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A Modern Æneid.

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MOKB. HIPSTER RUNOFF. BrooklynVegan. Media. Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD. Health. Health Affairs. Al Jazeera English - AJE. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Libertarian. Kevin Colby: Political news and information blog. Democrat. Blogs. Wonkette. The Gavel. Firedoglake. Open Left. The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast Left-Wing.

Think Progress » Home Page. FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right. MyDD :: Direct Democracy for People-Powered Politics. PBD - Progressive Blog Digest.

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Media Matters for America. Places. The Washington Note. Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper. Slog tipper Tea Lopez says she was maced by a man shouting transphobic slurs, including "tranny" and "bitch" at about 11 p.m. last night, as she walked to a bus stop with her friend, who is transgender. According to Lopez and the subsequent police report filed by Officer Edward Medlock, a gray-silver SUV pulled up and stopped suddenly in front of them as they stood waiting to cross the intersection of Bellevue Avenue and East Pine Street.

A man jumped out of the car and ran up to them. "He asked if we like mace, and then he maced us," Lopez says, though she and her friend turned away swiftly enough that most of the spray landed on their jackets and bags. She heard him say something in Spanish, then remembers hearing the word "tranny" and something like "You stupid bitches like mace" while she was trying to avoid getting hit. The man quickly got back into the backseat of the vehicle and it sped off.

1 Writer

Ezra Klein - Economic and Domestic Policy, and Lots of It. The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan. Barbie Latza Nadeau. Glenn Greenwald. Kevin Drum. The Supreme Court will soon hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell, in which conservatives will argue that the text of Obamacare limits federal subsidies only to people who buy insurance from state-run exchanges, not from the federal exchange. Roughly speaking, there are two prongs of the conservative argument: The law contains text that explicitly limits subsidies to state-run exchanges. Democrats may not have intended this, but they screwed up in the rush to get the bill passed. That's too bad for them, but the law is the law. Democrats actually did intend to limit subsidies to state-run exchanges. Was meant as an incentive for states to run their own exchanges rather than punting the job to the feds.

The argument over #1 revolves around textual interpretation of the statute as a whole, as well as previous Supreme Court precedent that provides federal agencies with broad latitude in how they implement regulations. Ben Smith: Political News and Analysis. From our report on today's Pulitzer Prize announcement: Edward Snowden didn’t win a Pulitzer on Monday, but he might as well have. In a move certain to be interpreted as a vindication of the former government contractor’s efforts, the Pulitzer Prize Board on Monday awarded The Guardian US and The Washington Post its coveted Public Service award for reporting on the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance practices.

The award was given for the “revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security,” the committee said in its release. Sig Gissler, the Pulitzer Prize administrator, announced the winners at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York. Snowden immediately declared the decision “a vindication.” “There are times when a nominee is bigger than a prize. Laura Rozen: on foreign policy.


Conservative Political Blog for Right of Center Activists | RedS. Althouse. Pajamas Media. Michelle Malkin. American Thinker. Conservative News, Issues, Political Cartoons, Blogs, Talk Radio. The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog. | Exposing Liberal Media Bias. The Weekly Standard. The Corner. Business. Business Insider. Calculated Risk. Zero hedge | on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for ev.


Only Words to Play With. Letter to Lord Chandos. Hugo von Hofmannsthal The Letter of Lord Chandos THIS is the letter Philip, Lord Chandos, younger son of the Earl of Bath, wrote to Francis Bacon, later Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, apologizing for his complete abandonment of literary ac­tivity. IT IS kind of you, my esteemed friend, to condone my two years of silence and to write to me thus. It is more than kind of you to give to your solicitude about me, to your perplexity at what appears to you as mental stagnation, the expression of lightness and jest which only great men, convinced of the perilousness of life yet not dis­couraged by it, can master. You conclude with the aphorism of Hippocrates, "Qui gravi morbo correpti dolores non sentiunt, us mens aegro­tat" (Those who do not perceive that they are wasted by seri­ous illness are sick in mind), and suggest that I am in need of medicine not only to conquer my malady, but even more, to sharpen my senses for the condition of my inner self.

I also toyed with other schemes. Howard A. Landman's translation of Rilke's "The Sonnets to Orphe.


Notes from a Common-place Book. Fascism. Bifo: The Obsession with Identity Fascism. Franco Berardi Bifo Translated by Steve Wright. This text is an extract from Franco Berardi's La nefasta utopia di potere operaio. The original can be found here. Potere Operaio presented itself explicitly, even provocatively, as a movement that had severed all links with the history of realised socialism. Just as decisively, it refused to identify with the tradition of anti-fascism. We have seen in the group's political history, after the 1970 Florence Congress and the Leninist turn, the reinvigoration of the languages and methodologies of the Third International tradition, to the point that these suffocated the group's originality.

But it remains true nonetheless that the peculiar conception of the relation between working class autonomy, power and development elaborated by Potere Operaio in the first phase of its history was able to escape the historicist model of the realisation of socialism. This is the prospect that has unfolded over the course of the nineties.


Internet Archive: Free Download: The Coming Insurrection by The.