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Le cri d’alarme de quinze mille scientifiques sur l’état de la planète. « Le Monde » publie le manifeste signé par 15 364 scientifiques de 184 pays, paru lundi 13 novembre dans la revue « BioScience ».

Le cri d’alarme de quinze mille scientifiques sur l’état de la planète

LE MONDE | 13.11.2017 à 16h00 • Mis à jour le 21.11.2017 à 17h20 | Par William J. Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Thomas M. Newsome, Mauro Galetti, Mohammed Alamgir, Eileen Crist, Mahmoud I. Mahmoud et William F. The Culture of a World Without Oil. Margaret Atwood’s brilliant contribution to this discussion analyzes the salient features of the climate change that we can now recognize as the inevitable outcome of the culture of consumption that oil and gas made possible.

The Culture of a World Without Oil

An Encyclical from Pope Francis was the most recent mainstream identification of this linkage, specifically focused on its cultural implications. As Atwood observes, my 2014 book Art& Energy: How Culture Changes (The AAM Press) demonstrates how all of our external energy sources have been accompanied by cultural transitions, from the mastery of fire and the culture of community around the hearth that it made possible to the culture of stewardship of the earth and the body that we are adopting as we switch to renewable energy. Now we have daily news of the struggle between that incoming culture and the still dominant oil-based culture of consumption on which we are so dependent. 'A reckoning for our species': the philosopher prophet of the Anthropocene.

A few years ago, Björk began corresponding with a philosopher whose books she admired.

'A reckoning for our species': the philosopher prophet of the Anthropocene

“hi timothy,” her first message to him began. “i wanted to write this letter for a long time.” She was trying to give a name to her own singular genre, to label her work for posterity before the critics did. She asked him to help define the nature of her art – “not only to define it for me, but also for all my friends, and a generation actually.”

It turned out the philosopher, Timothy Morton, was a fan of Björk. Over the past decade, Morton’s ideas have been spilling into the mainstream. Morton’s terminology is “slowly infecting all the humanities”, says his friend and fellow thinker Graham Harman. 15 of the hottest spots around the world in 2014. The last selfie de WWF - DANS LE MONDE. Climat : le « moment oh merde ! » Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? A disparate group of experts from around the world will meet for the first time on Thursday for talks on what must rank as one of the most momentous decisions in human history.

Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?

The question confronting the scientists and other specialists is straightforward enough, even if the solution is far from simple. Is it time to call an end to the epoch we live in and declare the dawn of a new time period: one defined by humanity’s imprint on the planet? New York fait ville pleine contre le réchauffement climatique. Trois cents mille manifestants ont appelé les chefs d’'Etat qui se réuniront, mardi, aux Nations unies pour un sommet extraordinaire à ’agir sans délai.

New York fait ville pleine contre le réchauffement climatique

Le | | Par Laurence Caramel (New York, envoyée spéciale) Les organisateurs de la « Marche du peuple pour le climat » ont réussi leur pari en faisant de cet événement le plus grand rassemblement contre le changement climatique de l'histoire. Plus de 300 000 personnes, trois fois plus qu'’annoncé, ont envahi les rues de New York, dimanche 21 septembre au matin, pour un défilé pacifique porté par un message simple « Messieurs les chefs d’'Etat, agissez ! Réserve de la Haute-Touche : réintroduction de cistudes en Savoie. Disparue de Savoie depuis le XIXe siècle : en Savoie, l’espèce avait disparu depuis la fin du XIXe siècle.

Réserve de la Haute-Touche : réintroduction de cistudes en Savoie

Une population de 35 individus adultes, prélevés en Brenne, a été réintroduite en 2000 au sud du lac du Bourget. En 2009, un deuxième noyau de 24 tortues juvéniles, issu de pontes prélevées en milieu naturel, a été relâché au nord du lac. A terme, le projet a pour ambition la connexion des populations savoyardes aux populations de l’Isère, via le bassin versant du Rhône. South Pacific islands ban western junk food and go organic. A group of south Pacific islands are banning foreign junk food imports in favour of an all-local, organic diet as a way to combat future health problems.

South Pacific islands ban western junk food and go organic

Torba province, part of Vanuatu, aims to impose restrictions on the import of western foodstuffs and instead take advantage of its productive agricultural land and rich natural resources. Located in the northern part of Vanuatu, Toba is often described as the “forgotten province” and the majority of its 10,000 people are subsistence farmers. Father Luc Dini, a community leader and head of the local tourism council, said a ban on foreign food imports would improve the health and wellbeing of islanders.

“At the moment we have an infiltration of junk food from overseas,” he said. “It is easy to boil noodles or rice, but they have almost no nutritional value and there is no need to eat imported food when we have so much local food grown organically on our islands.” A Bombay, le chantier du métro menace plus de 5 000 arbres. Vu du ciel : un barrage géant construit par des castors sur MSN. Inondations en Pologne: la faute aux castors? Le ministre polonais de l’Intérieur Jerzy Miller a accusé mardi les castors d’avoir contribué aux inondations qui affectent la Pologne et qui y ont déjà provoqué la mort de 15 personnes.

Inondations en Pologne: la faute aux castors?

Animal artists and architects. Palau Now Requires an "Eco-Pledge" from All Visitors to Help Preserve the Land. The island nation of Palau has taken a bold step in a new direction towards conservation: requiring every incoming visitor to sign a stamped pledge in their passports to be good environmental stewards for the duration of their stay.

Palau Now Requires an "Eco-Pledge" from All Visitors to Help Preserve the Land

A Unique Kind of Paradise Located in the western Pacific Ocean, the Republic of Palau is a collection of islands that is as beautiful as it is diverse. From coral atolls like Kayangel, to the tiny Rock Islands made entirely of limestone, to the magical underwater world of Jellyfish Lake, visitors to Palau get to experience many different definitions of paradise. Like many other island nations in the Pacific, Palau relies on tourism as a primary driver of its economy. Each year, throngs of tourists come from all over the world to explore Palau. The Palau Pledge On the evening of December 7th, when the routine flight from Guam landed in Palau, tourists and visitors were greeted to a much different arrival process than they were expecting.

Destroying the world's natural heritage: 'Komodo is reaching a tipping point' It was the unusual thrashing on the water that caught their attention.

Destroying the world's natural heritage: 'Komodo is reaching a tipping point'

As those onboard the dive boat in Indonesia’s Komodo national park drew closer, it became clear it was a green turtle entangled in rubbish and thick fishing net. The divers managed to lift it out of the water, cut the blue bind from its shell and then set the turtle free, but dive operator Ed Statham says it is just one of the increasing and alarming signs the Unesco heritage site is fast being destroyed. Each day Statham and his team spot boats illegally fishing inside the protected Coral Triangle area, atop some of the best dive sites in the world. “It is not just fishing with lines and little boats, it is net fishing, anchoring on dive sites, obvious carcasses lying around, shark finning.

And it is happening on a bigger scale than it used to,” explains Statham over the phone from Labuan Bajo. On top of that, as word about Komodo spreads, tourism has grown rapidly. But there are success stories too. A million bottles a minute: world's plastic binge 'as dangerous as climate change'. A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021, creating an environmental crisis some campaigners predict will be as serious as climate change. New figures obtained by the Guardian reveal the surge in usage of plastic bottles, more than half a trillion of which will be sold annually by the end of the decade.

The demand, equivalent to about 20,000 bottles being bought every second, is driven by an apparently insatiable desire for bottled water and the spread of a western, urbanised “on the go” culture to China and the Asia Pacific region. More than 480bn plastic drinking bottles were sold in 2016 across the world, up from about 300bn a decade ago. If placed end to end, they would extend more than halfway to the sun.

By 2021 this will increase to 583.3bn, according to the most up-to-date estimates from Euromonitor International’s global packaging trends report. Sixième extinction massive des espèces : que reste-t-il à sauver ? Leur étude, faite auprès de plus de 27 000 espèces, montre en effet que ce n’est pas seulement le nombre d’espèces qui décline drastiquement depuis un siècle, mais également le nombre et la taille des populations par espèce. Par population il faut entendre la concentration d’un groupe d’animaux sur un territoire donné.

Les scientifiques ont évalué à hauteur de 40% la réduction de la répartition géographique d’environ 177 espèces de mammifères. Ce constat acte la sixième extinction de masse d’espèces, la dernière en date étant celle des dinosaures il y a 65 millions d’années. Parmi les causes principales de cette extinction notons le réchauffement climatique, la pratique de l’agriculture intensive, la surexploitation des stocks halieutiques, la déforestation ou encore la transformation de l’habitat naturel de certaines espèces. C'est la première fois qu'une extinction massive relève de l'activité d'une espèce, à savoir l'homme. Paul R. One of world's largest marine parks created off coast of Easter Island. Planter 100 000 arbres en un jour pour reboiser les mangroves. Chaque année, plus de 13 millions d'hectares de forêts disparaissent.

La déforestation allant toujours plus vite que toutes les tentatives de reboisement. Une zone est particulièrement touchée : les mangroves.