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Barack Obama livre ses trucs pour rester calme sous la pression. Pendant ses deux mandats présidentiels, Barack Obama était connu pour son apparence calme et sereine.

Barack Obama livre ses trucs pour rester calme sous la pression

La presse l'appelait souvent "no drama Obama", une expression par toujours utilisée dans le bon sens du terme. Il a expliqué cette semaine lors d'une conférence tech à Salt Lake City, dans l'Utah, animée par la société de logiciels Qualtrics, qu'il y avait du vrai dans ce surnom. Mais il a également expliqué, que ce n'est pas parce qu'il semblait calme, qu'il n'avait pas parfois eu très peur de faire des erreurs étant plus jeune. "J'ai un tempérament assez horizontal et je ne suis jamais dans les extrêmes, mais ça ne veut pas dire que pendant mes mandats présidentiels et tout au long de ma carrière professionnelle, il n'y a pas eu de moments où j'étais forcé de me dire 'Je ne veux pas tout gâcher. Je ne veux pas laisser tomber les gens. Trop de managers, trop de réunions: l'entreprise est devenue le «lieu de l'absurde»

Selon l'économiste français Nicolas Bouzou, connu pour son franc-parler, il est urgent de garantir l'autonomie des salariés et de redonner du sens à leur travail dans l'entreprise. Nadia DI PILLO. Trop de managers, trop de réunions: l'entreprise est devenue le «lieu de l'absurde» Productivity Isn’t About Time Management. It’s About Attention Management. According to conventional wisdom about time management, you’re supposed to set goals for when you want to finish a task. I decided to try it for this article. The target was 1,200 words, so I sat down at 8 a.m. and gave myself three hours, which would allow me to write at the leisurely pace of six words per minute. I then spent the next six minutes writing a grand total of zero words, staring at a flashing cursor. The only task I completed was a Google search of whether the cursor was named in honor of all the writers who have cursed it. Barack Obama livre ses trucs pour rester calme sous la pression.

Patty McCord: 8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for. Jean-Claude Biver : « Pas question de jouer le match de trop ! » If You Want To Know What It Takes To FIND and KEEP LOVE - WATCH THIS! Start with WHY - Simon Sinek. Les 11 habitudes des gens qui sont forts psychiquement. 17 Bad Habits You Need to Kill in 2017 to Be More Successful. Many of you will resolve to start a new positive habit in 2017.

17 Bad Habits You Need to Kill in 2017 to Be More Successful

Adding good habits can be fun, but unfortunately (most of the time), they don't work. Approximately 38 percent of Americans will make resolutions, and only 8 percent will succeed. Instead of adding a new diet or workout regime, let's remove the negative habits that have been holding you back. 1. Kill your habit of checking social media during the workday. Social media platforms are masters of making you stay there. Now that we're on the subject, turn off the notifications on your phone, too. 2. Infographie : Top 10 des compétences à avoir en 2020 - L’humain, la collaboration & l’intelligence émotionnelle dans le top 10 des compétences à avoir dans un avenir très proche.

Infographie : Top 10 des compétences à avoir en 2020 -

Le World Economic Forum (WEF) a sorti en 2016 un rapport sur les dix compétences à avoir en 2020. Y sont apparues pour la première fois, la collaboration et l’intelligence émotionnelle. Le WEF compare les compétences entre 2015 et 2020. On y voit également la créativité faire un bond en avant et se placer désormais en troisième position par rapport à 2015. Jack Ma / WEF : "You have to find people who are smarter than you" Jack Ma on the IQ of love - and other top quotes from his Davos interview. In Davos, Alibaba founder and Executive Chairman Jack Ma spoke openly and at length about some of the key challenges facing the world, delivering a stream of perspectives and guidance.

Jack Ma on the IQ of love - and other top quotes from his Davos interview

On the impact of technology "We are very lucky because the world is in a big transformation because of technology. This new technology will create a lot of successful people, interesting careers but honestly every new technology will create social problems. "If we don’t align together, human beings are going to fight each other, because each technology revolution makes the world unbalanced.

" On the key to success. Les 7 forces du manager agile. Ce qui nous empêche de prendre des initiatives. 7 Habits of highly effective people. Speaking To An Audience. Gestion du stress. Speaking to an Audience. Matrice d'Eisenhower. CREDO NC. Lessons I Learned from the Father of Modern Management, Peter Drucker – Marshall Goldsmith. At one meeting of the Board of the Peter Drucker Foundation, I asked Peter, “You have written so much about mission—what is your mission?”

Lessons I Learned from the Father of Modern Management, Peter Drucker – Marshall Goldsmith

Peter replied, “To help other people achieve their goals—assuming that they are not immoral or unethical!” Along with his brilliance, he was a simple and humble man who wanted to help others achieve their goals. He not only taught me about management, he also taught me about life. By his example, he showed me the importance of loving what you do—and communicating this enthusiasm to others. He loved his wife, family, friends, work, and life. Here are learnings that I received from Peter Drucker, which have shaped who I am, what I do, and how I work in the world. Ferguson’s Formula. Hiring Smart. As leaders, hiring good people can be the most difficult aspect of our jobs.

Hiring Smart

However, good hiring decisions can also yield the most reward. When looking to hire folks for your team, it is important to not only consider a candidate’s skill set and prior experience, but also what they can bring to your team as far as IQ and emotional intelligence. I know some managers who like to surround themselves with yes folks - those who are just going to tell them what they like to hear and simply carry out orders given from on high. From my perspective, my success and that of my team is a result of having team members who challenge assumptions or dismantle the, “but that is how we do it here” refrain in order to get to the best possible result. I have seen that the top performing team members are those who possess the confidence to challenge the status quo, think strategically and speak up in order to put the success of the organization at the front of every decision. This Email From Elon Musk to Tesla Employees Describes What Great Communication Looks Like.

Subject: Communication Within TeslaThere are two schools of thought about how information should flow within companies.

This Email From Elon Musk to Tesla Employees Describes What Great Communication Looks Like

By far the most common way is chain of command, which means that you always flow communication through your manager. The problem with this approach is that, while it serves to enhance the power of the manager, it fails to serve the company.Instead of a problem getting solved quickly, where a person in one dept talks to a person in another dept and makes the right thing happen, people are forced to talk to their manager who talks to their manager who talks to the manager in the other dept who talks to someone on his team. Then the info has to flow back the other way again. This is incredibly dumb. Uber's New CEO Just Sent an Amazing Email to Employees. Uber's chief executive responded to the news with a remarkable email to employees. Fin des rapports de travail. Facts Don't Change People's Minds. Here's What Does. If you had asked me this question–How do you change a mind?

Facts Don't Change People's Minds. Here's What Does

–two years ago, I would have given you a different answer. As a former scientist, I would have cautioned you to rely on objective facts and statistics. Develop a strong case for your side, back it up with hard, cold, irrefutable data, and voila! Drowning the other person with facts, I assumed, was the best way to prove that global warming is real, the war on drugs has failed, or the current business strategy adopted by your risk-averse boss with zero imagination is not working. Since then, I’ve discovered a significant problem with this approach. It doesn’t work. The mind doesn’t follow the facts.