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30 Best Firefox add-ons. As I am one of the many Firefox users I use many of its add-ons which make my work so much easier. And I would like to share with you list of 30 best handpicked Firefox add-ons, very useful for web designers and developers. 1. CSSMate - online CSS editor extension, similar with EditCSS. 2. ViewSourceWith - let you view page source with external applications. 3. PicLens - transforms your browser into a full-screen 3D experience for viewing web images. 4. FireShot -creates screenshots of web pages which you can modify. 5. SeoQuake - helps with search engine optimization and internet promotion of web sites. 6. Online Media Converter - Convert Files Documents Video Audio Photos. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine.

Free online converter. Online Reference - Information Articles & Reference Resources - FindTarget Reference. Asus - iPad y Tablets. Cambiar Metrópolis, el hábitat del hombre-masa [para una nueva geografía urbana] « Apunts sobre l'abisme. En el contexto social deslocalizado, el filósofo Emmanuel Levinas habla de la necesidad moral de restituir el valor del otro, de reconocer su rostro y reconocerlo como prójimo, sobre todo después de la hecatombe de la IIGM. Reconocer el rostro del otro no es más que empatizar con su dolor, sus miserias, sus alegrías y sus dudas; es darle una dignidad. Metrópolis, la ciudad alienadora que cosifica el ser humano, genera espacios vacíos donde los rostros quedan desdibujados y nadie se encuentra en el otro. Dondequiera ha surgido el hombre-masa de que este volumen se ocupa, un tipo de hombre hecho de prisa, montado nada más que sobre unas cuantas y pobres abstracciones y que, por lo mismo, es idéntico de un cabo de Europa al otro.

A él se debe el triste aspecto de asfixiante monotonía que va tomando la vida en todo el continente. El hombre-masa, the average man of today, es el niño sin cara de Pink Floyd: alguien infantilizado que ha renunciado a sus responsabilidades para con el otro. Chingaderas. Comandos adicionales, denominados “sintaxis especiales”, para nuestras búsquedas en Google. Comandos adicionales, denominados “sintaxis especiales”, para nuestras búsquedas en Google Después de varias charlas entre conocidos, familiares y amigos, a lo largo de mi experiencia profesional sobre las búsquedas a través de Internet, me doy cuenta que son pocos quines conocen estos comandos adiciones, también llamados “sintaxis especiales”. Desde hace algún tiempo, Google ha permitido el uso de determinadas comandos que facilitaran nuestras búsquedas, restringiendo esos resultados irrelevantes y obtener aquellos que realmente nos interesan.

En ese momento existían muchos comandos pero se han eliminado algunos e añadido de nuevos en sus algoritmos. En este caso, voy a daros un resumen de las sintaxis que actualmente siguen funcionando y ser de ayuda aquellos “inexpertos” en la materia. ¿Cómo funciona Google? Google, como motor de búsqueda de texto completo, incluye en su índice páginas Web completas, en lugar de incluir sólo los títulos y las descripciones.

Las opciones Booleanas. Diseño :: que opinan de la carrera de diseño grafico? ¿Pregunta sencilla, dame tu opinion personal? ARTISTS THREAD (April 2012) Ger dublan. Groups. Home. Editores Web: Creación de contenidos online y promoción en redes sociales. Eee Pad MeMO 171. El nacimiento de una Milicia. Error 404. Estrategias de manipulación: 5. INFANTILIZAR AL PÚBLICO. ¡Qué de gritos por las calles,qué de burlas, que de tretas,qué de harina por el rostro,qué de mazas que se cuelgan;trapos, chapines, pellejos,estopas, cuernos, braguetas,sogas, papeles, andrajos,zapatos y escobas viejas!

(…) Gaspar de Lucas Hidalgo, Diálogos de Apacible Entretenimiento (1606), incluida por la Inquisición en su Índice de Libros Prohibidos (1618)] Make Firefox Faster. After you get past the “beginner” stage with Firefox , try this “power-user” trick to make it download pages faster by allowing multiple connections so it can download more than one file at a time. It’s only useful for broadband users, so if you’re still on dial-up you can just skip this one for now. Here’s something for broadband people that will really speed Firefox up: 1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return.

Scroll down and look for the following entries: network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. 2. Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true” Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. 3. If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages MUCH faster now! More Firefox Tips Related Posts in Splashpress Media Technology. Paintball Players vs. The Asteroid Apocalypse? | Video. Rethinking The Social Network: 3 Open-Source Alternatives To Facebook. | Learn What You Wanna Do. Untitled. Larien Metzengerstein | Richter Belmont: "¿Tributo? ¡Robas las almas de los hombres y los haces tus esclavos! " .........Drácula: "Tal vez lo mismo podría decirse de todas las religiones... " ¿cres que sea verdad? Muy cierto. ¿Cual es la equivalencia del numero Pi π? ¿Con qué asocias la palabra "circo"? Iglesia yo escribo horrible???? Si, escribes asquerosamente, no respetas la ortografía ¿Dónde están los otros signos? Que tienen de especial los chilenos???? ¿Con qué cara? ––––•Яεтø: α løs ρяiмεяøs 3 мg l dαs 15 мg •–––– ¿Qué canción no puedes sacar de tu cabeza? Porque el agua de una cascada no va hacia arriba? Con tu malvada sonrisa, y mi sentido de humor de mierda, el mundo entero se arrodillará a nuestros pies (?‎

Seremos la sensación de mundo mundial Te quiero a ti para miembro de mi nueva orden de seres kul.... No te acuerdas de mi?? Hola! No quiero :( Y eres atea from jell o atea, agnóstica, portestante, gatólica :v ??? Atea. ¿Cuál ha sido el mejor concierto en el que has estado? Yep me excita tu forma de orar xDD Negro. Gerdublan's Home. Untitled. Holy underwear and naughty cats. Seventh from behind by ~xxnegativexcreep on deviantART.

50 Best Firefox Extensions for Power Surfing. The Evolution Control Committee. The Stir: 10 New Reasons You Should Quit Facebook. If you're anything like me, you've uttered the words, "I'm thinking of quitting Facebook" at some point in the last few years. Or, at the very least, you've thought them. But, again, if you're like me, you just can't find the balls to do it. Something holds you back -- be it that you don't want to lose touch with old friends you've reconnected with; you're obsessed with stalking a certain someone; or you just don't want to be the weirdo who hasn't gotten with the times.

It's damn near impossible. Like Jack Twist said in Brokeback Mountain: "I wish I knew how to quit you. " But you should. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Top 5 Firefox Extensions for the home user | Firefox is rapidly becoming the most popular web browser, and one of the main reasons for its success is its wide variety of useful addons. Here’s a list of the top 5 Firefox extensions, which you ought to add to your Firefox experience — if you haven’t already! 5. Download Statusbar Download Statusbar gives you a simple, quickly customizable bar at the bottom of your window to keep track of your files. 4. This addon earns a spot as one of the top 5 Firefox extensions by making the address bar double as a search bar for sites ranging from Amazon to Wikipedia, as well as improved autocomplete terms. 3. Nearly an entity unto itself, Greasemonkey uses customized pieces of Javascript to control the way various websites behave. 2.

We’ve all wanted to revisit or have a friend watch a video we came across on the web, only to find it’s been taken down or moved. 1. Hopefully this list of top 5 Firefox extensions will make your browsing easier, and just possibly, more fun. Zapato Productions intradimensional. Net Sommaire. Les projets des Maitres du Monde. What are the top 10 most useful websites no one knows about. Fav 2.0 is a modern way to use your most visited websites. Set it as homepage and add your most visited sites. A startpage is a website to hold all of your favorite links. Just sign up, add your favorite blogs, news sites, forums, or anything else you go to every day and you’re ready to go! BonzoBox will redefine your internet experience! Instantly save your favorite websites as real-time TypePad’s ease of use enables you to create a blog in minutes.

Tumblr is your friendly, free, and terrifically easy tool for creating tumblelogs. A basic, fully-functional account is free, while paid accounts receive access to premium features. Toonti is a platform that allows you to create your own custom social network. Create, publish and manage easily your community on your website. DIY: Metallic Tips for Cat Eye Glasses and Metallic Tip Nails. I purchased my cat eye sunglasses last year from (HotTopic brand) and was pleasantly surprised that my $10 purchase was not cheaply made. I believe it's now sold out :( These glasses originally had no metallic tips... After seeing Alexander Wang's version I wanted to DIY my own, but wanted my metallic tips to be temporary in case I didn't like them. For this project I used Con-Tact paper (from Home Depot). Con-Tact paper will stick to plastic quite strongly, but still can be peeled off if desired.

You really just need a tiny piece of Con-Tact paper (I had a whole roll left from a previous project). While coloring my little piece of Con-Tact paper, I noticed my nails were in terrible shape. For more DIY ideas for sunglasses click here, here and here. EDIT: If you do try painting nails with a metallic permanent marker here are the steps: 1. Category:Memes and image macros. Memes populares. How Tumblr went from wee to webscale — Cloud Computing News. Julio 2011 ohh!! Updates From Apple's Product Event. Llegas Pacheco. 10 Reasons Pinterest Booked 10 Million Visitors a Month So Fast. Hummie's World: Pinterest. Pinterest seems to be the new image collection site fad! Here is my account. Before Pinterest, there was first (blog post from 9.23.08) and then there was imgfav (blog post of and then 7/14/09). Of course, before these three, there was Kaboodle (blog post from 9/16/07) as the fad which is now rarely used.

Image collection sites are comparable to link/bookmarking sites, (ie., only for images. Kaboodle was strictly shopping, but now with the new image sharing sites, one can keep a "shopping kaboodle" at any of the image sharing sites. As with the other image collection sites, with Pinterest, you can have "friends" and follow what they have shared. A "board" is their word for "category. " You can follow all of your friends boards or just selected boards which are your same interest. You can also "like" an image, but I don't really see this use for this because if I like it, I'm just going to add it to one of my boards.

Commenting on images is also available. Small minds. SitePoint — Learn CSS | HTML5 | JavaScript | Wordpress | Tutorials-Web Development | Reference | Books and More. ::SICDOS SC agencia social:: OK HOSTING - Hospedaje, Web hosting, Paginas web y Dominios. Foro Chilebolsa / Actualidad IPSA. La semana que comienza será harto emocionante y bastante clave dentro de todo. El ipsa lamentablemente no ha podido prender como se quisiera y desligarse del entorno externo, por lo que me llama a la precaución lo sucedido con los mercados externos, principalmente gringolandia. El viernes fue incapaz de atacar la zona mas que difícil que tiene entre los 1350-1365, que fueron los máximos de abril-julio del año pasado, después de lo cual cayó la no despreciable suma de 250 puntos y dando la sensación de que todo se iría al tacho nuevamente.

Si observamos el alza sostenida del vix, en especial lo fuerte que subió el viernes, rompiendo al alza la directriz bajista que traía desde noviembre, además de la actividad de los insiders de las compañias que entre jueves y especialmente el viernes vendieron como enfermos, tenemos una situación que al menos llama a la prudencia. Schrodinger's cat ... June 2011. I'm about to prove a couple of negatives about Penrose tilings. Recall Donald Rumsfeld proudly and stupidly saying you couldn't prove a negative when it became obvious to everyone the weapons of mass destruction ruse was a complete phony. I had to wonder exactly how many classes he slept through when he got his degree at Princeton.

Of course you can prove a negative. The only place where real proof exists is in math and we prove that things are impossible all the time. Let me give a couple examples. It is impossible to build a larger shape similar to a dart using kites and darts. The dart is the Penrose tile with the dent, and angle of 216°. If we want to build a bigger dart, it will have to have two 36° angles and a 216° angle, but the distance between these will have to be at least the length of long. We can't do this with these pieces, or if we achieve this, we will not have a long enough straight line to make the outside of the dart. This proof takes no math skills really. Notice this. Using Google Search Operators. You can use most of the options we discussed in Google’s Advanced Search Form in a regular search box query.

If you’re a frequent searcher or a “power searcher,” this can save time because you don’t need to open the Advanced Search page and fill in various boxes; instead, you can enter the refined query in almost any Google search box. You’ll use advanced operators, query words that have special meaning to Google. Since the advanced operators are convenient for searching, Google Guide calls them search operators. Note: We recommend that you skip ahead to the Part Understanding Results unless you’re an experienced Google user or you want to know how to use Google’s advanced operators. 1. Examples Here are three places you can find examples of search operators. Visit the Google Guide Advanced Operator Quick Reference and look for special operators of the form operator:value.Fill in Google’s Advanced Search form. Read through the descriptions below and try the examples. 2. 4. 4.1. 4.2. Videos. "90-9-1" Rule for Participation Inequality: Lurkers vs. Contributors in Internet Communities.

Album of Awesomeness | Your daily dose of awesome. All items. Geek to Live: From Bloglines to Google Reader. Justine Joli - Page 1 of 169. Tenoch » Blog Archive » Cientificos Mexicanos: Miguel Alcubierre Moya. Miguel Alcubierre Moya y los viajes en el tiempo. Miguel Alcubierre Moya es un físico teórico mexicano, Nacio en la Ciudad de México en 1964 Tiene una Licenciatura en Física, en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), misma que curso entre los años de 1983-1988, donde se titulo y fue aprobado con mención honorífica. A continuacion obtuvo igualmente en la UNAM una maestría en Ciencias entre los años de 1988 a 1990. Ya en el extranjero consiguio un Doctorado en Física (Ph.D.) por la University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff, país de Gales en el Reino Unido entre 1990-1994 asi como unaBeca de posdoctorado de octubre de 1993 a septiembre de 1996 en el Departamento de Física y Astronomía, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff, Reino Unido.

Al dejar Gales en 1996, trabajó durante un tiempo en el Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics en Potsdam, Alemania, donde desarrolló nuevas técnicas matemáticas para describir la física de los agujeros negros. La Cofradía Digital. Cyber Badger Research Blog. Internet Memes Timeline. Welcome to the Plone Network. Pinterest. Study: Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, nearly on par with Twitter. Tablet. Justine Joli. FBI Targets Internet Archive With Secret 'National Security Letter', Loses | Threat Level. Welcome to Open Library (Open Library)

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