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The Crucible [1996] Angelina Jolie Q&A: Bringing the malevolent 'Maleficent' to life. Beware the unloved. If there is a lesson to be learned about the cruelest among us, it might be that one. Most villains, when you find them in real life, are born from pain, and pour it back on the world to keep from drowning in it. A few are heartless sociopaths who derive their power from persecution, and care about nothing else in the world but their own force of will. And some are just mad they didn’t get a party invitation. Consider Disney’s Maleficent in this latter category. Unhinged, and irrational. GET EW ON YOUR TABLET: Subscribe today and get instant access! For all her sophisticated grace and simmering seductiveness, for all the bombastic magic she wields at her razor fingertips, the thing that really grinds her horns, both in the Brothers Grimm folk tale and in 1959’s animated Sleeping Beauty, is not being welcome at the christening of the king’s newborn daughter, Princess Aurora.

As monstrous motivations go, it’s pretty thin. Were you like, “Geez, thanks a lot?” Disney Put Out An EDM Version Of "Let It Go" And It's Pretty Damn Good. 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen Pt. 3. Mr. Nobody Who would you have been when, at crucial moments in your life, you chose to walk a different path? That thought experiment is explored brilliantly by this amazing science-fiction movie as we follow Nemo(s) for 118 years. Set in the past, the now and in the future, we follow different branches of his life through time, covering the topics of technology, love, human fragility and how decisions shape who we will end up being. Spectacular. Yo, También You haven’t seen a romance story like this before, and you don’t have to like them to fall deeply in love with this one.

A Scanner Darkly Based on the book by Philip K. They Live This 1988 Hollywood movie is counter-culture classic. Un prophète (A Prophet) Gritty, raw, dark. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring This is perhaps my favorite movie of all time. The Act of Killing This is a deeply disturbing movie that has to be seen by everyone. A Single Man You can watch this movie just for the cinematic beauty alone. The Edukators Her. Best 25 Indie Rock Songs. New Indie Music - Five Albums You Should Be Listening to Right Now, with Royal Bangs, Generationals, Surf City, Mazarin, Aztec Camera.

This week's curator: Mara Schwartz of Bug Music. By Mara Schwartz Every two weeks, titans of the mediasphere give Nerve their music recommendations. This week: Mara Schwartz of Bug Music. My life features a soundtrack of near-continual music, whether I'm deciding which of our company's artists to suggest for an upcoming film, checking out new songwriters we're considering signing, or just listening for pleasure. Here are five that stood out from the unruly pack and made me want to listen again and again. 1. This Nashville-based electro-indie trio takes all the cool hybridization of dance-punk bands like The Rapture and !!! Listen: "Poison Control" 2.

Last year's debut from New Orleans act Generationals (which rose from the ashes of the indie-pop band The Eames Era) is all over the map, careening between '60s-inspired boy-group pop, wonderfully twee bounciness, and guitar-laden indie rock. Listen: "Nobody Could Change Your Mind" 3. Listen: "See How The Sun" 4. Listen: "Another One Goes By" 5. 7 Movies That Put Insane Detail into Stuff You Never Noticed. We've mentioned before how film directors occasionally go a little bit crazy when it comes to certain minor details, including ones that 99 percent of the audience are never even going to see.

A horrifying amount of time and work go into things that will be forever unnoticed by everyone except a few members of the crew. So let's again take a moment to appreciate the awesomely obsessive ... #7. The Lord of the Rings: Each Piece of Armor Has a Backstory For any sci-fi or fantasy film, it's one thing to make the clothing and equipment look authentic onscreen, and another to add layers of detail that are physically impossible to notice, even if each frame of the movie is examined with a magnifying glass.

If Michael Bay had directed this film, all those Uruk-hai would be explosions, and Helm's Deep would be a pair of tits. What's that? KropserkelEven that codpiece is Orc-accurate. ... pinched finger by pinched finger ... ... working for two straight years, without stopping. CollectTolkien #6. The 32 Greatest Unscripted Movie Scenes. Much to the dismay of screenwriters, movies scripts aren’t always set in stone. They are often like living objects constantly evolving during the filming process.

Some films, like Jaws and Annie Hall, don’t even have a finished script when the cameras start to roll. Actors and actresses are regularly ad libbing, improvising or going off-script while reciting their lines. Sometimes the directors hate it – other times they love it. Check out these 32 great unscripted scenes – you may be surprised at how many of your favorite lines were off-the-cuff.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Director – Steven Spielberg While chasing Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) after she’s been kidnapped, archaeologist and adventurer Dr. The original script called for a long sword fight but a day earlier Ford got a severe case of food poisoning and didn’t have the energy to film the scene as written.

Zoolander (2001) Director – Ben Stiller In this scene involving former hand model J.P. The Godfather (1972) RoboCop (1987) 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen. Midnight in Paris Woody Allen’s latest places starving writer Owen Wilson in Paris with his fiancée, Rachel McAdams. Searching for inspiration for his incomplete novel, Owen begins taking strolls around the city at night where he discovers an unexpected group of people. I wish I could be more specific, but it would ruin the surprise. Know that it is brilliant, witty and full of mystique. 92% on Rotten Tomatoes (RT).

Let the Right One In The best vampire movie ever made in my opinion. Watch Let the Right One In for FREE on Amazon Instant Video The Man From Earth Holy &#%@ this film’s plot is fascinating! Garden State This is my absolute favorite film. Waking Life It’s impossible for you to grasp Waking Life without actually watching it, but I’ll do my best to explain it.

Watch Waking Life for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Closer This film is a rather dark, yet comedic story about the twisted relationships between Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. Sin Nombre Snatch The Descent. The 22 rules of storytelling, according to Pixar. 25 Indie Gems You Can Watch On Netflix Right Now | Taste of Cinema - Part 3. 11. Chop Shop (2007) (Watch on Netflix) The impressive debut of Ramin Bahrani, shows the life of street orphan “Ale” looking for work on the street of Queens, NY. He gets a job working in an auto repair shop and gets the idea of buying a van to convert to a food truck. Joined by his sister he starts to hustle getting what he needs to make the food van idea happen. Along the way discovers his sister working as a prostitute. 12.But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) (Watch on Netflix) The satirical comedy dealing with gender roles, and discovering sexuality, has Megan, a hetero teenager, finding herself more attracted to watching other cheerleader than kissing her football player boyfriend. 13.

In the late 90’s Parker Posey was the “it” girl. Yet, bizarrely it feels in character for the almost completely insane character by Posey who named “Jacqueline”, has an obsession with Jackie-O and the JFK assassination. 14. 15. Pages: 1 2 3 4 5. Breaking Bad tribute by Alexandre Gasulla is effective. (Video.)

A Tragic Short Film About the Worst Crime You've Never Imagined. Mad Men college class: Professor teaches an entire course only about the show. Mad Med photos courtesy of AMC. Blackboard by Zhudifeng/Thinkstock. If you were an incoming freshman at my college this fall, you had dozens of courses available to usher you into the life of the mind. You could take Intro to Psych and figure out why your roommate is so weird.

You could take Intro to Microeconomics, just to show everyone who ever told you’d never learn anything useful at a liberal arts school. You could enroll in Feminist Jewish Mysticism to provide cocktail party conversation starters for the rest of your adult life. Or you could take Mad Men: Media, Gender, Historiography, with me, and make your friends wonder exactly how you got your parents to pay for you to binge a show on Netflix. I don’t doubt that some of my students viewed the class as an easy A before arriving on the first day.

People are always amazed that you can teach an entire course on a television show. Which is pretty much what happened about a month in. Beautiful Death, Episodic ‘Game of Thrones’ Illustrations Showing Iconic Deaths From Seasons 1-4. Baelor Season 1 × Episode 9 HBO has teamed up with artist Robert M. Ball and digital marketing agency 360i to create Beautiful Death, an episodic series of Game of Thrones illustrations that show the many deaths from seasons 1-4. You can view more posters from their collection on the Beautiful Death website and Robert’s online portfolio. What is a Beautiful Death? A lesson, a warning, an opportunity – every death in the realm is shrouded in greater meaning.Like the scenes these depictions are inspired by, each piece in the collection contains several layers of detail, symbolism and lethal significance.

Fire and Blood Season 1 × Episode 10 Blackwater Season 2 × Episode 9 The Rains of Castamere Season 3 × Episode 9 Two Swords Season 4 × Episode 1 images via Beautilful Death via My Modern Metropolis Here are some other related posts you might want to check out: Which '90s Kids Movies Have You Seen. This Photo Shoot Starring Emma Watson And Douglas Booth Is So Pretty It Hurts. The "Game Of Thrones" Cast Was Perfect At The Emmys. Seeing The "Game Of Thrones" Cast As Normal Humans Is Still Completely Mesmerizing.

16 Times The Cast Of “Game Of Thrones” Was Totally Out Of Character This Summer. TyUBidW.jpg (1000×3274) Jon Negroni | Enjoy the Words. BBC.This.World.Don't.Panic.The.Truth.About.Population.H264.1280x720.AAC.RMAC. 20 Depressing Movies You Don’t Want To Watch Again | Taste of Cinema - Part 5. 4. Angela’s Ashes The Misery: Poverty and the demon drink are the twin villains in this Oscar-nominated adaptation of Frank McCourt’s Ireland-set memoir. Tissues Out: Robert Carlyle plays Frank’s feckless alcoholic of a father, who sets about drinking his family’s meagre savings at every opportunity. How To Give It A Happy Ending: It’s already got one. There’s plenty of heartbreak to wade through before you get there, mind. 3. Dancer In The Dark The Misery: Roll up, roll up…it’s the most soul-crushingly harrowing musical ever committed to celluloid, as Bjork’s Czech immigrant Selma turns to crime in order to pay for an operation for her son.

Tissues Out: Selma’s betrayal at the hands of town copper Bill is just the first step in a long, miserable spiral. How To Give It A Happy Ending: A last-gasp stay of execution anyone? 2. Tissues Out: Viggo’s tearful farewell to his bewildered son is almost too much to bear. 1. Pages: 1 2 3 4 5. 24 Mind-Bending Movies That Will Melt Your Brain | Taste of Cinema - Part 4. 6. The Matrix The Movie: Trench-coated freelance hacker Thomas A Anderson (Keanu Reeves) discovers that the 1999 he knows is just a computer-generated sham designed to keep a genetically-harvested mankind docilely enslaved so that their bio-power can fuel the machines that have risen against them.

It’s a bit like working for Microsoft. Mind-bending Moment: Under interrogation from Agent Smith, Neo refuses to help…and then his mouth seals itself up. 5. The Movie: Barnpot novelist William S Burrough’s ickily surreal story of the travails of a junkie were brought to the big screen by David Cronenberg. Mind-bending Moment: The scene where Weller discovers that Doctor Benway (Roy Scheider) is the secret head of a narcotics harvesting operation, producing a drug called “black meat” derived from the guts of giant centipedes. 4. 3. 2.

Mind-bending Moment: The series of elegant zombie-like chateau guests that impassively drift past in eerily perfect synchronicity. 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey. 21 Great Lo-Fi Sci-Fi Films You Need To Watch | Taste of Cinema - Part 5. 7. La Jetée (1962) The British Film Institute who publish Sight & Sound magazine conduct a poll every ten years of the greatest films ever made. This reputable list has La Jetée coming in at number 50 of the all time greatest films. This is Chris Markers tale told via still images of time travel, culminating in the disturbing realization of one watching their own death. This short inspired Terry Gilliam to shoot his bizarre Sci-Fi film 12 Monkeys which took several concepts directly from La Jetée. Although this film was made decades early than the others mentioned thus far, it somehow portrays the Lo-Fi Sci-Fi aesthetic boundlessly and found itself welcomed as part of the illustrious Criterion Collection.

Watch this movie if: Films told through still images, Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys, Marker’s later films such as Sans Soleil, Resnais’ Night and Fog, Tarkovsky’s Solaris, Hitchcock’s Vertigo, early Science Fiction. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Pages: 1 2 3. 24 Mind-Bending Movies That Will Melt Your Brain | Taste of Cinema - Part 4. 24 Mind-Bending Movies That Will Melt Your Brain | Taste of Cinema - Part 4. 24 Mind-Bending Movies That Will Melt Your Brain | Taste of Cinema - Part 4.