learning ? 10- What is Gamification ? 11- What is BYOD ? 12- What is flipped learning ? Courtesy of Ed Tech Review. 21. vuosisadan taidot - mitä ja miksi? Gärna en dator, men först en bra lärare. Bild: Helena Davidsson Neppelberg.Ett nytt (del)resultat från Pisa-undersökningen har nyligen presenterats. Resultatet var ännu sämre för Sveriges del än vid Pisa 2012. Det ser ut som om det fortsätter utför med kunskaperna. Nu mäter ju inte Pisa alla viktiga kunskaper och jag ska inte här diskutera Pisa-proven som sådana. Jag vill i stället kommentera de första reaktionerna på det nedslående resultatet.

Det visar sig att elever som använder datorer mycket har sämre resultat än de som använder datorer mindre. Som vanligt vill många hitta enkla svar på komplicerade frågor, och inte oväntat påpekar en del att svenska skolelever är bland de flitigaste i världen på att använda datorer. Då måste det väl vara datorns fel att det går så dåligt? Även om forskningen på området har en hel del kvar att göra visar den tydligt, att det inte är att man använder en dator som är viktigt, utan hur man gör det.

Det finns åtminstone tre orsaker till att IT-utnyttjandet inte är effektivt. Först kostnaderna. Does the Device Matter | Teaching in the Primary Years. The are many different devices being implemented into classrooms all around the world. With schools using PC’s, Laptops, Macbooks, iPads, Chromebooks, and Netbooks to move further towards 21st Century Contemporary Learning environments I am often asked the question “What devices should my school purchase?” I immediately stop the conversation before any further discussion and ask the question, “What is the purpose of the device?”

Schools need to invest time in developing a vision on “the purpose” of any new device and what it is they would like their students to create and achieve that this new technology will enable. Dialogue needs to be centred around the school’s vision and pedagogy focused on the learner. Once a clear vision and purpose is established schools can move forward and explore what different devices can achieve and weigh up the pro’s and con’s of each for their school environment. Things to consider when choosing a device: The SAMR model, developed by Dr.

Substitution – Propaganda och bilders makt - Barn, unga och medier. Blue Feed, Red Feed. What is this? Recent posts from sources where the majority of shared articles aligned “very liberal” (blue, on the left) and “very conservative” (red, on the right) in a large Facebook study. In 2015, the journal Science published a research paper by Facebook scientists (Bakshy, Eytan; Messing, Solomon; Adamic, Lada, 2015, “Replication Data for: Exposure to Ideologically Diverse News and Opinion on Facebook”, Harvard Dataverse, V2) which looked at how a subset of the social network’s users reacted to the news appearing in their feeds. For six months, Facebook tracked and analyzed the content shared by 10.1 million of its users (who were anonymized). These users had identified their political views in their own profiles on Facebook. Analyzing these users’ political labels, the researchers categorized each as very liberal, liberal, neutral, conservative or very conservative.

Are you saying these sources are conservative and liberal? No. No. No. Ekokammaren. Digitala lektioner – IIS Digitala lektioner är ett material för lärare som du kan använda när du förbereder lektioner eller när du undervisar kring digital kompetens i ditt ämne. Prova själv – det är gratis! How Do You Play Games. Only You Can Save the Universe - Big Bang Legends.

ALUSTAT - Paikkatietopelit. Pelialustoja paikkatietopelaamiseen on tarjolla jo useita. Vuoden 2011 jälkeen alustoja on syntynyt valittavaksi asti. Mobiilisti maailmaan -hankkeessa alustoja on kartoitettu mahdollisimman laajasti. Pedagogisessa käytössä olemme keskittyneet ominaisuuksiin, joita opettaja sovellukselta ja sovelluksen ohjaukselta kaipaa. Myöskin oppilaan näkemykset ovat olleet merkittävässä roolissa sovelluksen sopivuuden arvioinnissa. Tärkeimpinä ominaisuuksina valitessamme paikkatietopelaamiseen soveltuvaa alustaa olemme pitäneet monipuolisuutta, pelillisyyden mahdollisuuksia, alusta riippumattomuutta ja toimintavarmuutta.

Useimmat pelialustat ovat vielä 2015 kehitysversioita, mutta joukossa on jo varsin valmiita ja opetusta rikastuttamaan suositeltaviakin löytyy. Klikkaa alta "alisivuista" sovelluksen nimeä, niin pääset lukemaan lisää. VIDEO: Grafetee ja iPadit Viikin luonnossa, Töyhtöhyypän luontokoulu. Videoita, sarjakuvia ja lähdekritiikkiä tunnille – Yle Uutisluokka kokosi mediakasvatusmateriaalit opettajille | Yle Uutiset | Mikä on valeuutinen, somekupla tai trollitehdas? Yle Uutisluokan videot ja tehtävät auttavat tunnistamaan verkon ansat Näin meitä huijataan verkossa: Video: Kun omiin silmiin ei voi enää luottaa – näin sinua huijataan liikkuvalla kuvalla Näin jäljität videohuijauksen verkossa: Näin jäljität kuvahuijauksen verkossa: Näillä ohjeilla teet hyvän videon: Testi: Luuletko tietäväsi, mitä saa kuvata ja mitä julkaista? Parental control for Apple iOS and Android - Screen Time. Doodle3D - 3D design made easy. 5 Free Apps to Turn Photos Into Art on Android,...

10 Interesting Ways to Integrate QR Codes in Your Teaching (Infographic) July 3, 2016 With the advance of mobile technologies, QR Code technologies open up a vast terrain for educational uses. There are several ways teachers can leverage the educational potential of QR Codes in their instruction. The visual below sums up 10 interesting examples of how you can use QR Codes with your students. We have also included some interesting resources and video tutorials to help better understand the whole concept of QR Codes in education. Check them out and share with your colleagues. 1- Create interactive and engaging content You can enrich the content you teach in class by adding QR Codes that link to further readings and resources around related topics. 2- Share resources Students can use QR Codes to share educational resources with each other (e.g class notes, web content, how-to videos etc) 3- Help with homework Teachers can provide detailed instructions and how-to tips in the form of a QR Code which students can scan at home and use to solve the homework Sources:

Media and Children. Media is everywhere. TV, Internet, computer and video games all vie for our children's attention. Information on this page can help parents understand the impact media has in our children's lives, while offering tips on managing time spent with various media. The AAP has recommendations for parents and pediatricians. Today's children are spending an average of seven hours a day on entertainment media, including televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices. To help kids make wise media choices, parents should monitor their media diet. Studies have shown that excessive media use can lead to attention problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders, and obesity. By limiting screen time and offering educational media and non-electronic formats such as books, newspapers and board games, and watching television with their children, parents can help guide their children's media experience.

Additional Resources. iPads in Art Education - Why iPads? Why Schools Need to Introduce Computing in All Subjects: Northwestern University News. This article originally appeared in The Conversation on February 8, 2016. By Uri Wilensky In his recent State of the Union address, President Barack Obama said schools need to offer every student hands-on computer science classes to be better prepared for the workforce. President Obama is right: the next generation of learners will require a high level of fluency with modes of thinking in which computers act as interactive partners. The question is: how best to make sure they acquire that thinking?

Are computing classes the only way to do this? More computer classes There is widespread agreement that computing should play a more prominent role throughout our education system. The STEM Education Act of 2015 was recently passed into law, expanding the definition of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) to include computer science and encouraging more STEM education efforts. Seven of the nation’s largest school districts are adding more computer science classes. Shortage of students. Ungas integritet på nätet. Ungas integritet på nätet. Sosiaalinen media uudessa OPSissa (esitys) Pidin tänään luennon sosiaalisesta mediasta opetuksessa uuden OPS:in näkökulmasta oululaisille opettajille. Koulutuksen järjesti Oulun kaupungin sivistys- ja kulttuuripalvelut.

Tarkempia aiheita olivat mm. – Mitä OPS sanoo sosiaalisesta mediasta ja mitä se tarkoittaa vuonna 2016? – Mitä asioita sisältyy sosiaalisen median käyttöön koulussa? – Sosiaalisen median taidot osana yleissivistystä ja tulevaisuuden taitoja – Sosiaalisen median palvelut osana oppimisympäristöä – Some ja pedagogiikka – Koulun someketin laadinta: yksityisyys, tekijänoikeudet, käytöstavat – Oppilaiden kännyköiden ja muiden omien laitteiden käytön pelisäännöt koulussa – Käytännön haasteita ja ratkaisuja niihin Avaa esitys SlideSharessa Lisäys 3.5.2016: Tässä esityksen alussa oleva suomalaisen koulun murrosta ja sen vaikuttimia esittävä kuva.

Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa... A Techy Teacher's Toolbox: More Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers - Teaching with Technology. Chrome extensions are fantastic additions to your already awesome Chrome browser. I’ve written before about some amazing Chrome extensions, but I’ve recently started using even more, and I feel like I need to share!

Padlet MiniI’ve also written extensively about the many ways I use Padlet in my classroom. Until recently, I had never really devoted much attention to the Padlet extension, and I’m so glad I’ve started using this great feature. By installing the Padlet extension, any website can easily be added to any Padlet wall you have created … without leaving the browser! No more copying and pasting URLs to a Padlet wall. Google Drive Quick CreateGoogle Drive is an amazing tool. GrammarlyI consider myself to be pretty slick when it comes to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Participate LearningParticipate Learning is an amazing website for teachers … if you haven’t checked it out, please do so NOW!

Mnibox on your Chrome browser can allow you to view fewer extensions if you choose. Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective. Minecraft: Education Edition - Home. Ramon Pavia. Läsnätyön pelikirja. Uusi oppimisen maailma. Kuvauslupa malli. Bett2016 walkthrough (360 degree view) Felix Gyllenstig Serrao | SpelLäraren. SpelLäraren Felix Gyllenstig Serrao Profile: Jag lärare i Göteborg som är väldigt intresserad av spel. Jag har märkt att många lärare inte har någon större kunskapsbas när det kommer till spel. Därför vill jag genom att blogga och föreläsa om spel informera både lärare och föräldrar om spel och ge lärare pedagogiska verktyg genom spel. Posts by Felix Gyllenstig Serrao: SpelLäraren · En blog för dig som lärare eller förälder som vill veta mer om vad barn och ungdomar spelar för spel eller är nyfiken på gamification Skapa en gratis webbplats eller blogg på

Följ Få meddelanden om nya inlägg via e-post. Gör sällskap med 517 andra följare Skapa en webbplats med Barn spelar och leker GTA - Värnamo Nyheter. Det var en kollega till Jeff som först reagerade på att några killar lekte på ett våldsamt sätt på skoltid. När hon frågade vad de lekte fick hon svaret: "Vi leker GTA". Läraren ‪Jeff Thulin var den som visste mest om tv-spel på skolan och sitter dessutom med i Trygghetsgruppen så han fick i uppdrag av rektorn att titta närmare på den senaste utgåvan av GTA (Grand Theft Auto) som heter GTA V. Han lånade hem spelet och det här är vad han såg: En realistisk miljö präglad av prostitution, svordomar, droger, alkohol, tortyr och blodigt extremvåld.‬ – Jag har själv spelat tidigare utgåvor av GTA men den senaste skiljer sig lite från de andra, säger Jeff som, efter ett gemensamt beslut på skolan, höll en information för varje årskurs i samband med höstterminens föräldramöten.

Jeff Thulin om GTA På mötet fick föräldrarna se Youtubeklipp från tv-spelet. . - Jag ville chocka föräldrarna för att få dem att inse allvaret. Prostituerade rånas En halvlögn – Det kommer hela tiden nya tv-spel. . – Absolut! Fact Monster: Online Almanac, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Homework Help. Lexipedia - Where words have meaning. | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Visual dictionary. Crumbles. What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship.

In my classroom, I use two essential approaches in the digital citizenship curriculum that I teach: proactive knowledge and experiential knowledge. Proactive Knowledge I want my students to know the “9 Key Ps” of digital citizenship. While I go into these Ps in detail in my book Reinventing Writing, here are the basics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Experiential Knowledge During the year, I touch on each of the points above with lessons and class discussions, but just talking is not enough. Truth or fiction: To protect us from disease, we are inoculated with dead viruses and germs.

Turn students into teachers: You can have students create tutorials or presentations exposing common scams and how people can protect themselves. Collaborative learning communities: For the most powerful learning experiences, students should participate in collaborative learning (like the experiences shared in Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds). Digital Citizenship or Just Citizens? Mobile Learning: Cell Phones meet the English Classroom. Vieläkö verkkovideoiden esittäminen askarruttaa? Omnian opettajia ei. 50 appar för SVA/SFI-undervisning av nyanlända. Novidades para agilizar os trabalhos de medições. Var tredje förälder vet ingenting | #NiVetIngenting.

IKT i skolan. 80 Unique (and Free) Resources for Teachers. PracticalEdTechHandbook.pdf. Facebook. Joensuun mediakeskus. 9 Superb Web-Based Image Editors And Illustrators | Byte Revel. – Be a publisher. Computer savvy. IKT. Gamification. IKT. TeachersFirst: The web resource by teachers, for teachers. Digital Citizenship. IKT i undervisningen.

Technology. IT-DCIS. Ipadbloggar. Google Search Education. Web 2.0 Tools. For E teaching. Screencasting. Digitala verktyg. Online Bildebehandling. JOULUKALENTERI. About Hackers & Hacks. A Wonderful Chart of Educational Web Tools to Use in Class. Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers – Helping teachers make better classrooms, one mouse-click at a time.

20 Chrome Apps & Extensions for Teachers and Students. The Internet map. Työpaja II: Yhteisöllinen linkkien kuratointi + oman luokan www-sivujen käyttöönotto - 410014Y Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä 2014. Ops 2016, TVT ja tulevaisuuden koulu. Undervisningstips. Sähköiset kokeet ja arviointi. Welcome // | DiRT Directory. Flip Books & Magazines. TVT -taitotasotesti. Bird - A class above. AY410014Y tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä. Omat mobiililaitteet oppimisessa. ✿ Our favorite set —

What If Teachers Treated Phones in Class as Encyclopedias, Pens, and Paper? - Edwords Blog - BAM! Radio Network. Materiaalipankit (ääni, kuva, video ym.) IKT. Creative commons i skolan. Opettajan tvt-työkirja (Cover) Untitled. | Heidin Excel-blogi.