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When Netflix Isn't Enough: Fostering True Recovery for Educators. Call to action: Is your school best preparing kids for the future? The 8 best questions to ask during a one-on-one meeting - Know Your Team. What should you put on your next one-on-one meeting agenda?

The 8 best questions to ask during a one-on-one meeting - Know Your Team

For Teachers, Risking Failure to Improve Practice. While teachers often encourage students to use failures to learn and grow, they may not do the same for themselves.

For Teachers, Risking Failure to Improve Practice

Education Week reporter Madeline Will explores how failure can inform teaching as part of a special report about the challenges and opportunities of professional development. An acceptance of failure as a byproduct of learning is part of a growth mindset, but “even though failing in the classroom is a source of stress, anxiety, and even shame for many teachers, educators say it's rare to have professional development that centers around bouncing back from a bad lesson or ‘failing forward,’ using the experience as an opportunity for growth,” Will writes.

There's very little training for teachers on coping with the inevitable classroom failures and figuring out how to turn them into improved practices. One Iowan teacher, Sarah Brown Wessling, leads professional development opportunities to encourage growth through failure. Building Teams That Stay. The end of the school year can bring celebration and joy, and also anxiety and unwanted change.

Building Teams That Stay

I always spent spring wondering which of my colleagues would return the following year. In the district where I worked, Oakland Unified in California, we lost about 50 percent of teachers within three years. How to Write A Strong Letter of Recommendation. Letters of recommendation are an important part of the college application process, and I take seriously requests to write these letters.

How to Write A Strong Letter of Recommendation

A good letter conveys a student’s character and abilities to admission officers and potential employers. A few simple guidelines can make the letter-writing process run smoothly. Decide on the Process Before agreeing to write a letter, think about whether you are a good fit to write on a student’s behalf. How Principals Can Help Prevent Teacher Burnout. Recently, I opened up my faculty meeting by saying, “Everyone here has been working so hard on behalf of our students, and I’m sure you must be tired. The business of helping students can be both challenging and rewarding.” The MOST IMPORTANT JOB of a LEADER at the End of the School Year. End of year assemblies, games, dodgeball tournaments, field days, parties, graduations, awards.

The MOST IMPORTANT JOB of a LEADER at the End of the School Year

Three Categories Of Teachers. I may ruffle some feathers with this week’s article.

Three Categories Of Teachers

But it’s a critical topic, and thus worth taking the heat. Last week, I detailed how to not quit teaching. If you haven’t yet read the article, I recommend doing so before continuing. In that article, I mentioned the importance of becoming an expert in classroom management. How Principals Can Help Prevent Teacher Burnout. How to Lead People Who Are Smarter Than You. Steve Jobs, who was famous for his hiring and recruiting practices, believed a small team of A+ players could run circles around a giant team of B and C players.

How to Lead People Who Are Smarter Than You

He was thoroughly convinced that the quality of the team was everything. Principals: Are you brave enough to ask for staff feedback? Edutopia. 7 principals dish on changing roles, responsibilities. Engage, Excite, and Empower. 3 Things Great Leaders Do That Help Deliver Amazing Results. Results are the benchmark of success and to do that you have to be able to inspire your teams to achieve great things.

Engage, Excite, and Empower. 3 Things Great Leaders Do That Help Deliver Amazing Results.

So how do great leaders achieve that? Engage Everything starts with engagement. If your teams are not engaged, then they are just turning up, taking the money and doing the bare minimum. And when you look at the statistics for employee engagement that covers a very large percentage of the work force, as 68 percent of US employees are disengaged, and 65 percent of managers are disengaged. Employee engagement is a contact sport. You need to get out there showing your passion and enthusiasm, clarifying the objectives, explaining the purpose and aligning the goals and desires of the teams with the goals of the initiatives.

Companies with engaged employees perform 147 percent better than those with disengaged employees. As the leader is your job to engage them, it's not their job to be engaged! 7 Key Behaviors of People Who Make a Positive Difference In the World. Look around you and you’ll see three kinds of people — those who hate their work, and complain bitterly, those who just tolerate their work and see it as a paycheck and aren’t looking for more (or feel they can’t have more), and finally, those who love their work, and relish it.

7 Key Behaviors of People Who Make a Positive Difference In the World

The third category is a small subset of all professionals globally, but this group stands out because these are, most often, the people who change the world for the better. Developing and Leading Positive School Culture. Change is hard…like really hard.

Developing and Leading Positive School Culture

Crisscrossapplesaucebook. Five Ways to Make Your Days Better - Attorney at Work. Www.forbes. Evan Robb collected this story. Avoiding School Leadership Burnout - Educational Leadership. 7 Principal Best Practices You Need to Know to Be More Effective. Habits vs. Goals: A Look at the Benefits of a Systematic Approach to Life. Nothing will change your future trajectory like your habits. We all have goals, big or small, things we want to achieve within a certain time frame. Some people want to make a million dollars by the time they turn 30. Some people want to lose 20 pounds before summer. Some people want to write a book in the next six months. Class Tech Integrate : #PLN: Using Twitter to Impact Your Professional Learning. This post is week 2 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators from Find out more about this challenge by clicking here.

The most important/impactful professional learning I have ever participated in was developing my own Personal Learning Network (PLN) through Twitter. Lead with “Conscience” to Develop Strong Relationships in the Workplace. What Is an Effective Leader? What Every Leader Needs to Know About the Rule of 7. Want Your Employees to Trust You? Empower Them. Low trust organizations are preoccupied with keeping people from doing their worst. High-trust organizations focus on empowering people to do their best. The reluctance to trust subordinates with increased authority reflects a natural wariness that has been growing in society in general, as new leaders wonder "What if they abuse the power? A Letter to Those Considering Becoming an Administrator: – lookingformarigolds. Dear future administrator, current instructional coach or teacher that is looking to expand your experiences and potentially make a bigger impact,