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Youtube. The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism · Speck on the Globe. What is Sustainable Travel?

The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism · Speck on the Globe

We have all heard the buzz words, but what does it mean to travel more responsibly and what are the benefits of sustainable tourism? These are all important questions we should be asking when planning a vacation. Whether it’s to the beach, your own hometown, a neighboring state or a country a plane ride away, visiting responsibly should continually be a part of the travel conversation. Sustainable travel essentially means that when we are visiting places we are keeping the environment, the local people & their customs a priority. Whether it is reducing your carbon footprint or acknowledging local customs, sustainable travel is a way to experience new things but still be mindful & respectful of the world around us. Why Care about Sustainable Travel? Responsible tourism, conscious travel, ethical travel. We as visitors have a responsibility to ensure our money, time and efforts are going back into the communities we intend to support.

It can be cost effective. 10 Negative Effects of Tourism You Should Know About - Aware Impact. Travelling is a beautiful thing.

10 Negative Effects of Tourism You Should Know About - Aware Impact

It helps us to learn about the world, try new experiences, taste different kinds of food. But, unfortunately, if people don’t travel sustainably tourism can have many negative effects on any given area. Tourism has the power to uplift communities from poverty, but at the same time, it can destroy their identity. The choices of the tourists can help to preserve nature and wildlife, and on the contrary, it can put the animals into suffering and extinction. Let’s take a closer look at the 10 main negative effects of tourism. Destruction of nature and habitat loss Any development requires some interference with nature.

New areas of land need to be cleared for new hotels and roads. Waste disposal problem is a significant contributor to the degradation of the environment. 8 Powerful Reasons You Should Care About Sustainable Tourism : Epicure & Culture. By Beth Winchester of As we approach the beginning of summer, many of us will begin to plan our next vacation.

8 Powerful Reasons You Should Care About Sustainable Tourism : Epicure & Culture

Will it be to a seaside town off the coast of Italy? Perhaps a trek through the tropical terrain of South America? Or, maybe we will just take a dip into the ocean nearest us, and take a moment to relish the sunshine after months of cold rain. No matter where we may go, we should remember we have the ability to participate in Sustainable Tourism. What Is Sustainable Tourism? Sustainable tourism is, in a nutshell, the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and trying to only make a positive impact on that location’s environment, society and economy.

That largely means supporting locally managed businesses and participating in activities that do not harm the environment or exploit local culture. Benefits Of Sustainable Tourism You may be wondering why you should care. Mass Tourism Is Destroying Spain—Here’s Where You Should Travel. One of the best decisions I’ve made on Twitter recently was following Humans of Late Tourism, who shares images and stories that show how absurd and destructive modern mass tourism has become in Europe and beyond.

Mass Tourism Is Destroying Spain—Here’s Where You Should Travel

Browse their feed for a few minutes and you’ll see a photo of the hordes that make appreciating the Mona Lisa all but impossible at the Louvre, a news article from Mallorca about the latest death due to balconing, or a lamppost flyer in Porto accusing Airbnb apartments with causing massive increases in rent. This (presumably) Catalan user’s account has reminded me of the phenomenon I was slowly growing aware of while I lived in Spain—and even participated in on my weekend jaunts from Úbeda and Santiago de Compostela. In short, mass tourism is destroying what we love most about Spain and turning the country’s biggest cities like Barcelona, Madrid, or Granada into theme parks for tourists.

Alternatives to the cities everyone visits Take Andalucía in southern Spain, for example. How mass tourism is destroying cities. Comment notre passé influence notre présent. Don’t Touch My Hair: an interview with Emma Dabiri. Refugees in America. Giving back to their new community Ekhlas Ahmed's family was forced to flee the Darfur region of Sudan when violent genocide threatened their lives.

Refugees in America

Just a child, Ekhlas relied on organizations like UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency – for lifesaving essentials including shelter, water, food, safety and protection. As her family moved from Sudan to Egypt, and finally to Maine where they were resettled when Ekhlas was 12 years old, they found the hope and dignity they deserved and an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Ekhlas didn’t know a word of English when she arrived in the U.S. In part, she learned the language by watching The Ellen Show after school. The detainee’s tale by Ali Smith: 'I thought you would help me' The first thing that happens, you tell me, is that school stops.

The detainee’s tale by Ali Smith: 'I thought you would help me'

We are meeting in a room in a London university so that you can tell me, in anodyne safe surroundings, a bit about your life so far; I say so far because you aren’t old, you are maybe 30. We meet at the front door and follow the man who’s showing us to the room. We go through several doors and down then up some stairs. Refugee Tales – A call to end indefinite immigration detention. The unfair race of life□□□ How our Experiences Shape Us.