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HedoneBerlin. Hedoné is a female-led artist movement and trans-local community celebrating the joys and pleasures of the body, spirit and mind.


We cultivate and practice the ethos of Ethical Hedonism, which is based on the belief that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through in-depth personal participation. We aim to deconstruct the misconceptions surrounding hedonism by shining a light on its ethical aspects. We empower those that want to be free from the conventions and prejudices that keep them and others from experiencing joy and pleasure and from being the happiest version of themselves.

Our vision is to create a global network of conscious individuals and intentional spaces liberated to experience and enjoy pleasure consciously. Hedoné is a Social Purpose Organisation designed to serve the growing ethical hedonist community and society as a whole. Those on a journey towards Ethical Hedonism Those that facilitate the journey Those experiencing or. PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® Teacher Training — EVA KACZOR.

We don’t expect you to be a teacher already but we are looking for the following qualities: You feel passionate to support humans in their personal and spiritual growth You have a healthy body and stable mind, please see the medical form to understand detailsYou have knowledge and interest in spiritual teachings and practices such as yoga, meditation, spiritual philosophy You LOVE music (the style is up to you) The training will be most probably conducted in English (unless everybody understands German) as we expect international participants.Please don’t worry if your English isn’t perfect, you can teach in your mother tongue afterwards and will learn a lot during the training.


Our intention is to continue supporting your growth and the quality of your work after the first year of teaching - that is why we have a license fee of 22€ / per month for the ones of you who decide to keep teaching PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® after 12 months of their own teaching experience. Dein Firefox-Konto synchronisiert deine Daten sicher auf allen Geräten.


Pa. What it means to "hold space" for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well - Heather Plett. When my mom was dying, my siblings and I gathered to be with her in her final days.

What it means to "hold space" for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well - Heather Plett

None of us knew anything about supporting someone in her transition out of this life into the next, but we were pretty sure we wanted to keep her at home, so we did. While we supported mom, we were, in turn, supported by a gifted palliative care nurse, Ann, who came every few days to care for mom and to talk to us about what we could expect in the coming days. She taught us how to inject Mom with morphine when she became restless, she offered to do the difficult tasks (like giving Mom a bath), and she gave us only as much information as we needed about what to do with Mom’s body after her spirit had passed. “Take your time,” she said. “You don’t need to call the funeral home until you’re ready. Ann gave us an incredible gift in those final days.

In the two years since then, I’ve often thought about Ann and the important role she played in our lives. How to hold space for yourself first - Heather Plett. Anytime we can listen to true self and give it the care it requires, we do so not only for ourselves but for the many others whose lives we touch. – Parker Palmer, Let your Life Speak When I shared my post about what it means to hold space for people and it went viral, I learned this… This desire to hold space well for other people is vast and diverse.

How to hold space for yourself first - Heather Plett

I have heard from the most fascinating range of people about how this post is being circulated and used. It’s showing up in home schooling forums, palliative and hospice care circles, art communities, spiritual retreat centres, universities, alcoholics anonymous groups, psychotherapists’ offices, etc. The most interesting place I heard about it being shared was within the US Marines. The lesson in this is that no matter who or where you are, you can do the beautiful and important work of holding space for other people. Seminar-Termine. Heldenreisen bei – Termine: HeldenreiseHeldenreisen bei Selbst-Bestimmt. 10.- 16.

Heldenreisen bei – Termine: HeldenreiseHeldenreisen bei Selbst-Bestimmt

Januar 2015 (Noch 4 Plätze frei.)Im Tagungshaus Gangloff(Frühbucherrabatt bei Anmeldung bis 13. Dezember 2014)Anmelden Im Leitungsteam sind: Willi Kiechle Inga Büschen Philipp Zimmermann _____________________________ 14.- 20. Andreas Kleindienst Manuel Bertrand _____________________________ 02.- 08. Oliver Schmid Claudia Kraus Mit Live-Musik-Begleitung von Babek Bodien ___________________________ 25.- 31. Heldenreise in Illertissen - Irgendwie Anders e.V. Der Seminarort ist das Freizeitheim Bruckhof, das in einer ruhigen und erholsamen Umgebung in einer Randlage von Illertissen liegt.

Heldenreise in Illertissen - Irgendwie Anders e.V.

Das Haus ist gemütlich und eignet sich mit seiner weitläufigen schönen Außenanlage hervorragend für unsere Seminare. Bettwäsche (Bezüge oder Schlafsack mit Leintuch) bitte selber mitbringen. Leitung: Daniela Schürmann,Christoph Seibitz und Christian Brüser Am Ende des Seminars entscheidest Du selbst, ob und mit welchem Spendenbetrag Du zukünftigen Heldenreisen-TeilnehmerInnen dieses Abenteuer ermöglichen möchtest. Mehr Infos zu unserem Spendenkonzept findest du hier: Infos >> Da die Seminare in der Regel sehr schnell ausgebucht sind, raten wir allen Interessenten sich rechtzeitig anzumelden.