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Multicolore Font. 30 Hand-Drawn Fonts. Typography is the art and technique of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs.

30 Hand-Drawn Fonts

The proper selection of typography can convert your normal design into a very attractive piece of art. One of the most important things that the good use of typography elements can achieve are its look and appearance. The use of beautiful and effective typography can also up-lift a normal, simple design to a beautiful and attractive one. The main idea of this post is to present to you some beautiful, fresh and clean fonts that can not only be availed in typography work, but also in your daily use. Free High Quality Hand-Drawn Fonts Hand Test Escuela Tkachenko Sketch Scribulous Scrawlin' Sgt. Jellyka - Endless Voyage Laurent HW le Grand Saut Tiza Pirmokas Beer Note Rickman Script Ducky Brook 23 Locomotion Celeste Hand Larala A NONA-mous Font Karabine Dennis Regular Serenity The Quiet Scream Crimson Vermillion Jellyka - Estrya's Handwriting.

Bold Headlines. Excellent typography looks attractive while it remains completely functional.

Bold Headlines

The beauty of typography lies in its ability to communicate vividly with visitors and keep them informed about what they’ve come to the website for. Although graphics play a key role in any web design, properly implementing typography they create effective results especially when they are not underestimated. In this post we’ve focused on the big bold fonts that are best to be used for bright and snazzy headlines. Headline is the first part that makes an impression on the reader/web user.

The headline written in “poor” font may result in high bounce rate. Feel free to mix and match following free fonts because there are no conventional rules when it comes to the font usage. Academic Gabo. Comic Fonts and Lettering. Armor Piercing BB - Regular, Italic Armor Piercing 2 BB - Regular, Italic Badaboom BB - Regular Badaboom Pro BB - Regular, Italic Barbrawl BB - Regular, Italic Beatdown BB - Regular, Italic Big Bad Bold BB - Regular, Italic Blam Blam BB - Regular, Heavy Blambot FX Pro BB - Light & Heavy Regular, Italic Bloody Murder BB - Regular Blowhole BB - Regular, Italic Boogers BB - Regular, Italic, Sneeze, Sneeze Italic Chainsawz BB - Regular, Italic.

Comic Fonts and Lettering

Hand-Drawn Fonts. Tripwire magazine 30+ Essential Free Hand Drawn Fonts August 16, 2012 · 1 comment by Lars A really popular trend in design is to make designs look authentic, human made and non digital.

Hand-Drawn Fonts

As an example this is seen used in many websites where hand-drawn elements are central to the overall design. If you would like to use drawn fonts in your designs you should look no further. Advertisement Sketch Block Peixe Frito Special Type. Mario Arturo. MARIO ARTURO Diseño Gráfico Graphic Design Contacto | Contact Inicio / Home Built with Indexhibit These are fonts that either I traced from a book or transformed them to my needs.

Mario Arturo

Estas son fuentes que calqué de algún libro o las transformé para algún proyecto en concreto. 30 Handwritten Fonts. Handwriting Font Creator. Font Squirrel. Movie Fonts.

The selection of fonts is one of the key elements in a good design.

Movie Fonts

We always hear this phrase whenever an article related to typography is written and we are using it again for this movie fonts that we are going to showcase right now. The way in which the title of the movie is presented on screen is widely considered as a part of the art of the film. The title design displayed on the movie poster or the animated visual design helps convey the message of the movie in a more convenient way. Modern technology has enabled designers and film creators to have a more fantastical way of presenting the movie title with the use of certain programs and applications.

Here is another useful collection of Downloadable Movie Fonts that we gathered just for you. You may also want to take a look at the following related free font articles: XFiles This font is intended to guarantee your freedom to share.Download Source Narnia BLL Sin City Pokemon Another freely downloadable font.Download Source Halo Spiderman.