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Cosmopolitan - Photos du journal. 15 Honest Questions The Person You Marry Should Be Able To Answer. Marriage really is a beautiful thing.

15 Honest Questions The Person You Marry Should Be Able To Answer

I used to think it was a bit pointless, just a piece of paper that allows you an extra tax cut. However, the more I thought about it, the more I learned to appreciate what marriage could be. Marriage gets a bad rap because most people are really bad at it. It’s not marriage’s fault. It’s the couples’ fault for being neither mature enough nor smart enough to manage. I used to believe people couldn’t possibly promise to love someone else in 10, 20 years when neither their partners nor they will be the same people they are now. Simone Becchetti Regardless, we still want that promise because it gives us courage to give ourselves to another without reservations. 5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage. Cosmopolitan - Photos du journal. Getting Married Young: The Habits You Need To Outgrow Before You Say 'I Do'

Some of us are too immature to tie the knot, seal the deal and walk down the aisle.

Getting Married Young: The Habits You Need To Outgrow Before You Say 'I Do'

We’re barely able to take care of ourselves, let alone another person. That’s because we have a lot of growing up to do. Our priorities need to shift from wanting to sleep-in late to wanting to sleep in the same bed as someone else. And until we stop referring to everything as “sick” and “epic,” we’re going to be on our own for a while. We’re still embracing our immaturity and that’s okay, but there is a time when we need to grow up and develop some more adult qualities in order to gain entry to life’s later milestones.

Especially if you’re looking to get married, there are some juvenile aspects of your life that you’ll have to give up to be able to move forward with a new person. Here are the characteristics you need to outgrow before you say “I do.” 1. People lie because they’re too stupid to recognize that telling the truth is actually the better move. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Look, I get it. 7. 8. 9. 20 Secrets of Couples Who Stay Together Forever. Cosmopolitan - Photos du journal. How To Plan A Wedding, The Brutally Honest Edition. Photos du journal - Have The Relationship You Want. The Science of Finding Your Soul Mate. By Maria Popova Breaking down the mathematical odds of winning at SoulMateRoulette.

The Science of Finding Your Soul Mate

It’s been argued that the secret of lasting love is giving up the myth of “the one” — and yet the notion of a perfect soul mate is irresistibly alluring to most of us. We go after it with remarkable ambition and even try to calculate the odds of finding that special someone, that invaluable human mirror who will “tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in.” But in a world of seven billion, how likely is it, really, that each of us will find that mythic other? That’s precisely what NASA-roboticist-turned-comic-creator Randall Munroe explores in a chapter of What If? Munroe answers a reader’s seemingly simple, strangely unsettling question: “What if everyone actually had only one soul mate, a random person somewhere in the world?” We’ll assume your soul mate is set at birth. What about gender and sexual orientation? Donating = Loving. If Your Relationship Is Failing, Here's Why. ~ Dr. Margaret Paul.

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If Your Relationship Is Failing, Here's Why. ~ Dr. Margaret Paul

I’m the kind of person who loves to understand the deeper reasons behind behavior, and I’ve spent most of my life learning about what creates loving or unloving relationships. In the 43 years I’ve been counseling couples, I’ve discovered that there really is one major cause of relationship problems—one issue that if you address and heal, changes everything. The one cause: self-abandonment. When you abandon yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, relationally and/or organizationally, you automatically make your partner responsible for you. Let’s look at the various forms of self-abandonment and how they result in relationship conflict and power struggles, or in distance and disconnection. Emotional self-abandonment. When we were growing up, many of us experienced much loneliness, heartache, heartbreak and helplessness.

How to Have a Healthy Marriage Without the Fights.