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Blog. Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina. How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes. How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals.

I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist. Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Doesn’t matter. Here’s a story about Bruce Lee which sets the stage for this little exercise. If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all). So how to discover your purpose in life? Here’s what to do: Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type (I prefer the latter because it’s faster).Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?” That’s it. For those who are very entrenched in low-awareness living, it will take a lot longer to get all the false answers out, possibly more than an hour.

The SO Lab | Simply Optimal. The Haters. The Haters will tell you... Blogging doesn't have a ROI. A tweet is worthless. Getting someone to "like" your Facebook page doesn't increase your sales. A viral video may get millions of views, but there is no economic value to it. Marketing your business on LinkedIn is a huge waste of time. ...and the hits just keep on coming. The truth is that The Haters are right. It sounds like heresy. Hardly. What does a "mental framework" look like? It has nothing to do with attitude or posture, it has to do with leveraging your corporate strategy to create a series of business outcomes and choosing the right channels and platforms that can get you there with the best efficacy.

What does this the old mental framework sound like? "If I make a video on YouTube, I want it to do better than my TV advertising. " It's not that comparing your lines of media is a bad idea. A personal tale of weird: My career started as a professional journalist (when I say "professional," I mean "paid").

What do you think? Khan Academy. Fearless Creativity! - towards a deeper, more empowered creative life… The Hacker’s Guide to Finding a Job: 9 Tactics No One’s Using. I write about entrepreneurship a lot on this blog, but not everyone want to start a business. So I thought it would be nice to add some updated insights on the other side of the employment spectrum. Enter today’s guest contributor, Scott Dinsmore of LiveYourLegend. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein If you’re looking for a job, chances are you’re going about it all wrong. Whenever someone approaches me looking for a job, the first thing I ask is what they’ve done so far.

They haven’t heard anything because they haven’t done anything. They don’t get it. That’s table stakes at best. Last I checked, as many as 90% of jobs come from people you know, or people who know the people you know. Relationships rule when it come to jobs. With today’s tools and social networking, the resources have never been better for finding work that lights you on fire. So let’s get started. 1.

How can I possibly act on this? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Live and Work on Your Own Terms. 7 Reasons Creative People Don’t Talk about Money. Pin It This post is part of the Creativity and Money series. Creative people have a love/hate relationship with money. We love it, because – well, who wouldn’t want it? But we also hate it, avoid dealing with it, and avoid even talking about it. Here are some of the reasons why. 1. We Think It’s Not Important And of course we’re right.

We live in a world obsessed with money, where human beings are treated according to their bank balance, not their intrinsic worth, and we instinctively revolt against this. Creativity offers a window on a different world, with different values. 2. The starving artist cliche didn’t come from nowhere. If we were better at selling than making, we’d be salespeople, not creatives. 3. One obvious barrier to earning a decent living is not charging enough for our artworks, products or services. To us, it’s nothing special. Because what may seem barely good enough to us may well look utterly fabulous to a potential buyer. 4. 5. We’re sensitive souls aren’t we? 6. 7. HELLO, my name is BLOG!: 11 Words That Don't Matter Anymore. UnMarketing. Drawn By Success-Freelancers Attracting Better Clients and Higher Fees. Content Marketing: The Inception Method.

The premise of Christopher Nolan’s latest thriller Inception is simple enough. Plant an idea within the mind of your target so it grows in a way that it seems to come from the target himself. Why? Because nothing consumes a man more than his own idea. An idea with which he can persuade himself along a path YOU’VE pre-determined. But how do you plant this idea? Well, that’s where things get a bit complicated. You need to do it in a dream. Since it’s unlikely you’ll be breaking into people’s dreams. That’s exactly what’s been working for so many successful content marketers. What is content marketing? Here’s an excerpt from the masters of the Inception Method at Copyblogger: “Content marketing is a broad term that relates to creating and freely sharing informative content as a means of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.

You should visit Copyblogger to find out more about Content Marketing 101. How can you use the Inception Method of content marketing? 1. 2. 3. [Podcast] How To Run Your Business Like An Artist | Frank Dickinson. Creative Coaching and Training | Wishful Thinking. Art Heroes Radio. When it comes to movies, most of us "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. " We follow the stars and often directors, but rarely does the producer of a film get to be in the spotlight. But in many ways, the producer of a film is the one person most central to the creation— from choosing a screenplay, to hiring key personnel, to facilitating the millions of details large and small required to successfully coordinate a large number of creatives and technicians.

Behind the scenes is a fascinating world where creativity, skill, structure and logistics all must work together to create the finished product. As an artist who's interested in how things are done, I've long wanted to see what I could learn from a film producer that might also apply to making and promoting other forms of art.

Dean Zanuck was the perfect guy to ask. We also talked about Dean's focus on original stories and narrative, and the idea of producing a career in the arts as though it were a Hollywood film. Creativity + Productivity = Success. Stop Trying To Get Everyone To Like Your Work. When I talk to photographers and survey the industry landscape, I see a zillion photographers trying to have all their work liked by all the people. This comes from our social animal DNA, but it’s the completely wrong approach to success – whether that be measured by your work being licensed, sold, etc, or by getting hired, shown, talked about, displayed, whatever.

Simply said, by trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, especially not yourself. But fear not (or fear less, perhaps). The answer is simple. 1. People can smell whether you love what you’re shooting or not, love what you’re pimping or not, love what you’re doing or not. So quit with your shifty eyes, looking at what everybody else is doing.

Jonathan Fields. I’ve always been a big believer in two concepts. One, that each voice counts. And, two, that just as we benefit from the gifts of society, we are similarly beholden to give back in some way, no matter how small, no matter how immediate. Today is the first-ever Blog Action Day, where thousands of bloggers will unite to speak on the same topic–the environment–to their individual communities and, in doing so, unite all into a single worldwide community that numbers in the millions. I must confess that, while I care deeply about our environment, until I saw Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, I never really understood the urgency to take charge. But, with a 6-year old daughter who’s future I care dearly about, Gore’s message really hit home. Within a week, I switched our home utilities over to green-power (wind & water), installed compact flourescent lightbulbs (CFLs) and purchased carbon credits to offset my family’s personal carbon footprint.

Thanks, as always for your wonderful energy! The Clear-Minded Creative | Helping creative people get clear on what they want out of life. Watch. 29 WAYS TO STAY CREATIVE. Social Triggers — Social Media Marketing Tips That Work. NOTES ON WRITING AND DRAWING by Austin Kleon - Part 16. A writer’s personality is his manner of being in the world: his writing style is the unavoidable trace of that manner. When you understand style in these terms, you don’t think of it as merely a matter of fanciful syntax, or as the flamboyant icing atop a plain literary cake, nor as the uncontrollable result of some mysterious velocity coiled within language itself.

Rather, you see style as a personal necessity, as the only possible expression of a particular human consciousness. Style is a writer’s way of telling the truth. Literary success or failure, by this measure, depends not only on the refinement of words on a page, but in the refinement of a consciousness, what Aristotle called the education of the emotions.”- Zadie Smith, “Fail Better*** Now THAT’S something they don’t teach you in creative writing class.

Style is a trace of the writer’s personality. And writing with pictures is no different. But what IS this way of being? Home | Bryan Franklin. The Surprising Myth About Executive Team Alignment3 weeks ago I think one of the most common myths about executive team alignment has to do with the idea of who’s on the bus. There was a book, “Good to Great”, by Jim Collins that popularized this idea of making sure that you know that you’ve got the right people on the bus first. Figure out…Read More » Get Rid of Commitment Conflict Once and For All2 months ago Jennifer Russell, fellow coach and co-founder of Mind Money Meaning, wrote a blog post last week that carried a really important message for entrepreneurs… Are you really committed to what you say you are? She points out that there’s a dissonance between what you consider yourself to be committed to and what you’re really committed…Read More » How Frustration Helps You Become a Better Leader2 months ago The job of a leader is to have vision.

Help Create an Email Charter! Urban Legends Reference Pages. S Guest Blog Wednesday featuring David Hobby! « Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider Blog » Photoshop & Digital Photography Techniques, Tutorials, Books, Reviews & More. Find a Niche — And Fill It As much time as editorial photographers spend bitching and moaning about how things just aren’t the way they used to be, you’d think we were witnessing the death of an entire genre. Personally, I think nothing could be further from the truth. I actually think we are in the midst of a renaissance that will prove to have been one of the most exciting times to have ever been a photographer. True, newspapers and magazines cry poor house as the pool of available assignments slowly drains. That’s because along with the digital explosion there has been a massive repricing of information. Presses, trucks and dead trees are no longer needed to disseminate information.

So the economic pricing moat that used to surround the publishing process no longer exists. Publishers used to be guys who sat in corner offices and wielded great power along with their printing presses. If you think about that for a moment, it starts to reset your compass. A.N.D / Worldwide. Unicornfree. Thoughts-ebook1.pdf - Powered by Google Docs. Productive Flourishing — Strategies for Thriving in Life and Business. Small Business Advice for Business Startups | Self Employed Cafe. New? Start Here. If this is your first rodeo and you don’t know what we’re all about, here’s the elevator version: Paid to Exist is about eliminating the separation between what you get paid to do and what you love so you can contribute to your world and live a life of freedom. We’re here to help you create a life you’d never want to change and cultivate a path you’d never want to stop walking.

We are in your corner and here to help you along your journey. Enter your email below to join the tribe, and we’ll hook you up with… A detailed field guide to help you acclimate to PTE life. We present three shifts you must make in order to make getting paid to be you a reality.In-depth case studies and reports from other travelers that have reclaimed their freedom. We call this collection of kickass guides the Backpack. Join the tribe, get the backpack Get It Get Inspired, Watch the Trailer Ready to dive deep?

On Quitting Your Job Finding Your Deepest Purpose Inspiring Stories and Case Studies Get The Backpack. The Friendly Anarchist | Your Life, Your Pace, Your Rules. Write a Book, Build Your Business : The World. Delivered by FedEx. As you work to stand out from the crowd, your reputation for expertise counts. A well-crafted, informative January 18, 2011 Delivered by FedEx. As you work to stand out from the crowd, your reputation for expertise counts. A well-crafted, informative book, authored by you, can give you the competitive edge. For most small business owners, book authoring isn’t about making money. Of course, writing is hard work. Here’s a quick guide to writing and publishing.

Think critically Begin by brainstorming a list of topics you could write about. What ideas inspire or fascinate me? Make a promise Now, come up with a simple statement of what your readers will gain from your book. The mission statement keeps struggling authors on track. Sketch it out With the promise in place, it’s time to develop an outline. Forcing you to admit what you know and what you don’t know. Moreover, an outline is essential if you intend to pitch your idea to a publisher or book agent. Prepare and publish. 7 Deadly Sins of Business Storytelling : Lifestyle. Business storytelling is an art, you can set to work honing it for maximum impact. Learn more about the 7 deadly sins of business storytelling.

February 14, 2011 When it comes to persuasion, companies traditionally appeal to left side of the brain, using logic and reason. However, persuasion occurs just as much (if not more) through emotion. Daniel Pink, author of Drive, writes, “Right-brain dominance is the new source of competitive advantage.” Tapping the right side of the brain allows for deeper engagement by uniting an idea with an emotion. The best way to do this? Before you craft your story, ask yourself: “Who is my audience and what is my goal in engaging them?” While the reason you are telling a business story may be quite different from the reason you tell a story at a party, the same techniques apply. 1. 2. In practice: Go to the page on your company’s website where you describe what you do. 3. 4. 5. In practice: Make stories a part of your organizational culture. 6. 7. The Artist's Way Online. HELLO, my name is BLOG!: A Young Artist's Guide to Playing For Keeps, Pt. 1.

You’ve chosen an uncertain path.You’ve adopted an inconvenient lifestyle.You’ve embarked upon an unconventional journey.You’ve felt the voice inside you growing more urgent.You’ve committed yourself enough so you can’t turn back. IN SHORT: You’ve decided to play for keeps. This is the critical crossroads – the emotional turning point – in the life of every young artist. I’ve been there myself, and here’s a list of suggestions to help you along the way:1. Carry your own standards for judging your artistic talents. Never let the validity of your talent hang in the balance of some critic’s opinion. Employ only the approval of your heart. Create out of pleasure, not under constraint. The key decision point is figuring out whom to ignore. My suggestion: Stay undeterred when people attack you for exercising your ability. 2.

It's not perfect. But that’s proofreading. That’s the problem with self-editing: It renders your creativity timid and impotent. 3. 4. 5. Make the decision today. BLOG. Corbett Barr | Adventures in Working Online, Living Anywhere and Being Awesome. Mars Dorian — The World Needs You. Seth Godin’s Presentation on Making an Impact. 13 Things I Wish I’d Learned at University — Happenchance.

Better Living Through Uncertainty. A 5-Point Plan for Achieving Anything. Rejecting the status quo & rebelling against mediocrity. 21 Must-Read Blogs for Luck-Makers — Happenchance. 6 Effective Keys to Make Excellence a Habit. Are you making these mistakes on your LinkedIn profile? ? Copylicious. Persuasion for business. Now with 30% more Kelly Parkinson. Blog | Chris Garrett on New Media. — Learn How Human Business Works - Beyond Social Media. Motivation and Self Improvement.

The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss. The Art of Non-Conformity. Favorite Seth Godin Quips. Email checklist (maybe this time it'll work!)