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Home. Maps. Le Monde diplomatique - English edition. Le Monde diplomatique, deutsche Ausgabe. Die Edition Edition LMd No 15 Südosteuropa.Der kleine Subkontinent Schluchten, Schlager und Kompiuter Wie Bulgarien in die Nato kam, was Wikipedia über Srebrenica verrät und wie Rumänien lernte Autos zu bauen, die nicht gleich kaputt gehen: Geschichten über den Alltag, die Sehnsucht und die streitbare Politik auf dem Balkan. 112 farbige Seiten, 8,50 EUR weitere Infos | Jetzt bestellen Edition LMd No 14 Moloch, Kiez & Boulevard.Die Welt der Städte Die Stunde der Städte Tanzen in Bamako, Zelten in Ulan-Bator, Sparen in Las Vegas, Planen in Peking, Opernarien in der Pariser Metro - die Städte der Welt regen uns auf und ziehen uns an.

Edition LMd No 13 RusslandIn Putins Reich Die Opposition traut sich auf die Straße. Damit Sie keine Ausgabe verpassen! Edition LMd No 12 Krisenmacher Bürger, Banken und Banditen 112 farbige Seiten, 8,50 Euro Edition LMd No 11 Arabische Welt Ölscheichs, Blogger, Muslimbrüder 112 farbige Seiten, 8,50 Euro Edition LMd No 10 Cola, Reis & Heuschrecken Welternährung im 21. Transparency International. Boersespiel. Arts & culture. Google. Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian.

A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 900 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Britain's Current Affairs & Politics Magazine. Twitter network of Arab protests - interactive map | World news. BBC iPlayer - Listen live - BBC Radio 1.

English | Front Page. Greg Mankiw's Blog. Economics E-Journal. The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Iraq: new alliances, old repression. Iraq's main political actors are engaged in intense political jockeying in advance of the country's parliamentary elections scheduled for January 2010. The formation of the al-Ittilaf al-Watani al-Iraqi (Iraqi National Alliance), announced on 23 August 2009, is part of a long process of political realignment among Iraq's old political parties that may have a big impact on the election result. But whatever the outcome of this process, which has been fraught with volatility, many Iraqis fear that the political manoeuvring will do little to improve their lives - and that violence will again displace politics as a means of setting the country's course.

Zaid Al-Ali is an attorney at the New York Bar and specialises in international commercial arbitration. He has graduated from King's College London, the Sorbonne University in Paris and Harvard Law School. He is currently writing a book on the Iraqi constitution with Jõrg Fedtke, to be published in 2009 "Iraq: a constitution or an epitaph? " Homepage.

Magazin für politische Kultur. INSM – ÖkonomenBlog, Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM) News Reader - Die Nachrichten-Suchmaschine. Ökonomie, Wirtschaftswissen - Handelsblatt Online. 1000 Awesome Things | A time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things. Ökonomenstimme: Home. ONLINE | Nachrichten, Hintergründe und Debatten. Mental_floss Blog » Fun with Venn and Euler Diagrams. A Venn diagram is a mathematical illustration that shows all of the possible mathematical or logical relationships between sets.

A Euler diagram resembles a Venn diagram, but does not neccessarily show all possible intersections of the sets. A Euler diagram is often more useful for showing real world data, because not all sets partially overlap with all other sets. I used the 3 Circle Venn Diagram Applet to make a diagram of food preferences in my family. I have one child who won't eat much in the way of meat or vegetables, and another who dislikes carbs.

The is a classic Venn diagram, which explains why I don't cook as often as I used to. This graphic is labeled as a Venn diagram, but it is actually a Euler diagram, because at no point does true happiness intersect with wearing pants. More diagram fun, after the jump. If the circles don't intersect, it's not a Venn diagram. These sweet and sour doodles are true Venn diagrams. Nothing is any good if other people like it. Mental_floss magazine - Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix. TELEPOLIS. Social Banking 2.0 – Der Kunde übernimmt die Regie. ORF TVthek: Startseite - Aktuelle Empfehlungen, Themen, Sendungen und Beiträge.


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