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Kundalini Awakening Process. Chakra Chart, chakra healing, aligning your chakras, chakra symbol. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) The Third eye chakra (Ajna chakra) The third eye chakra is the point of meeting of the three main nadis - ida, pingla and sushumna.

The Third eye chakra (Ajna chakra)

Here these three nadis merge into one stream of consciousness and flow upto sahasrara or the crown chakra. When the mind is concentrated on this conjunction of these three nadis, a transformation of the individual consciousness takes place and ego is removed. As long as one has ego, he is aware of dualities and he cannot enter the samadhi because as long as you remember yourself, you cannot get out of yourself. There is certain problem with the awakening of the other chakras as their awakening leads to many experiences which you cannot understand and which may be both good and bad, positive and negative. Only those who are equipped with the reason and understanding can cope up with the awakening of these chakras, therefore it is best to have a purified mind before you start awakening and manifesting the great forces.

The Throat Chakra (Vishudhi Chakra) The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) The Heart Chakra is of great importance in kundalini yoga as kundalini stays in this chakra for a long time.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

When you reaches anahata chakra only then you become a yogi. Untill then, when you are in muladhara, Sacral or Solar Plexus chakra, you are a Yoga practitioner. When you reach the heart chakra, you are completely established in yogic consciousness and you depend solely upon the power of your own consciousness, rather than anything external or fate. MEANING:The literal sense of word "anahata" is unstruck or unbeaten.

This centre is known as such because it is related to heart which beats or vibrate with constant unbroken rythm continuously. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura chakra) The Solar Plexus chakra or Manipura is a very important centre in the process of kundalini awakening.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura chakra)

It is the centre of Dynamism, energy, willpower and accomplishments. It is often compared with the power of Sun because as Sun continually radiates energy to the planets and is responsible for life on earth, in the same way the Solar plexus chakra radiates and distribute prana or the life force to whole human framework and is responsible for various activities of organs and other processes of life. MEANING:Manipura is derived from two words Mani meaning 'jewel' and pura meaning 'city'. Therefore literally Manipura means 'city of jewels'. Now since this chakra is the source of the 'vital force' in the body, if this chakra does not function properly, then you will feel lifeless and devoid of energy.You will be hindered by poor health, lack of motivation and commitment, and depression in life.

Therefore awakening of Solar plexus is necessary for all those who wants to enjoy life more fully. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra) The Sacral chakra is situated very near to The Root Chakra i.e Muladhara.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra)

It is the second chakra in the series of seven psychic centres and it is also responsible for the awakening of kundalini power in the Root Chakra. MEANING:The Sanskrit word for Sacral Chakra is Swadhisthana which is further divisible into Swa meaning "one's own" and Adhisthana meaning "the place of residence", and this what this chakra actually is. It is the place where all human mental impressions or Samkaras are stored. Muladhara Chakra (The Root Chakra) The Root chakra or the muladhara is the foundation of the chakra system.

Muladhara Chakra (The Root Chakra)

Kundalini power is lying dormant in this chakra and it is is this chakra from which the impulses of the life force rises and crossing the rest six chakras reaches upto sahasrara (Crown chakra) and one experiences the widest expansion of his awareness. It seems to be a irony that this earthiest and most basic of all chakras guides us to the highest consciousness. MEANING:The Sanskrit word Mula means 'root' or 'foundation' and that is precisely what this chakra is. It is the seat of kundalini power.This great potential is said to be lying dormant in the form of a coiled serpent. When aroused, kundalini passes through sushumna nadi in the spinal chord and move upto sahasrara where the ultimate experience of enlightenment occurs.