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Origamic Architecture and Pop Up Cards Origamic Architecture, Kirigami and Pop-Up templates and instructions for free! 8-Bit Pop Up Cards - Very cute idea for pop-up cards using the old video game 8-bit graphics. Pixelated pop-up cards of: Louie CK, Donkey Kong, Double Dragon 2, Gizmo, and Mario, to name just a few. Very cute! Baud & Bui - Free Origamic Architecture downloadable patterns. Canon Gifts and Cards - At least a dozen Pop-Up cards. Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - Tour Draw Blog and Wiki images on Cacoo Diagrams created on Cacoo can be embedded in your Blog or Wiki in PNG format. If you edit the diagram in Cacoo, the embedded image will be replaced automatically. Export as PDF and SVG! Diagrams can be exported in vector formats - PDF, SVG, etc. Share the diagram with anyone You can even share the diagram with someone you don’t know.

Free Brain Games Training Online - Improve Memory, Have Fun! Training your brain with free online brain games is a fun way to keep your mind active and potentially improve your memory, concentration, and other brain skills. There are now over 250 free brain training games on this site. Not sure where to start? Check out the most popular games. Also see the game categories in the sidebar at right and in the menu above. Examples of popular games include Scrabble Sprint, Butterfly Connect, and Basic Solitaire. To play these online games, an up-to-date version of the free Adobe Flash Player browser plug-in must be installed in your browser. If the games won't open for you, there might be an issue with your browser. If you still have problems accessing the games, check out my troubleshooting page or feel free to contact me directly for assistance. You can start your own brain training program right now. To keep your mind in top shape, play brain games often. For a full-brain workout, play a variety of games. Which Brain Skills Can You Improve? Prof.

Open Source Washing Machine Project » About Impression 3D L'impression 3D ou fabrication additive regroupe les procédés de fabrication permettant de créer des pièces en volume par ajout de matière en couches successives. Elle s'oppose à la fabrication soustractive[1]. Cette famille de procédés a commencé à se développer au début des années 1980 avec pour objectif principal de faciliter le prototypage rapide[2], puisque le coût de production est pratiquement indépendant de la quantité produite[3]. Initialement réservée aux industriels du fait de son coût et sa difficulté de mise en place, l'impression 3D a connu une révolution dans les années 2000 à la suite des développements amorcés par le projet RepRap et l'expiration du brevet sur la technologie FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling). De nos jours, l'impression de plusieurs matériaux est possible, selon le procédé utilisé. Malgré les avancés majeures des années 2010, l'impression 3D domestique reste encore un hobby. Historique, développements et prospectives[modifier | modifier le code] Citons :

Horsey around the world Original Pop-up Cards Print "Patterns" on the back of thick paper. Made with 13cm x 18cm Kent Paper in the photos. "-----Red lines-----" will be mountain-folded. "-----Blue lines-----" will be valley-folded. Tea Set PatternEnlargeAnimation Valentine Heart with Arrow Christmas Tree Chess Knight PatternEnlargeAnimation Paper Crane PatternEnlargeHow to make it Gift Box PatternEnlargeAnimation Zippo Lighter PatternEnlargeAnimation F-15 Eagle PatternEnlargeAnimation Classic Car F-1 Racing Car PatternEnlargeAnimation Back to Top <a href="

MIT World | Distributed Intelligence Gamedesign - Free games and Flash games KabeyokeRun between moving walls to save the girl. BOXINGA simple punching-based boxing game.Controlled with the keyboard. DICEWARSDice-based strategy game. How quickly can you conquer your foes? COCKROACH DREAMCan you swat away 100 roaches before the sleeping man goes crazy? THE HAUNTED RUINSAn awesomely Eighties-style RPG. Synopsis QuestRelive key moments from retro role playing games in this parody of the genre! FairuneFind the four fairies and defeat the Dark Lord. SKATING HEAVENDodge incoming skaters by mouse clicking to the left or right of your skater. DismantlementCan you dismantle the radio with just a virtual screwdriver? ALPHABET DROPPush two alphabet blocks on the same line or column to knock them out. TENNIS GAMEMove using the arrow keys and swing the racket with the spacebar. Chat NoirCan you keep the kitty from running off the game field? School WarsBecome a schoolyard gangster in this realtime strategy game! ROTATE-A-RACERacing game. SprinterA 100 meter sprint simulation.

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