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As Factories Fade, Rural District Builds Makerspace to Fill Talent Gaps. On Using a Makerspace for STEM Education – The Incubator. Blikstein Martinez Pang Meaningful Making book. Maker Rubric PDF. 3 Challenges As Hands-On, DIY 'Maker' Culture Moves Into Schools : NPR Ed. Take a look this summer inside some of America's garages, museums and libraries and you'll see that the "maker movement" is thriving.

3 Challenges As Hands-On, DIY 'Maker' Culture Moves Into Schools : NPR Ed

This hands-on, DIY culture of inventors, tinkerers and hackers is inspiring adults and children alike to design and build everything from sailboats and apps to solar cars. Maker Education. How to Start a Makerspace When You're Broke.

Everyone’s Favorite Excuse I’ve had the honor and privilege of sharing with hundreds of librarians and educators about our makerspace.

How to Start a Makerspace When You're Broke

Unfortunately, I see many educators hold back on starting a makerspace because of funds. Starting a School Makerspace from Scratch. With the National Week of Making behind us, you might be ready to start a makerspace in your school -- but not know where to start.

Starting a School Makerspace from Scratch

Beginner’s Guide to Maker-ize An Elementary Classroom – HonorsGradU. When most penny-pinching, time-crunched, and exhausted teachers hear about lofty ideas like the MakerSpace movement in education, they are likely to dismiss it as another passing and impractical fad.

Beginner’s Guide to Maker-ize An Elementary Classroom – HonorsGradU

However, the more we investigate, the more convinced we are that there are practical–and profoundly meaningful–ways for teachers to implement its ideals, even in an elementary school classroom. Benefits of Maker Spaces “Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes, but they all serve as a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors and expertise. A collection of tools does not define a Makerspace. Rather, we define it by what it enables: making.”

They cultivate creativity. A Librarian's Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources. "There were more than 135 million adult makers, more than half of the total adult population in America, in 2015.

A Librarian's Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources

" What is a makerspace? You’ve no doubt been hearing that word more than a few times over the past several years. 6 Fun Ways Kids Can Join the Maker Movement. Children are natural makers — give a kid a cardboard box, and she’ll transform it immediately into an oven, a spaceship, an elevator, or something else that I probably cannot imagine.

6 Fun Ways Kids Can Join the Maker Movement

Recent years have seen a growth of the maker movement, or an enthusiasm for inventing and creating new technologies and tools, in the U.S., Europe, and many countries across the world. Here is a look at the origins of the maker movement, how it fosters creativity, and some of the resources available to kids. How the Maker Movement Got Started The maker movement has its origins in the do-it-yourself (DIY) attitude. Makerspace Starter Kit. The hot new Makerspace Movement is NOT new to Murray Hill Middle School.

Makerspace Starter Kit

Eighteen years ago we designed and opened the school with the idea that we would have creation labs in the Media Center, GT room, and the TV studio. We started with video production, iMovie, Specular LogoMotion, Hyperstudio, and animation with Hollyood High kids. Here's an example of an EARLY (2003) video production called Bookfellas, featuring some Guy Ritchie-esque film direction techniques. Makerspaces should not be specialspaces, they should be in classroomplaces – Blogush. I realized in January of 2016 that the blog post I was writing was #498.

Makerspaces should not be specialspaces, they should be in classroomplaces – Blogush

Yikes…#500 was coming up and would have to be special. I was kind of taken aback by the number. As I have written on other Blogush anniversary dates, I was never a writer, and the idea that I would eventually have voluntarily written 500 posts was somewhat inconceivable to me. Education Week. Washington Few trends in K-12 ed tech are as hot—or as under-researched—as "Maker" education.

Education Week

The term generally refers to using a wide variety of hands-on activities (such as building, computer programming, and sewing) to support academic learning and the development of a mindset that values playfulness and experimentation, growth and iteration, and collaboration and community. What do Great Makerspaces Have in Common?

Since creating my makerspace and more recently, since publishing my book on makerspaces, I have had the honor of having conversations with, as well as working with, people all across the world.

What do Great Makerspaces Have in Common?

One of the most important lessons I have learned is that…. Through my makerspace work, I have also had the opportunity to see first-hand the qualities that great makerspaces share. Makerspaces should be unique and meaningful to the wants, needs, interests of the individual schools that they are in. Recently, Travis Lape and I had the privilege of speaking on our BAM Radio Network Movers & Makers show, with Chief Maker Educator, at, Steve Davee. Makerspaces Lead to School and Community Successes. While the Maker Movement continues to grow, it hasn't yet gained its greatest traction, which currently sits untapped in the minds of the students in front of us. Through forming partnerships with community makerspaces or building a school makerspace, educators and decision makers everywhere have the rare chance to help bring this truly all-inclusive learning experience into their schools, districts, and communities in order to help all students.

Here are four ways that the "new industrial revolution" will help your students succeed and help breathe life back into your craft. Makerspaces Lead to School and Community Successes. An Arduino-Powered Laser Engraver That You Can Build. MichielD99 is a 16 year old Belgian teenage maker. It is amazing that, with the tools and materials available today, a young person, really any person, can create something as sophisticated and professional-looking as this laser engraver. It took Michiel about three months to plan and construct the machine. He created templates of all of the structural components, transferred them onto MDF, and then used a jigsaw to cut everything out. To drive the machine, he used an Arduino UNO with two NEMA-17 stepper motors and stepper motor drivers he got from AliEXpress.

By using AliExpress, he was able to keep the component costs down, with the entire thing costing about US$220. To keep all of the hardware cool inside of its enclosure, he drilled out vent holes on one side and installed a computer fan. Michiel designed the device in such a way that he can also install a Dremel tool as the head. Flipboard. Play Minecraft, Build Computers – Piper, Inc. Lego's WeDo 2.0 robotics kit is the kind of educational toy I wish I had growing up. Maker-Ed: Tinkering, Inventing, Learning. Master builder of Fender guitars makes a cardboard guitar. Genius Hour Innovation Class. Resources for Youth Makerspaces. Maker Ed is delighted to make these materials available for free. If you would like to order a printed copy of the Youth Makerspace Playbook, you may purchase one here. The Youth Makerspace Playbook is a resource providing context and support around planning spaces for youth to make.

It offers practical suggestions on finding spaces to make, outfitting spaces with tools and materials, exploring the possible educational approaches within spaces, and sustaining spaces in the long-term. (Note: The Playbook has been updated as of Oct 13, 2015 to correct photo credits on pages 30 and 31.) Accompanying the Youth Makerspace Playbook is “Makerspaces: Highlights of Select Literature,” a selection of the latest thinking emerging from the growth of makerspaces and their developing roles in education and communities.

Youth Makerspace Playbook Site Surveys Join the Conversation with #MakerEdSpace Here are a few specific prompts to help you get started: Click here for #MakerEdSpace Prompts #MakerEdSpace. Maker Education. Are You Starting a K5 Library MakerSpace? As part of my job, I frequently field questions from teachers in the trenches about PBL, technology integration, high-ability learners, and more recently, makerspaces. Occasionally I’m asked a question where I know the answer will benefit others. In those cases, I ask if I can publish the Q/A results. Here’s one recent conversation about elementary makerspaces: Applying Psychology and Learning Sciences Research to Developing a Makerspace. Maker Spaces. How to Build Your Makerspace.

Getting Started with MakerSpaces. The Maker Movement and the Classroom. Review: Get elbow deep in maker fun and learning. Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers. One idea not shared in the playbook that has come up time and again is having a Make Sale, where you sell some of the items made in the Makerspace.

Hillel Posner’s students make cutting boards and necklaces in their woodworking class. Casey Shea at Analy High School recoups some of the high cost of buying and maintaining the school’s laser cutter with an annual yearbook-engraving fundraiser. What have you done in your school to raise money to Make? Makers Gonna Make: The Rise of Makerspaces in Libraries. Folks who haven’t spent a lot of time in their local libraries this century might still be under the impression that they are just repositories for musty books and shushing staffers. But library use is on the rise, thanks in part to modern institutions reimagining themselves as places for creating, not just accessing, information.

High-speed internet access and public computers are just the tip of the iceberg: Many libraries are now providing their patrons with tools including 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC routers, audiovisual gear, sewing machines and more.A 2013 study by the Information Policy and Access Center at University of Maryland College Park found that nearly 17 percent of public library systems have some kind of makerspace. Clive Thompson’s recent piece in Wired further piqued my interest about the rise of makerspaces in libraries, so I set out to talk to some of the experts in the field. The brave new library. Makers Gonna Make: The Rise of Makerspaces in Libraries. Welcome to Maker Camp.

The Mindset of the Maker Educator. Building a Common School Vision For Your Makerspace. As more and more educational institutions are incorporating tinkering and “maker mindset” into their educational programs, the processes leading up to that incorporation vary broadly. In some schools, spaces for “making” and tinkering are outfitted before any programmatic discussions take place among the faculty (top-down). KitHub Designed to Empower Young Innovators. ISTE 2015: Takeaway Tips for a Library Maker Space. Makerspace Starter Kit. Starting a Makerspace on a Budget? Here's The Equipment You'll Need. A Week of Making: What Making is Really About.

How the Maker Movement Is Moving into Classrooms. Why The Maker Movement Matters. Making in the classroom is a political stance. How the Maker Movement Is Moving into Classrooms. Makerspace Starter Kit. Maker Education. How The Raspberry Pi Sparked A Maker Revolution. Maker Education. Maker Education. How to Turn Any Classroom Into a Makerspace. Makerspaces. The Rise of the New Social Network. Creating a space for young makers and educators.

Hsmakerspacetoolsmaterials-201204.pdf. Designing a School Makerspace. DIY projects, how-tos, and inspiration from geeks, makers, and hackers. 3D printing: coming to a library near you. Hackerspace. Makerspace Resources. Why Your Library May Soon Have Laser Cutters and 3-D Printers. Role of public library in creating & promoting makerspaces. The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth. The Makings of Maker Spaces, Part 1: Space for Creation, Not Just Consumption. Makerspaces, Participatory Learning, and Libraries. Making Things in Academic Libraries.

Directories. Leading the Maker Movement. CMF. Something Very Big Is Coming: Our Most Important Technology Project Yet—Stephen Wolfram Blog. Edsurge. Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom.