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Blogs on Web 2.0

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Jean-marc manach. Yury Bespamyatnyy - Юрий Беспамятный. FOREIGN POLICY. Tangled Web. It started with a media report in France and in a few days the story had gone around the world. Our private Facebook messages from 2007 and 2008 were being made public on our walls. The story was picked up on U.S. blogs and was rapidly spread through Facebook status updates and on Twitter. Facebook quickly issued a strong denial, tech journalists drilled deep, and the story was quickly debunked. Yet the message -- the cautionary status updates -- still spread, translated across Facebook's global communities. Even when faced with evidence to the contrary, people still insisted the story was true: They didn't care what Facebook said, they knew they didn't write that on their Wall, they never would have written that in public.

Our susceptibility to believe reports that Facebook is playing fast and loose with our data comes as no surprise. I confess: I love Facebook. Global Voices in English. Technology Liberation Front ? Keeping politicians' hands off the Net & everything else related to technology. DigiCha-Internet, Digital Media, Online Gaming, Web, China. China News, Current Events & Headlines. VLADNET. RussianMarketer Russian SEO. Social media lessons from Russia and the UK. TechRockets. Blogs. La Quadrature du Net. InaGlobal, la Revue des industries créatives et des médias. De la Démocratie Numérique.

“Des millions de blogs, de forums, de messages, d’informations et de commentaires, postés sous toutes les formes possibles et dans des lieux innombrables : le web est devenu une nouvelle dimension de l’espace public.

De la Démocratie Numérique

L’espace public numérique, c’est d’abord un territoire, des lieux multiples et très divers où se mêlent documentation et connaissances, information, échanges sociaux ; Nicolas Vanbremeersch nous guide dans cette nébuleuse, analyse et structure l’ensemble. L’immensité de cet univers et les règles qu’il impose font évoluer très rapidement notre société. Le web social, où les individus mettent en réseau contenus et relations, en est le véritable poumon. Il n’est pas qu’un média de plus ; il dispose de ses propres codes, d’une dynamique différente qui bouleversent la manière dont circulent les idées et les informations.

DipNote : U.S. Department of State Official Blog. John Palfrey. Internet & Democracy Blog. By Hal Roberts and Bruce Etling Over the course of the weekend, a seemingly coordinated distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack flooded a number of the leading Russian independent media, election monitoring and blogging sites.

Internet & Democracy Blog

Many users and content publishers, including the Global Voices RuNet project, have been reporting the attacks against sites including LiveJournal, Echo of Moscow, Novaya Gazeta, New Times, Bolshoi Gorod,,,,, and the online ‘map of violations’ created by the election monitoring group Golos (which has been the target since last week of a government campaign against ‘outside’ influence on the election (they are funded by US and European groups).

LiveJournal, which is the biggest blog host in Russia and according to our research is the blogging platform where Russian political discourse is most prevalent, was also attacked. DDoS and other sorts of cyber attacks on independent media have been common in recent years. Esther Dyson - Net World. Business Technology for IT Professionals. Emma Barnett latest stories.

TechCrunch France. TechBaguette. Public Diplomacy, Networks and Influence. The Public Diplomacy Blog. The Shortcomings of Tweet-o-Diplomacy. Babbage. 6 to cut, 4 to sharpen. Diplomacia Alternativa. A propos « Espace public et Internet. Le temps des m?dias. Neelie Kroes - European Commission - EUROPA. Electrosphère. Our tools, ourselves. Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang. By Jeremiah Owyang, from Silicon Valley In many respects, Silicon Valley sits atop the world.

Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Its growth and influence has made it the globe’s top location for innovation, STEM jobs, IT patents, venture capital funding, and Internet and software growth, and Unicorn startups galore. And yet there’s also been a shift in the Valley’s culture. Growing social and economic rifts have bred fraud, anger and protests. Where housing isn’t in high demand, neighborhoods lay abandoned. One could argue that there’s an emergence of signs that strikingly resemble Detroit in the glory days of the age of transportation. In Detroit’s case, where I visited earlier this week, the Motor City reveled in its dominance in the 1950s, but growing social unrest soon culminated in a massive riot in the late 1960s. Here are four threats, aside from natural disaster, or whole scale physical attack for Silicon Valley today, along with a futuristic probing of their possible conclusions in the coming decades: Stephane Van Gelder. ZERO SECONDE.

Surveillance & Identity. I work on a number of ongoing projects for Trilateral.

Surveillance & Identity

These currently include: ASSERT - Assessing Security Research: tools and methodologies to measure societal impact PRISMS - Privacy and Security MirrorsPHAEDRA - Improving Practical and Helpful cooperation bEtween Data pRotection AuthoritiesEU Privacy Seals Project (for the EC Joint Research Centre)Study on Cloud Certification (for DG CONNECT) I've also done some bits of work on: ETTIS - European Security Trends and Threats in Society IRISS - Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies Some other areas of personal research interest are detailed below.