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25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen Pt. 3

25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen Pt. 3
Mr. Nobody Who would you have been when, at crucial moments in your life, you chose to walk a different path? That thought experiment is explored brilliantly by this amazing science-fiction movie as we follow Nemo(s) for 118 years. Set in the past, the now and in the future, we follow different branches of his life through time, covering the topics of technology, love, human fragility and how decisions shape who we will end up being. Spectacular. Yo, También You haven’t seen a romance story like this before, and you don’t have to like them to fall deeply in love with this one. A Scanner Darkly Based on the book by Philip K. They Live This 1988 Hollywood movie is counter-culture classic. Un prophète (A Prophet) Gritty, raw, dark. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring This is perhaps my favorite movie of all time. The Act of Killing This is a deeply disturbing movie that has to be seen by everyone. A Single Man You can watch this movie just for the cinematic beauty alone. The Edukators Her Related:  Lists

675 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, etc. Watch 4,000+ movies free online. Includes clas­sics, indies, film noir, doc­u­men­taries and oth­er films, cre­at­ed by some of our great­est actors, actress­es and direc­tors. The col­lec­tion is divid­ed into the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Com­e­dy & Dra­ma; Film Noir, Hor­ror & Hitch­cock; West­erns (many with John Wayne); Mar­tial Arts Movies; Silent Films; Doc­u­men­taries, and Ani­ma­tion. Free Comedy & Dramas 125 Kore­an Fea­ture Films — Free — The Kore­an Film Archive has put on YouTube over 100 Kore­an fea­ture films, includ­ing Im Kwon-taek’s Sopy­on­je and Hong Sang­soo’s The Day the Pig Fell Into a Well. collective:unconscious — Free — Five indie film­mak­ers adapt each oth­er’s dreams for the screen. Free Hitchcock, Noir, Horror & Thriller Films A Buck­et of Blood - Free — Roger Cor­man’s clas­sic comedy/horror film set in Bohemi­an San Fran­cis­co. Find a com­plete col­lec­tion of Film Noir movies here and Alfred Hitch­cock movies here. Free Kung Fu & Martial Arts Films

Angelina Jolie Q&A: Bringing the malevolent 'Maleficent' to life Beware the unloved. If there is a lesson to be learned about the cruelest among us, it might be that one. Most villains, when you find them in real life, are born from pain, and pour it back on the world to keep from drowning in it. And some are just mad they didn’t get a party invitation. Consider Disney’s Maleficent in this latter category. GET EW ON YOUR TABLET: Subscribe today and get instant access! For all her sophisticated grace and simmering seductiveness, for all the bombastic magic she wields at her razor fingertips, the thing that really grinds her horns, both in the Brothers Grimm folk tale and in 1959’s animated Sleeping Beauty, is not being welcome at the christening of the king’s newborn daughter, Princess Aurora. As monstrous motivations go, it’s pretty thin. “What we wanted to do is not reinvent that character,” says director Robert Stromberg, the Oscar-winning production designer of James Cameron’s Avatar and Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.

180-degree rule This schematic shows the axis between two characters and the 180° arc on which cameras may be positioned (green). When cutting from the green arc to the red arc, the characters switch places on the screen. In film making, the 180-degree rule[1] is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene. An imaginary line called the axis connects the characters, and by keeping the camera on one side of this axis for every shot in the scene, the first character is always frame right of the second character, who is then always frame left of the first. The object that is being filmed must always remain in the center, while the camera must always face towards the object. Example[edit] The rule also applies to the movement of a character as the "line" created by the path of the character. Common usage, pitfalls and solutions[edit] Usage[edit] Pitfalls[edit] Solutions[edit] Prevention[edit] Camera Arch move[edit] Style[edit]

Favorite art films - Anything from weird cult films to escapism New Indie Music - Five Albums You Should Be Listening to Right Now, with Royal Bangs, Generationals, Surf City, Mazarin, Aztec Camera This week's curator: Mara Schwartz of Bug Music. By Mara Schwartz Every two weeks, titans of the mediasphere give Nerve their music recommendations. This week: Mara Schwartz of Bug Music. My life features a soundtrack of near-continual music, whether I'm deciding which of our company's artists to suggest for an upcoming film, checking out new songwriters we're considering signing, or just listening for pleasure. Here are five that stood out from the unruly pack and made me want to listen again and again. 1. This Nashville-based electro-indie trio takes all the cool hybridization of dance-punk bands like The Rapture and !!! Listen: "Poison Control" 2. Last year's debut from New Orleans act Generationals (which rose from the ashes of the indie-pop band The Eames Era) is all over the map, careening between '60s-inspired boy-group pop, wonderfully twee bounciness, and guitar-laden indie rock. Listen: "Nobody Could Change Your Mind" 3. Listen: "See How The Sun" 4. Listen: "Another One Goes By" 5.

German Expressionism: The World of Light and Shadow German Expressionism: The World of Light and Shadow A specialization of apursan​sar wonderful list: Weimar Cinema: Daydreams and Nightmares One part of the Weimar cinema is classified as German expressionist film, especially the films between the years 1920 and 1927 (but not all). But also non-german films were strongly influenced: US, Russian and Austrian films etc… German Expressionist Films German expressionist films were prevalent in the 1920s. The story lines of German expressionist films matched the visuals in terms of darkness and disillusionment. Background More than any other national movement in the history of film, German Expressionism was an answer to the grim reality of daily life. Before the Great War, German film was not nearly as technologically or thematically sophisticated as other European film. Der Student von Prag (The Student of Prague) (1913) In 1914, the Great War began in Europe, cutting Germany off from its usual supply of international cinema. Genuine (1920) Style

10 Movies That Could Change Your Understanding Of Life Every movie has the ability to affect its viewer differently. Some films evoke wonder and excitement, while others provoke fear or sorrow, but a commonality among all films is a prevailing message or theme. Some films can summon such profound questions, that it changes the way you perceive life as you once knew it. 10) Donnie Darko Richard Kelly’s cult-classic Donnie Darko stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a troubled, sleep-walking teen who is insistent in challenging authority and who is often visited by Frank, a monstrous rabbit that urges Donnie to perform dangerous and destructive pranks. A haunting work of loneliness, alienation and the universal desire for companionship and meaning that’s wrapped in a guise of understated ‘80s nostalgia and head-spinning science fiction mythology, Donnie Darko is a film you shouldn’t miss. What makes Donnie Darko especially fascinating is its take on multiple realities and universes. 9) The Matrix 8) Waking Life 7) Cloud Atlas 5) Samsara 4) Detachment 3) Her

7 Movies That Put Insane Detail into Stuff You Never Noticed We've mentioned before how film directors occasionally go a little bit crazy when it comes to certain minor details, including ones that 99 percent of the audience are never even going to see. A horrifying amount of time and work go into things that will be forever unnoticed by everyone except a few members of the crew. So let's again take a moment to appreciate the awesomely obsessive ... #7. The Lord of the Rings: Each Piece of Armor Has a Backstory For any sci-fi or fantasy film, it's one thing to make the clothing and equipment look authentic onscreen, and another to add layers of detail that are physically impossible to notice, even if each frame of the movie is examined with a magnifying glass. If Michael Bay had directed this film, all those Uruk-hai would be explosions, and Helm's Deep would be a pair of tits. What's that? KropserkelEven that codpiece is Orc-accurate. ... pinched finger by pinched finger ... ... working for two straight years, without stopping. CollectTolkien #6.

Películas que sólo pueden ver las personas con mente abierta ¿Cuántas películas no han causado controversia? Éstas son las que puedes ver si eres de mente muy abierta. No te recomendamos que las veas con amantes de los animales, religiosos, sensibles ni tu mamá. 1. Caligula – Bob Guccione, Tinto Brass y Giancarlo Lui. Una película histórica y erótica sobre el emperador romano Caligula. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Top 20 Banned Movies of All Time | World Leaks #1 Dorlita In The Passion Dance Dorlita in the Passion Dance (1894) might have been the first film ever to be banned in the U.S. More than a decade before Hollywood studios were even operating, this short film was banned in New Jersey after it began to appear in peepshows and burlesque houses. #2 Reservoir Dogs Although it’s not discussed much in the press anymore, Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs(1992) was so controversial in Britain that censors prevented it from being released on VHS. This only served to help the indie flick’s box office, since stopping people from viewing the movie on tape led to its healthy theatrical run for years after. #3 The Last Temptation of Christ The Last Temptation of Christ (1988), a riveting account of Jesus Christ’s last days, is one of the few films on this list that is still banned in some parts of the world. #4 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 20 Scariest Movies of All Time #5 The Tin Drum #6 Human Centipede 2 #7 Grotesque What’s in a name?

The 32 Greatest Unscripted Movie Scenes Much to the dismay of screenwriters, movies scripts aren’t always set in stone. They are often like living objects constantly evolving during the filming process. Some films, like Jaws and Annie Hall, don’t even have a finished script when the cameras start to roll. Actors and actresses are regularly ad libbing, improvising or going off-script while reciting their lines. Sometimes the directors hate it – other times they love it. Check out these 32 great unscripted scenes – you may be surprised at how many of your favorite lines were off-the-cuff. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Director – Steven Spielberg While chasing Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) after she’s been kidnapped, archaeologist and adventurer Dr. The original script called for a long sword fight but a day earlier Ford got a severe case of food poisoning and didn’t have the energy to film the scene as written. Zoolander (2001) Director – Ben Stiller In this scene involving former hand model J.P. The Godfather (1972) RoboCop (1987)

82 mind-blowing movies facts you probably didn't know 1. Sean Connery wore a wig in every single one of his Bond performances. 2. Some Wookie suits were made from human hair. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 28 Days Later was filmed on a Canon XL-1 DV camera using mini-DV tapes instead of 35mm film. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen Midnight in Paris Woody Allen’s latest places starving writer Owen Wilson in Paris with his fiancée, Rachel McAdams. Searching for inspiration for his incomplete novel, Owen begins taking strolls around the city at night where he discovers an unexpected group of people. Let the Right One In The best vampire movie ever made in my opinion. Watch Let the Right One In for FREE on Amazon Instant Video The Man From Earth Holy &#%@ this film’s plot is fascinating! Garden State This is my absolute favorite film. Waking Life It’s impossible for you to grasp Waking Life without actually watching it, but I’ll do my best to explain it. Watch Waking Life for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Closer This film is a rather dark, yet comedic story about the twisted relationships between Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Le Scaphendre et le Papillon) Sin Nombre Snatch Watch Snatch for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Spirited Away The Descent Once Punch Drunk Love Rubber
