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Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Concept in leadership studies VUCA is an acronym – first used in 1987, drawing on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus – to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations;[1][2] The U.S. Army War College introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the Cold War. More frequent use and discussion of the term "VUCA" began from 2002 and derives from this acronym from military education.[3][need quotation to verify] It has subsequently taken root in emerging ideas in strategic leadership that apply in a wide range of organizations, from for-profit corporations[4][need quotation to verify] to education[5][6] Meaning[edit] VUCA world shows the unpredictable nature of the world at stake like the situation of COVID 19 we are in right now.

Themes[edit] Social Categorization[edit] Volatility[edit] Mundaneum sur Twitter : "Sur @GoogleDoodles aujourd'hui, #PaulOtlet est à l'honneur. Dépêchez-vous, ça ne dure que 24h! Positionspapier_digitale_transformation.pdf. Whole Infokit. All further and higher education institutions are large and complex organisations. They employ hundreds if not thousands of staff, undertake a varied range of functions and have complex administrative structures often straddling multiple geographical locations. In order to operate as modern, agile and efficient organisations able to sustain growth and manage change it is essential that they have effective control over the records they create and use.

Historically the way in which internal records have been managed has developed in a piecemeal, organic fashion – often in response to local departmental requirements. It is now increasingly recognised that a more proactive, consistent and comprehensive approach is required for the institution to be able to cope with current and future demands. All institutions and their staff are under pressure to do more for less. Institutions are also becoming increasingly aware of the potential value contained within the internal records they hold. Whole Infokit. Thankfully this is a problem which can be easily solved with the application of some simple rules regarding file versioning. In most cases the information on version codes outlined below should be read and implemented alongside the guidance in Creating Information: What Makes A Good File Name?

With the version code appearing as a suffix to the main file name. As with the advice on file naming the key to success is the standardisation of approach across all users. Using version codes Version codes should be adopted that differentiate between those files that are ‘work in progress’ (draft) and those that are in the public domain (issue – this covers both internal and external issues). The method proposed may sound elaborate but does work and is very useful in identifying the most current version without relying on the modified date of the file (although this is useful as a sort key this may not always give a true reflection).

The convention is: [filename] {work status}{sequence}. Examples: Knowledge transfer. New Games – New Rules Knowledge Transfer, and specifically the transfer of innovation and intellectual property from colleges and universities to businesses and other communities, is a changed game. In many significant ways the context has changed, the skills and tools required have changed, and innovation practice has changed… …but nobody has bothered to update the manual: to set out the new rules of the game! This resource integrates current innovation theory, modern social media tools and current thinking on market behaviour or motivation, to provide a more effective model of Knowledge Transfer; a model that is capable of delivering more with less. And though it draws on a range of current literature on those issues, it is by no means a theoretical text: it draws upon years of practical application of these rules.

Why we need a new model The search to find a better model for KT stems from one simple practical problem: knowledge transfer is simply too inefficient as a process. Knowledge Transfer 2.0 Presented By Brian McCaul. 232563E. De.vionto. Bekanntmachung - Forschung. Des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung der Richtlinie zur Förderung von Maßnahmen für "Smart Service Stadt: Dienstleistungsinnovationen für die Stadt von morgen" im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms "Innovationen für die Produktion, Dienstleistung und Arbeit von morgen.

" Vom 6. Mai 2015 Mit dieser Förderrichtlinie zur dienstleistungsbasierten Gestaltung unserer Städte strebt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) die Förderung von FuE1 für die nachhaltige Sicherung der Lebens-, Arbeits- und Aufenthaltsqualität von Städten an. Diese Bekanntmachung steht im Kontext der Forschungs- und Innovationsagenda der Nationalen Plattform Zukunftsstadt ( Städte bieten durch eine räumliche Bündelung viele Vorteile und sind deshalb weltweit wichtigste Motoren für wirtschaftliche und soziale Aktivitäten. Städte sind Orte des Lebens und des Arbeitens zugleich. 1 Zuwendungszweck und Rechtsgrundlage 1 Zuwendungszweck 1.2 Rechtsgrundlagen. Kränkungen der Menschheit. Kränkungen der Menschheit ist ein von Sigmund Freud im Jahr 1917 geprägter Begriff für umstürzende wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, die, so Freuds These, das Selbstverständnis der Menschen in Form einer narzisstischen Kränkung in Frage gestellt haben.

Freud[Bearbeiten] Freud nennt drei große Einschnitte, die der naive Narzissmus des menschlichen Bewusstseins durch den historischen Fortschritt wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis erlitten habe: Die kosmologische Kränkung: Die erste Erschütterung sei die mit dem Namen Kopernikus verknüpfte Entdeckung gewesen, dass die Erde nicht der Mittelpunkt des Weltalls ist (vgl. Freud stellt seine Lehre des Unbewussten damit in einen Kontext mit den wissenschaftsgeschichtlich umwälzenden Theorien Kopernikus' und Darwins. Kritik und Rezeption[Bearbeiten] Die sachliche Berechtigung von Freuds Behauptungen über die Wirkung der Entdeckungen des Kopernikus und Darwins wurde wiederholt bestritten.

Literatur[Bearbeiten] Einzelnachweise[Bearbeiten] New Clues. The AI Revolution: Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could not believe what I was reading. It hit me pretty quickly that what’s happening in the world of AI is not just an important topic, but by far THE most important topic for our future.

We are on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on Earth. — Vernor Vinge What does it feel like to stand here? It seems like a pretty intense place to be standing—but then you have to remember something about what it’s like to stand on a time graph: you can’t see what’s to your right. Which probably feels pretty normal… The Far Future—Coming Soon Imagine taking a time machine back to 1750—a time when the world was in a permanent power outage, long-distance communication meant either yelling loudly or firing a cannon in the air, and all transportation ran on hay. 1.

Speed. Cookpull.pdf. Initiative Smart Country - Einzelsicht des Paragraphen. Initiative Smart Country - Startseite. Doc et théorie. S 2014 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Maps the Journey to Digital Business. STAMFORD, Conn., August 11, 2014 View All Press Releases 2014 Hype Cycle Special Report Evaluates the Maturity of More Than 2,000 Technologies 2014 Marks 20th Anniversary of the Gartner Hype Cycle The journey to digital business is the key theme of Gartner, Inc.'s "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2014.

" As the Gartner Hype Cycle celebrates its 20th year, Gartner said that as enterprises set out on the journey to becoming digital businesses, identifying and employing the right technologies at the right time will be critical. Gartner's 2014 Hype Cycle Special Report provides strategists and planners with an assessment of the maturity, business benefit and future direction of more than 2,000 technologies, grouped into 119 areas. "The central theme for this year's Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle is Digital Business (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Source: Gartner (August 2014) Six Business Era Models in the Digital Business Development Path Stage 1: Analog Stage 2: Web Stage 3: E-Business Contacts. Hobohm : Gartners Hypecycle 2014: nicht ...

#FreeMediaRace. We need to protect press freedom and media diversity across Europe! To do that we are collecting 1 million signatures to demand a directive from the European Commission that protects these basic rights. With the #FreeMediaRace we give individuals and organisations a tool to collect signatures in their own name. Those that gather the most signatures will be invited for a presentation in the European Parliament in Brussels! Magazin Cicero asks you to sign the European Initiative for Media Pluralism. If you fill in the required fields below and sign the initiative we will add one point to Magazin Cicero's race.

If (s)he wins the race, (s)he will get to come to Brussels for a presentation in the EU-parliament! Magazin Cicero asks you to sign this European Citizens Initiative to protect press freedom and media diversity in the European Union.This is not just another online petition, but a formal bottom-up democratic exercise. Making sense of too much data | Playlist | iConference 2014 Workshop: Exploring the Social Studies of Information | Social Studies of Information. Organizers: Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. thaigh@computer.orgNadine Kozak, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. When and Where? Tuesday, March 4, 9:30 AM- 5:30 PM, as part of the 2014 iConference at Humboldt University, Berlin. We will be in room 1.102. Why Did I Never Hear About “Social Studies of Information” Before? This full day workshop builds a new community of scholars interested in exploring the potential of the “Social Studies of Information” (SSI) as a meta-identity for information research informed by the humanities and social sciences.

STS-influenced work within iSchools has been balkanized across a range of functional classifications and disciplinary identities, sometimes seen as marginal or esoteric. What Happens at The Workshop? Note: we are coordinating our schedule with the organizers of the simultaneous workshop "Breaking Down and Building Up: Accelerating Sociotech Scholarship in the iSchool Community. " Session 1. (Coffee break 10:50-11:15) Alex Hays | Emac 6300 › After Reading | On Memory (Electronic or Otherwise) – Vilém Flusser. By focusing on the moment between Oral and Written culture Flusser calls upon an important historic transition in Human history. All of a sudden the law was not an agreed upon cultural conversation. Instead law became eternally carved in stone, forever stating its dictum upon the culture. In Phaedrus Plato argues that written language is inferior to its spoken counterpart because the written word is dead. It cannot be conversed with. When someone commits a crime in Oral culture, the group reacts.

In written culture the ‘book of rules’ has a higher degree of social gravitas than the people in the area. In this shift to Electronic we are moving away from the message being written in stone. In conversation, any ambiguity that exists is parsed via a process of agreement and disagreement. LIS in Potsdam | Hobohms "Library and Information Science" Blog. Alain Ehrenberg. Alain Ehrenberg (* 1950 in Paris) ist ein französischer Soziologe. Leben und Wirken[Bearbeiten] Alain Ehrenberg arbeitet als Soziologe am Centre Edgar-Morin.

Er ist Co-Direktor der Forschungsgruppe „Psychotropes, politique, société“ am Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) und Direktor am „Centre de recherche Psychotropes, Santé mentale, Société (Cesames)“. „Das erschöpfte Selbst“[Bearbeiten] Das Buch „Das erschöpfte Selbst“ (Originaltitel: La Fatigue d’être soi – dépression et société [die Müdigkeit, man selbst zu sein – Depression und Gesellschaft], Paris 1998; dt. 2004) ist Teil einer geplanten Trilogie über das moderne Konzept von Individualität bzw. Persönlichkeit. Ehrenberg stellt die Zunahme depressiver Symptome in den westlichen Ländern in einen Zusammenhang mit der allgemeinen Ausbreitung einer „Kultur der Autonomie“. Schriften (Auswahl)[Bearbeiten] Zusammen mit Jean-Pierre Yahi und Patrick Zylberman: Archanges, guerriers, sportifs et petits pervers. Film[Bearbeiten] Zeitgeschichte online - Fachportal für die Zeitgeschichte (ZOL)

Wissensgesellschaft – Docupedia. Einleitung Die Konzepte der Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft entstammen dem analytischen Instrumentarium der Sozialwissenschaften und dienten dort ursprünglich der Prognose eines tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft waren (und sind) Bezeichnungen für eine neue Phase in der Entwicklung fortgeschrittener industrieller Gesellschaften, bei der die zuvor auf Eigentum und Arbeit basierenden Verhältnisse durch eine neue Gesellschaftsformation abgelöst werden.

Im Rahmen soziologischer und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Analysen verweisen sie als Makrokategorien auf die wachsende Bedeutung von Wissen und wissensbasierten Tätigkeiten, von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sowie informationsverarbeitenden Berufen. Im Zuge dieser weit verzweigten Debatten werden die Kategorien der Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft oft deckungsgleich gebraucht. Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft: Zur Geschichte beider Konzepte Während sich Peter F.