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What Makes Engagement So Hard. Long Engagement vs. Short Engagement. 5 Signs You’re Ready for Marriage. Biblical Dating: Tips for Engagement. Congratulations!

Biblical Dating: Tips for Engagement

You're engaged! Now what? PART 7: From 'Hi' to 'I Do' in a Year » Let's talk first (and briefly) about the decision whether to marry a particular person. Here's a quick review: Is it a bad idea to get married while in college? Question I am 20 years old and am dating another junior who attends my university.

Is it a bad idea to get married while in college?

I started a very public courtship in my freshman year (two years ago) that was encouraged by my church and pastor as well as our young adult church group and many of our older married friends. Our parents like our relationship and have been very open and honest, critiquing when they find areas in need of improvement. We have not fallen into sexual sin, and we are regularly held accountable by our pastor as well as both of our parents. Recognizing Spiritual Leadership in the Little Things. Spiritual intimacy in marriage can be a confusing and painful issue for many couples.

Recognizing Spiritual Leadership in the Little Things

As a matter of fact, I recently asked the couples in my small-group gathering to describe their shared spiritual relationship. Sadly, even though these couples represented veteran marriages, the couples either said they weren't as close as they wanted to be, or they simply weren't spiritually close at all. This was true for my wife, Erin, and me early in our marriage. When to Settle. When Steve and I started dating, one of my close friends said she was worried that we'd end up getting married.

When to Settle

What in the world? I thought. We've only been dating a few days. Marriage? And so what if we do? Green Means Go. If red flags are signs that a relationship should end, what are the signs that it should steam ahead?

Green Means Go

My inbox overflows with questions about dating relationships that cry out for caution. These women want help to move their romances forward — in fact, to speed ahead to marriage — where it is clear they should not. Should You Get Engaged? Before you pop the question, you might want to ask yourself these five questions.

Should You Get Engaged?

Thirty-two years ago I asked the question before the question. Recently my two sons did the same. Every year 2.3 million couples ask the same question. Though the question can be asked in as little as four words — "Should I get engaged? " Pre-Engagement Counseling. Focus on the Family recommends that couples who are dating seriously seek counseling before they get engaged.

Pre-Engagement Counseling

In other words, we think it's a good idea to place more stress on pre-engagement counseling than on pre-marital counseling. Why do we say this? Because we've found that couples who are already engaged are far less inclined to take an in-depth, honest look at their relationship. In many cases they've already purchased the ring, reserved the church and reception hall, sent out the invitations, and hired a photographer.

Practical Advice for Those Getting Ready to Wed (Part 1 of 2) Jim: Let me say to both of you, welcome back to the microphone.

Practical Advice for Those Getting Ready to Wed (Part 1 of 2)

Greg: It's always good to be here. Thank you. Planning for "The Day" of for a lifetime? Rethinking Male Spiritual Leadership. Should I only marry a man more spiritually mature than me? Question Is it important for the husband to be the spiritual leader in a marriage, and if yes, does this mean that a Christian woman can only consider marrying a man who is more spiritually mature than she?

Should I only marry a man more spiritually mature than me?

As if it isn't already hard enough to find a suitable Christian man, this expectation that the man is more spiritually mature than the woman just makes the pool of marriable men even less. And this would naturally exclude all men who have recently become Christians (if the woman has been a Christian for many years and has matured in her faith during these many years). There are many cases where the woman, too, can encourage her partner in his faith, and because of her faith he may be encouraged in his faith and to spend more time reading God's Word or praying.

Would you consider this an instance of the woman leading the man spiritually if he is learning such good things from her?