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Digitala lektioner – IIS Digitala lektioner är ett material för lärare som du kan använda när du förbereder lektioner eller när du undervisar kring digital kompetens i ditt ämne. Prova själv – det är gratis!

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Copy Comments to Google Classroom Docs and Slides Several months ago I shared a blog post about "How to Force a Docs Copy WITH Pre-Loaded Comments to Help your Students". The post explained a URL trick you can use to not only make a copy of a document, but to also copy any comments you have made in the Doc. This can also be a creative way to provide additional resources, links, and assistance to your students in their projects. Instead of just getting a copy of a worksheet, HyperDoc, study guide, or other document, students can also have comments pre-loaded into their copy of the document. These comments can provide them with: Additional directionsHyperlinks to resourcesVoice recordings from the teacherA checklist of items for the student to resolveAnd more The only drawback was this trick does not work in Google Classroom.

Best Short Stories for Middle Schoolers, As Chosen by Teachers It can be a challenge to get middle schoolers interested in reading. The thought of tackling a thick novel can be overwhelming, especially during distance learning. Short stories are always a great choice. In addition to requiring less of a time commitment, they are an easy way to expose your students to new authors and genres. Newspapers – Subunit 1: Fake News Call me old fashioned, but I still think newspapers are the best way to get news. There is something about sitting down at the breakfast table, in your housecoat, drinking your coffee and flipping through the paper. Maybe it is just me, but I feel like I can channel my inner old man and grumble under my breath at something that someone did that I deem to be outside of societal norms.

Google Forms Basics in 7 Steps [infographic] Here is how to quickly make a basic Google Form in 7 steps. Link to Infographic by going to and choose to “Start a new form.” 6 new ways to play a Quizlet Live game Vocabulary is important for every subject and even more so in the age of high stakes testing. Early on in my teaching career, I moved rather quickly towards using Quizlet to create and manage the vocabulary that my students would need to learn. Quizlet is by no means limited to just vocabulary though; as study questions, diagrams, pronunciation, and pictures make it a powerful tool. Quizlet allows you to turn any picture into a study set, which significantly broadens what you can do with it. Quizlet has several other diagram examples for every subject here.

Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Google Drive Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account Diversity & Inclusion Trainers of Note – Courtney Martin I crowdsourced this list from my own Facebook community and thought it might be useful to others. This is mostly a random order, with people/orgs that were recommended multiply times getting top billing, as well as WOC. I offer this up with no particular endorsement (other than, I trust my peeps to whatever extent they actually are my peeps…you know how online life can be): The Peoples Institute for Survival and Beyond: “Through dialogue, reflection, role-playing, strategic planning and presentations, this intensive process challenges participants to analyze the structures of power and privilege that hinder social equity and prepares them to be effective organizers for justice.”

30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students I’m always excited when I’m using Padlet. Is it the interface, the way everything is designed, its purpose or the fact that I’m organizing things smoothly? I don’t know. It just makes me happy. And today I’ll try to make you happy as well. 10 ways icons from The Noun Project can impact learning Icons can help students construct understanding and remember new ideas. The Noun Project has the hook-up. Here’s how! (Icons via Images are powerful and very brain friendly. The majority of people think in pictures — and some think exclusively in pictures. Video lessons In this video we will be showing you why we like How It Should Have Ended For Kids. We're focusing on two playlists: Silly Songs and Fixed Fairy Tales, with some practical ideas about how we use them in teaching young learners. Here's a link to an interactive video quiz at our site for one of the videos from the channel, and here's a link to the channel itself. Enjoy!

You’re the fact checker now – Stanford Alumni No matter what media stream you depend on for news, you know that news has changed in the past few years. There’s a lot more of it, and it’s getting harder to tell what’s true, what’s biased, and what may be outright deceptive. While the bastions of journalism still employ editors and fact-checkers to screen information for you, if you’re getting your news and assessing information from less venerable sources, it’s up to you to determine what’s credible.

SimpleMind Free mind mapping Mind mapping helps you organize your thoughts, remember things and generate new ideas. We've created a beautiful, intuitive app, so you can mind map wherever you are and whenever you want. MORE SimpleMind:• SimpleMind for Android FULL version adds tons of productivity boosting features - available in Google Play• SimpleMind Desktop is available for Windows and Mac - Free Functionality• Everything you need to get started with mind mapping.• No ads.• No need to sign up for an account.• Upgrade to full functionality is a one-time single purchase. Highlights• Easy to use.• Continuously fine-tuned based on customer feedback.• Trustworthy and reliable: 7 years of updates and improvements.• Used in a wide range of applications: business, education, legal and medical.• Unique free layout or different auto layouts.• Change and customize the appearance.• Tools to help you maintain overview. SimpleMind is optimized for both phones and tablets.

Create Netflix-style learning with screencasts Netflix gives us video at our fingertips. What if we created video in class as much as we watch it on Netflix? Here’s how. (Netflix logo used under fair use.) We have had students turn in documents, slide presentations and spreadsheets digitally for a long time. We’re comfortable with them.

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