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CFS/ME and Methylation/Glutathione Approaches

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The Methylation protocol/hypothesis is suggested by Rich van Konynenburg. Glutathione (GSH)is the master antioxidant in the body. GSH is typically low in ME patients, which is possibly why the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is so high.

ROS cause damage to the mitochondria, which are dysfunctional in ME. Those with methylation defects (one of the very important processes in the body) are even more challenged to produce GSH (and many other neurotransmitters and hormones). Supporting GSH and methylation is one approach to tipping the balance in favour of healing. A Simple Explanation of the Glutathione/Methylation Depletion Theory of ME/CFS by Rich Von Konynenburg. 1.

A Simple Explanation of the Glutathione/Methylation Depletion Theory of ME/CFS by Rich Von Konynenburg

To get an isolated case of CFS (I’m not talking here about the epidemics or clusters), you have to have inherited some genetic variations from your parents. These are called polymorphisms or single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Augmenting Glutathione in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) by Rich Van Konynenburg. Augmenting Glutathione There are several ways to augment one’s glutathione.

Augmenting Glutathione in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) by Rich Van Konynenburg

It is a good idea to proceed slowly at first if glutathione has been depleted for an extended period of time (months to years), because toxins and infections may have been allowed to build up in the absence of sufficient glutathione to keep them under control. If glutathione is then brought up rapidly, the mobilization of toxins can produce a Jarisch Herxheimer reaction, which is an exacerbation of symptoms that can make a person feel very unpleasant. Also, see the particular comments about mercury below. Simplified Treatment Approach Based on the Glutathione Depletion- Methylation Cycle Block Pathogenesis Hypothesis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) by Rich Van Konynenburg, Ph.D. II. Introduction.

Simplified Treatment Approach Based on the Glutathione Depletion- Methylation Cycle Block Pathogenesis Hypothesis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) by Rich Van Konynenburg, Ph.D. II

(Repeated From Part I) I first want to note that I am a researcher, not a clinician, and that what I have to say here should not be interpreted as medical advice. In January, 2007, in an effort to shed light on the validity of the Glutathione Depletion-Methylation Cycle Block (GD-MCB) Pathogenesis Hypothesis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and to help clinicians to develop a practical treatment based on this Hypothesis, I suggested a simplified treatment approach. This approach is designed to lift the hypothesized methylation cycle block and to restore glutathione levels to normal. It was derived from a complete treatment program developed by Dr.

Amy Yasko, N.D., Ph.D., for autism and other disorders that are also thought to involve methylation cycle block and glutathione depletion. Your Brain on Fire: Big NIH Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study To Look For Biomarker Based on Brain Glutathione Levels. Two million dollars for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) research…You don’t hear those words very often.

Your Brain on Fire: Big NIH Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study To Look For Biomarker Based on Brain Glutathione Levels

The NIH just gave Dr. Shungu and associates a big two million dollar grant to peer into chronic fatigue syndrome patients brains. Chronic Illness Responds to Glutathione – Suzy Cohen suggests ways to heal naturally without medication. ME, CFS support and research. CFS - The Methylation Cycle. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a symptom, not a diagnosis, and the name of the game is to identify the underlying causes.

CFS - The Methylation Cycle

In fatigue syndromes we don't see macro-pathology, we see micro-pathology - that is to say the problems are bio-chemical and occur at the molecular level. There are several cycles, which I now know to be centrally important in causing fatigue. All these cycles interlink with each other like Olympic rings and getting one cycle going will drive another. The important cycles which I know to be major players include blood sugar wobbles, allergy problems, sleep cycles, mitochondrial function, anti-oxidant status, the NO/OONO cycle, thyroid and adrenal hormones cycles and de-toxification.

I am greatly indebted to Rich van Konynenburg for updating me on a new player which interlinks with many of the above, namely the methylation cycle. Q&A on the Simplified Methylation Protocol with Neil Nathan, MD. Application of Yasko Protocol to the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Rich Van Konynenburg Ph D and Neil Nathan M D. The Methylation Protocol for ME/CFS as of August 2012: Many See Benefits. On August 25, Rich Van Konynenburg, PhD, (richvank) posted his “Revised Simplified Methylation Protocol: August 25, 2012 Revision”) across the Web, including ProHealth’s ME/CFS Message Board.

By way of background, see Neil Nathan, MD’s clear, simple description of methylation dysfunction in ME/CFS, and his report on a pilot trial of the original Simplified Methylation Protocol (“A Simplified Methylation Protocol is Effective for the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia”) that he and Drs. Van K, Amy Yasco, and Jacob Teitelbaum collaboratively designed. Dr. Van K has been tweaking this suggested supplement protocol for years, based on the Nathan, et al. study and patients’ continuing anecdotal reports of their results. As he notes, all the supplements mentioned are available for purchase online. For all this, thank you, Rich VanK! Revised Simplified Methylation Protocol: August 25, 2012 Revision Hi All: Most who try it report benefit from it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Living With ME/CFS: The Methylation Cycle: Central to ME/CFS. I sat down to write a post about vitamin B12 supplements for people with ME/CFS and how much they have helped my son and I.

Living With ME/CFS: The Methylation Cycle: Central to ME/CFS

I soon realized, however, that I couldn’t explain the importance of B12 without first explaining what the methylation cycle is and why it is so critical to those of us with ME/CFS (and similar illnesses). I’m no expert, but here is what I have learned: What Does Methylation Do? I already knew in a vague way that methylation was an important process in the body, but now I understand it is absolutely critical to multiple bodily systems. Before delving into exactly what methylation is, let’s look at its role in the body.

In addition, the more health problems you have, the worse the methylation process gets (more vicious cycles), so someone like my son who has ME/CFS and also Lyme disease plus two other tick infections just keeps getting worse and worse – which is what we saw with him a few years ago and again this past year. Dr. Living With ME/CFS: Throwback Thursday: Improving Methylation. Today's Throwback Thursday is another topic that has been critical in the improvements we've been able to make in our conditions.

Living With ME/CFS: Throwback Thursday: Improving Methylation

CFS - The Methylation Cycle. Living With ME/CFS: Vitamin B12 and ME/CFS. Last week, I wrote a post about methylation and its importance to people who have ME/CFS (and other immune disorders as well).

Living With ME/CFS: Vitamin B12 and ME/CFS

If you haven’t read that post yet, I highly recommend you go back and read that one first because these two topics are inextricably intertwined. If you want even more detail than what I am providing here, ProHealth has an excellent article on B12 and Methylation that includes 225 scientific references! So, with that basic knowledge of methylation, we already know that vitamin B12 is absolutely essential. It feeds a critical step in the methylation process, and without it, the whole process breaks down. That’s only the tip of the iceberg for B12 and ME/CFS, though. Why is B12 so important to ME/CFS patients and what does it do? We know that B12 is a critical component of the methylation cycle, which regulates detoxification, as well as critical processes in adrenal function, immune function, and the nervous system. Augmenting Glutathione in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) by Rich Van Konynenburg.

Chronic Illness Responds to Glutathione – Suzy Cohen suggests ways to heal naturally without medication. The Glutathione Protocol for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The Glutathione Protocol is a method of treating chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS) that was developed by Richard Van Konynenburg, PhD.

The Glutathione Protocol for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It focuses on restoring a process in your body that he says is blocked in people with this disease. At its root are findings that, according to Van Konynenburg, the majority of people with ME/CFS are deficient in glutathione. This treatment protocol is experimental, and there's little or no scientific evidence to support it. Many people with ME/CFS say it's been extremely helpful to them, but these are strictly personal opinions that do not imply scientific fact. According to Van Konynenburg, an important part of the protocol is raising your glutathione levels. Living With ME/CFS: Increasing Glutathione in ME/CFS & Related Illnesses. Glutathione Molecule (Ben Mills - Own work, Public Domain), Link [NOTE: I am not a doctor.

Living With ME/CFS: Increasing Glutathione in ME/CFS & Related Illnesses

This post describes our own personal experiences & what I have learned from research. You should work with your own doctor on your own unique case to find what works for you. Increased ventricular lactate in chronic fatigue syndrome. III. Relationships to cortical glutathione and clinical symptoms implicate oxidative str... - PubMed - NCBI.