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Food truck

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iPad Retail and Restaurant Point of Sale System Software. Food truck. A food truck, mobile kitchen, mobile canteen, roach coach, gut truck, or catering truck is a mobile venue that transports and sells food.

Food truck

Some, including ice cream trucks, sell frozen or prepackaged food; others resemble restaurants on wheels. Some may cater to specific meals, such as the breakfast truck, lunch truck or lunch wagon, snack truck, kebab trailer (UK), break truck, or taco truck. Food trucks also cater at events (carnivals, construction sites, sporting events etc.) and places of regular work or study – college campuses, office complexes, industrial parks, auto repair shops, movie sets, military bases, etc. – where regular meals or snacks are in high demand by potential customers.

Food truck dining as a popular phenomenon has caught on in several U.S. and Canadian cities including Toronto, Hamilton, Vancouver, Washington, D.C., New York, Austin, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Calgary, and Tampa.[1][2][3][4] Baron Von Schwein. Catering and Food Truck Insurance - Insure My Food Truck.