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Le « trumpisme » au révélateur du Covid-19. A ceux qui, trois ans après l’arrivée au pouvoir de Donald Trump, s’interrogeraient sur les fondements du « trumpisme », la gestion de la pandémie due au coronavirus par le président des Etats-Unis pourrait donner quelques éléments de réponse.

Le « trumpisme » au révélateur du Covid-19

Entre déni de réalité, recherche d’un bouc émissaire, omniprésence dans les médias, éviction des voix discordantes, approche politicienne, isolationnisme et vision court-termiste face au plus grand défi sanitaire de ces dernières décennies, M. Trump a, au cours des semaines passées, donné à voir quelques-uns des aspects qui façonnent sa présidence depuis janvier 2017. Un mandat qui a confirmé ce que politistes et historiens pressentaient lors de son accession au pouvoir : le trumpisme ne se résume ni à une idéologie ni à une philosophie. Ainsi le lien ténu de M.

Trump avec la vérité, de même que son mépris pour les faits et la science, ne sont plus à démontrer. « Trump est important historiquement » Dans sa chronique, Alain Frachon, éditorialiste au « Monde », montre comment la Russie et la Chine profitent de la dégradation de la démocratie libérale par le président américain.

« Trump est important historiquement »

Chronique. Mieux dotard que jamais. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year for 2017 is feminism.

Mieux dotard que jamais

The word was a top lookup throughout the year, with several spikes that corresponded to various news reports and events. The general rise in lookups tells us that many people are interested in this word; specific spikes give us insight into some of the reasons why. Feminism spiked following news coverage of the Women's March on Washington, DC in January (and other related marches held around the country and internationally), and follow-up discussions regarding whether the march was feminist, and what kind of feminism was represented by organizers and attendees. The word spiked again when Kellyanne Conway said during an interview that she didn't consider herself a feminist. In this case, the definition of feminism was itself the subject of the news story—an invitation for many people to look up the word. Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure. Shortly after his victory last year, Donald J.

Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure.

Trump began revisiting one of his deepest public humiliations: the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape of him making vulgar comments about women. Despite his public acknowledgment of the recording’s authenticity in the final days of the presidential campaign — and his hasty videotaped apology under pressure from his advisers — Mr. Trump as president-elect began raising the prospect with allies that it may not have been him on the tape after all.

Most of Mr. #DentureDonald. « Trump a dégradé la démocratie américaine comme jamais et éreinté son image » Dans sa chronique, Alain Frachon, éditorialiste au « Monde » observe que ce président qui donne aux riches, cultive et exploite dans le même temps le désarroi des laissés-pour-compte face à l’immigration, à l’islamisme, à l’étranger.

« Trump a dégradé la démocratie américaine comme jamais et éreinté son image »

LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Alain Frachon (éditorialiste au Monde) Chronique. On s’est habitués.

No Is Not Enough

« Mortality from deaths of despair » Dans sa chronique hebdomadaire, Sylvie Kauffmann, éditorialiste au « Monde », évoque une étude-choc qui révèle une hausse de la mortalité prématurée dans la population blanche non diplômée américaine.

« Mortality from deaths of despair »

Trump Embraces ‘Enemy of the People,’ a Phrase With a Fraught History. Trump, les libéraux et l'inutilité économique des femmes. Au cours la première semaine de son mandat, alors que son vice-président, Mike Pence, se réjouissait déjà que « le droit à la vie [était] en train de gagner », Trump a également menacé d’abolir 17 agences et programmes d’aide fédéraux, dont l’Office of Violence against Women[1], et annoncé la création de milliers d’emplois à forte concentration masculine en décrétant la construction des oléoducs Keystone XL et Dakota Access et celle du mur à la frontière du Mexique.

Trump, les libéraux et l'inutilité économique des femmes

Résultat : si toutes les promesses de Trump sont effectivement menées à bien, les femmes, sans emplois et dépossédées du contrôle de leur corps, seront reléguées à la sphère domestique, redevenant ainsi dépendantes des hommes pour la satisfaction de leurs besoins fondamentaux et sujettes à des violences domestiques de moins en moins pénalisées. Ne soyons pas dupes : bien qu’il ne s’affiche pas ouvertement, cet assaut contre les femmes est ici aussi en route.

« Das Ende der Welt » (Wie wir sie kennen)

Ignorance Is Strength. We see it on national security matters, where the president continues to rely on a chief adviser who, suspicious closeness to the Kremlin aside, appears to get his strategic information from right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Ignorance Is Strength

We see it on education, where the hearings for Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, revealed her to be completely ignorant about even the most elementary issues. We see it on diplomacy. How hard is it to ask someone from the State Department to make sure that the White House gets foreign leaders’ names right? Dismantling Dodd-Frank. This article appears in the Winter 2017 issue of The American Prospect magazine.

Dismantling Dodd-Frank

Subscribe here. History teaches us that financial regulations die from a thousand cuts rather than a signifying event. Shadchen Donald. For Trump even park staff are enemies of the state. Last Tuesday, for a few hours, Badlands National Park defied presidential orders.

For Trump even park staff are enemies of the state

“Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years #climate,” it tweeted. The account went on to discuss ocean acidity, carbon dioxide and the founding mission of the century-old National Parks Service, which included an obligation to “leave [the parks] unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations”. Drasha Shemoth. Shemoth - Trump, Moïse et Twitter (rabbin Delphine Horvilleur - 20.01.2017) Angela Davis appelle à la résistance collective.

Entretien avec Angela Davis. Don’t treat Donald Trump as if he’s a normal president. He’s not. There is one week to go and all is confusion. Next Friday Donald Trump will take the oath of office and be sworn in as president of the United States. Electoral College Petition: What We Accomplished and What’s Next. On November 9, it looked clear Donald Trump would be President. Today, despite our best efforts, it is certain. Hopefully, no one is extremely shocked by the final result. Flipping at least 37 Electors to any other candidate, let alone 38 to Secretary Hillary Clinton, was always a longshot at best.

Yet, we have accomplished a great deal. 86 pieces of journalism wisdom published in the month since the election. It’s been a month. In the days since the election, a number of articles have been written about the lessons journalists can take from the presidential campaign. Pieces have also focused on what journalists should or must do over the next few months. CJR staff writer David Uberti wrote this three days after the election: It feels as if we’ve collectively aged years over the past three days, as a cascade of takes on what the hell journalism got wrong has distracted the press from the important work of figuring out how to cover a potentially dangerous Trump presidency.

What Is the Left Without Identity Politics? In the wake of last month’s shocking defeat, the Democratic Party, and the left more generally, is engaged in a new round of collective soul-searching into what went so devastatingly wrong. Some, like Mark Lilla in The New York Times, argue that American liberals have overly focused on racial, gender, and sexual identity, thus renouncing a more universal appeal.

The Last Chance To Stop Trump? Hamilton Electors’ Grand Compromise. If the winner of the popular vote cannot be president, maybe it’s right that the loser shouldn’t be either. In less than a week, in 51 locations around the country, and for the 57th time in our history, electors will cast their vote for president. My Priorities for the Next Four Years. Why Time’s Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art. Time Magazine’s annual “Person of the Year” announcement is, year after year, grossly misunderstood.

Time Magazine is clear on its sole criterion – “the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year” – yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find countless people who seem to think that the “Person of the Year” selection is tantamount to an endorsement. Previous winners have included Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942), Ayatollah Khomeini (1979), Adolf Hitler (1938), and other figures who I think it is safe to assume the Time staff does not endorse. Person of the Year 2016. Even for Donald Trump, the distance is still fun to think about, up here in his penthouse 600 ft. in the sky, where it’s hard to make out the regular people below.

The ice skaters swarming Central Park’s Wollman Rink look like old-television static, and the Fifth Avenue holiday shoppers could be mites in a gutter. To even see this view, elevator operators, who spend their days standing in place, must push a button marked 66–68, announcing all three floors of Trump’s princely pad. Hacking and the 2016 Presidential Election. Was the 2016 presidential election hacked? It's hard to tell. There were no obvious hacks on Election Day, but new reports have raised the question of whether voting machines were tampered with in three states that Donald Trump won this month: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The researchers behind these reports include voting rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, both respected in the community. They have been talking with Hillary Clinton's campaign, but their analysis is not yet public.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots. You may have read at NYMag that I’ve been in discussions with the Clinton campaign about whether it might wish to seek recounts in critical states. That article, which includes somebody else’s description of my views, incorrectly describes the reasons manually checking ballots is an essential security safeguard (and includes some incorrect numbers, to boot). Let me set the record straight about what I and other leading election security experts have actually been saying to the campaign and everyone else who’s willing to listen.

How might a foreign government hack America’s voting machines to change the outcome of a presidential election? Untitled. See just how unequal we are. I had asked for help capturing the inequality caused by the winner-take-all system states have adopted for allocating their Electoral College votes. The Yes Men's guide to resisting Trump. What happened Nov. 8 is for many of us (especially liberal white people) literally unthinkable — which may be why our bodies are getting involved, with many reporting stomach problems and nausea, or intense cravings for human company combined with irritability.

Hystérie collective autour de Donald Trump - Mise au point.


Everything We Thought We Knew About Politics Was Wrong. The Fallacy of Post-Truth. « La gauche doit dépasser l’idéologie de la diversité » Les fondamentalistes du marché imposent leurs vues. Trump et le moment populiste. Dans les universités américaines, la victoire de Trump inquiète. Le terme “populisme” est un obstacle à une analyse sérieuse. How Facebook, Twitter Helped Lead Trump to Victory. Comment être milliardaire et antisystème ? Too Smart to Fail. It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate. L’écrasante responsabilité de la gauche dans la victoire de Donald Trump. Liberals put him there. Huge Electability Gamble. How Post-Watergate Liberals Killed Their Populist Soul. Rust-belt romantics don’t get it: the middle class is being wiped out too. Thoughts for the Horrified. The Trump Era Dawns. Revenge of the Forgotten Class.

La victoire des laissés pour compte. Comment Trump a surfé sur la crise du marché du travail.

What’s the Matter with White People?

Moumoutes, flingues et talonnettes. Make America White Again. Donald Trump's Polling Team Explains How It Knew Trump Might Win. Pensée magique. #Whitelash. 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win. Adventures in the Trump Twittersphere. Keith Ellison on ABC's "This Week" - 7/26/15.