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What Happened When One Woman Had Her Picture Photoshopped In 25 Different Countries. “Make me look beautiful.”

What Happened When One Woman Had Her Picture Photoshopped In 25 Different Countries

That’s what Esther Honig asked 40 photo editors to do — in over 25 countries. Using the service-sharing site Fiverr, Honig, a human interest reporter, sent a picture of herself to be photoshopped around the world to see just how much cultural values are applied to standards of beauty. The results throw the idea of “the perfect woman” into sharp relief. Honig found that individuals from every country applied a distinct perspective on beauty to her image. She was surprised by the degree to which a country’s cultural values could show up as aesthetic preferences. Seeing her image manipulated in so many dimensions had a profound impact on Honig’s own self-perception. Honig is reluctant to draw a “moral of the story” from the project, which is ongoing. Still, the project dispels the myth of a singular beauty norm.

Check out the rest of the incredible images below. India Ukraine Venezuela Argentina Vietnam Philippines Romania Sri Lanka United States Israel Italy Australia Chile 1. This Woman Wants To Change How All Of Us See Our Bodies. "Wobbly," "imperfect," "stumpy," "short," "frumpy," "disgusting.

This Woman Wants To Change How All Of Us See Our Bodies

" Those are some of the responses Taryn Brumfitt received when she asked 100 women to describe their bodies in one word. For that reason, Brumfitt is on a mission to convince every woman to love her body as it is, to stop buying into corporate messages about beauty, and to change the vocabulary listed above for good. She plans to do so by creating a documentary called "EMBRACE," that will explore why body loathing is so commonplace and what we can do to change that reality.

Brumfitt, a photographer and mom of three from Adelaide, AU, once hated her body. In the video for her KickStarter campaign, she talks about how she would stare in the mirror and tell herself how fat, ugly, and disgusting she was. HuffPost Live. QUAND LES PETITES FILLES JOUENT LES LOLITAS - SANS TABOU. Confession intimes - Mon homme a honte de moi. SEX OBJECT BS. HuffPost Live.

Pornified: How Pornography Is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families: Pamela Paul: 9780805081329: Books. Why We Need To Stop Conflating Sexual Objectification with Sexual Empowerment. Recently, I made a video – called, appropriately, “Party Girl Pop: Empowerment or Sexism?”

Why We Need To Stop Conflating Sexual Objectification with Sexual Empowerment

– wherein I question Ke$ha and Katy Perry lyrics, the messages that they present to mainstream culture, and whether or not one can be sexually empowered if the sexual expression being presented is commodified. That is, if the sexuality being sold by the media is one that subjugates women and pushes willing objectification off as sexual ownership, then when we buy into and mirror it, are we really experiencing liberation? Or are we still caught in the clutches of patriarchal ideology, participating in the reworked script of what womanhood means? Soon after the release of my video, I found in my e-mail inbox a link to a Cameron Diaz quote where she purports: “I think every woman does want to be objectified,” adding that it’s healthy for at least some part of you to feel that way. It’s, apparently, “empowering.” Sigh. Inherent in the very words and their respective definitions is a disparity.

Melissa A. 3 Reasons Why Sex-Positivity without Critical Analysis Is Harmful. Source: EF Editor’s Note: This piece is a critique of the mainstream sex-positivity movement and not of critically analytical sex-positive feminists.

3 Reasons Why Sex-Positivity without Critical Analysis Is Harmful

If your sex-positivity includes critical analysis, then right on! But if it doesn’t, then this article is for your consideration. I’m a feminist, and I’m also a sex educator. As such, I get a lot of people asking me to explain sex-positivity, usually under the assumption that I identify as sex-positive. Tess Munster-Plus Model. CURVES THE ART BOOK. Elle fait photoshopper son visage dans 21 pays et le résultat est surprenant. A Body Positive Woman's Reflections, and Struggles, With Weight Gain (Wait, Am I A Hypocrite?)  By Sarah Martindale @audreysablie For the last two years, I have considered myself body-positive.

A Body Positive Woman's Reflections, and Struggles, With Weight Gain (Wait, Am I A Hypocrite?) 

To my mind, this means that I accept all bodies in their current forms, regardless of the social acceptability allocated unto them or the mainstream beauty standards that (let's face it) permeate so much of our world. I do not assume that thin people "eat like birds" or spend their lives jogging, nor do I assume that fat people are lazy, unintelligent folk who never get off the couch.

Our bodies are fabulous assets and a means to existence and survival, not to mention, a gateway toward self-expression. To be body-positive is to apply all of the above to every single body out there, including my own. But "therein lies the rub," (and I don't just mean the chub rub). Jon Hamm et son pénis: alors, ça fait quoi d'être traité comme une actrice? A Body Positive Woman's Reflections, and Struggles, With Weight Gain (Wait, Am I A Hypocrite?) 

To The Fit Woman At Marketplace Foods  To the fit woman at the grocery store in Minot, North Dakota, I assume that you remember who I am.

To The Fit Woman At Marketplace Foods 

I was the 200-pound redhead who looked like she had just crawled out of bed in the produce section at Marketplace Foods. Sexy Women as Food: A Collection. Flashback Friday.

Sexy Women as Food: A Collection

In her now-classic books The Sexual Politics of Meat and The Pornography of Meat, Carol Adams analyzes similarities in the presentation of meat products (or the animals they come from) and women’s bodies. She particularly draws attention to sexualized fragmentation — the presentation of body parts of animals in ways similar to sexualized poses of women — and what she terms “anthropornography,” or connecting the eating of animals to the sex industry. For an example of anthropornography, Adams presents this “turkey hooker” cooking utensil: Adams also discusses the conflation of meat/animals and women–while women are often treated as “pieces of meat,” meat products are often posed in sexualized ways or in clothing associated with women. The next eleven images come from Adams’s website: This type of imagery has by no means disappeared, so we’ve amassed quite a collection of our own here at Sociological Images.

Les mannequins « grande taille » et leurs prothèses rembourrées créent la polémique. Plusieurs mannequins « grandes tailles » ont révélé qu’elles utilisaient des prothèses rembourrées lors de leurs shootings, afin de gagner plus de formes.

Les mannequins « grande taille » et leurs prothèses rembourrées créent la polémique

L’information fait des remous dans les médias. C’est le dernier scandale qui enfle sur le Web : plusieurs mannequins « plus size » ont récemment révélé, dans une interview accordée au site Refinery 29, qu’elles utilisaient souvent sur les shootings des prothèses rembourrées — pour gagner une ou deux tailles et/ou pour donner plus de volume à leur poitrine, leurs fesses ou leurs cuisses. HYÈNES EN JUPONS. Robe de chair pour albinos anorexique De temps à autre, et jamais pour très longtemps, les médias québécois s’intéressent soudainement au bien-être des femmes et au fardeau des codes qui leur sont imposés.


La journée sans maquillage, la Journée internationale des femmes, la fête des Mères, la journée contre la violence faite aux femmes ou la commémoration de Polytechnique sont des moments où l’on nous parle des problématiques spécifiques aux femmes et où sont dénoncés à grande pompe les violences, les iniquités salariales, la pression des standards de beauté et autres dispositifs de contrôle du corps des femmes. Mode : "La femme grosse est le dernier tabou de l'économie capitaliste" Mode : « La femme grosse est le dernier tabou de l'économie capitaliste » Hors normes. De « sois belle et tais-toi » à « sois toi et t’es belle » La journée de la femme c’est également, dans une société moderne, une pensée pour la femme esclave d’elle-même et de son image.

De « sois belle et tais-toi » à « sois toi et t’es belle »

Ce chaos environnemental qui nous entoure se présente comme une éventuelle souche du désordre féminin. « Tiens-toi droite ! », le Tumblr qui dénonce les injonctions à la féminité. TIENS-TOI DROITE. "Tiens-toi droite" avec Marina Foïs: un film jouissif sur ce qui pourrit la vie des femmes. In Defense Of Gaga: Our Favorite "Slut" On Monday, Staten Island’s borough president James Molinaro made all the headlines he probably will this year by railing against Lady Gaga. I understand the need to “stop glorifying drug use in the media,” but let’s get things straight here: Molinaro called Gaga a slut for smoking what appeared to be a marijuana cigarette on stage in Amsterdam during her concert last week. Quoted in the Staten Island Advance, Molinaro said: “There’s Gaga. Je ne pourrais jamais vivre dans ton corps. La plus belle fille du monde n'a que neuf ans. Les grands médias internationaux considèrent ce mannequin comme la plus belle fille du monde.

Le hic? Elle n’a que neuf ans. Kristina Pimenova est suivie par deux millions de personnes sur Facebook et partage des images de sa silhouette filiforme avec ses 320 000 abonnés sur Instagram. LES PÉDOPHILES ET LA MODE (AJOUT) L'égalitarisme, c'est pas ce que vous croyez. In defense of Kim Kardashian and her critics. Celebrities create contention. They often appear to break social conventions when in fact they themselves are confined within them. This is entirely apparent in the case of Kim Kardashian’s “break the internet” shoot in Paper magazine. To end violence against women: Challenge a culture of sexual objectification - Collective Shout. When it comes to violence against women, sexual objectification is the missing puzzle piece; Collective Shout makes this equation whole. On the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women’ it is important to reflect on the ongoing sexist violence, as well as the campaigns to end it.

Violence against women is on the rise in a number of countries around the world. Australia is no exception with sexual violence at epidemic levels - double the world average. Activism against sexist violence is needed now more than ever. This year, Collective Shout has successfully challenged this on a number of fronts. Some highlights of the most recent campaigns include the success against Wicked Camper vans, which featured slogans like ‘in every princess there is a little slut who wants to try it just once’. Protestors across the globe have ensured he was rejected from a number of countries, including Australia. Hypersexualisation des jeunes filles conséquences et prises d'actions. HIgh Heels increase women's attractiveness.

Les talons hauts rendent les hommes plus réceptifs et plus serviables, affirme une étude française. GTA 5 version FPS : Sexe avec une prostituée. Tina Fey Summed Up Kim Kardashian's Nude Photo Shoot 3 Years Before It Even Happened. No, Tina Fey isn't clairvoyant, but she did hint at why so many of us can't take our eyes off of Kim Kardashian's recent nude photo shoot with Paper Magazine in her book Bossypants three years ago.

As Twitter user Ryan Nelson pointed out on Nov. 13, Tina Fey briefly discussed Kim K's booty in her best-selling memoir Bossypants and summed up why we're all so enamored with it better than any blog, think piece or news article has in the last three days. If you're reading this on a mobile device, here's the full text: "I think the first real change in women’s body image came when JLo turned it butt-style. That was the first time that having a large-scale situation in the back was part of mainstream American beauty. Girls wanted butts now. Ah ha ha. Truth. <i>On female body experience: "Throwing like a girl" and other essays</i> In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Although women have made great strides, Iris Marion Young maintains that "the image of the woman has not ceased being that of the Other" (3).

On Female Body Experience: "Throwing Like a Girl" and Other Essays (Studies in Feminist Philosophy): Iris Marion Young: 9780195161939: Books. On Female Body Experience : "Throwing Like a Girl" and Other Essays ... - Iris Marion Young Professor of Political Science University of Chicago. Lorsque la femme se voit comme objet. Dans un billet précédent, je synthétisais des travaux montrant que les femmes peuvent parfois être littéralement perçues de façon analogue à des objets. Un élément important à cet égard réside dans le "regard objectivant" porté, parfois (et le plus souvent par un homme...), sur le corps féminin. My Parents Reaction to Wrecking Ball (Miley Cyrus) Nicki Minaj - Anaconda (My Parents Reaction) Real Men Take On Underwear Ads!!! Théorie de l'objectivation. A quoi ressemblerait une VRAIE publicité de sous-vêtements pour hommes?

TopSecret (@TopSecretCA) Vajazzle. Le «vajacial», un soin pour sublimer son pubis. Nouveau phénomène : connaissez-vous le spornosexuel. Mon corps m’appartient. Un homme qui pose comme une femme, c’est sexy aussi. Cachez-moi ce poil… La pute, la sainte, et celle qui n’existe pas. Calvin Klein Thinks This Is What a Plus-Size Model Looks Like. En images : le coup de gueule de Keira Knightley contre Photoshop. Goldman Sachs menacé d'un recours collectif pour discrimination sexuelle - Les Echos. How My Dad Taught Me That My Sex Appeal Determined My Worth. The Sexy Lie: Caroline Heldman at TEDxYouth@SanDiego. Les femmes de droite, par Andrea Dworkin. Résumé de : Les femmes de droite d'Andrea Dworkin. Culture du viol et disposition du corps des femmes. The Beauty Myth. Le déploiement du genre. Notes on The Gaze. Needs More Gaze: A Critical Analysis of Hot Babes.

Gloire aux costauds ! «Ca va, parce que ça me fait bander», petit précis de lesbophobie. - Féminismes. Opening Page A Web Essay on the Male Gaze, Fashion Advertising, and the Pose. The Male Gaze. What is the “male gaze”? Gaze. Regard. Intervention détaillée. Les femmes sexy des pubs vues comme des objets. Objectification Theory and Psychology of Women: A Decade of Advances and Future Directions. Objectification Theory: Toward Understanding Women's Lived Experiences and Mental Health Risks.

PsycNET - Display Record. Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) Depliant-sales-pubs-sexistes-2010.pdf. Ogling by Men Subtracts from Women's Math Scores. Laura Mulvey Plaisir visuel et cinéma narratif. Sexual Objectification, Part 4: Daily Rituals to Start. Sexual Objectification, Part 3: Daily Rituals to Stop. Sexual Objectification, Part 2: The Harm. Sexual Objectification, Part 1: What is it? La femme démembrée. Le « male gaze  (regard masculin)

Théorie de l'objectivation. Feminist Perspectives on Objectification (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Winter 2012 Edition) L’objectivation sexuelle des femmes : un puissant outil du patriarcat – le regard masculin. Supervenus: When Plastic Surgery Goes Beyond Horrible (VIDEO) The Sexy Lie: Caroline Heldman at TEDxYouth@SanDiego. Ilana Löwy, L’emprise du genre. Masculinité, féminité, inégalité. Ilana Löwy, à propos de L'emprise du genre. En finir avec l’aphrodisme au cinéma. L’objectivation sexuelle des femmes : un puissant outil du patriarcat – Introduction.